Writer Konyushevsky Vladislav Nikolaevich

Over a relatively short history, mankind has learned to draw out its thoughts on paper. This gave rise to a new profession as a writer, the essence of which is to transfer your thoughts and ideas to other people. There is a global misconception that everyone can learn to write. It is not true. The ability to express your thoughts on paper is given from birth, it follows with a person his whole life. It is because of error that the world is confronted with many mediocre and ordinary writers. In the article we will talk about the real master of the word - Konyushevsky Vladislav Nikolaevich.

What the author writes about

The main idea of ​​his books is stories about mystical abysses between worlds. Only selected people pass through them, falling into the past or the future, and sometimes into a completely different world unlike our own. In one of his books, which we will discuss in more detail later, Konyushevsky Vladislav Nikolaevich describes the story of an outstanding young man who survived a global catastrophe in our world. He manages to escape from a nuclear explosion and take with him a secret prototype of a time machine.

The book "On this side of the front"

The specifics of Konyushevsky’s letter

Readers note that the author is extremely easy to read, and he writes non-trivially. There is no tediousness in his books, heaps of facts or descriptions of one event in a thousand pages, as other science fiction writers like to do.

It should be noted that the author studied at the Polytechnic Institute. He correctly describes certain things in his books, without the inherent dilettands and superficial judgments.

"Another option"

Biography of Konyushevsky Vladislav Nikolaevich

His studies took place in two different, but similar in specific institutions. First, he studied at the Polytechnic Institute, and full-time. Which suggests that the author graduated from eleven classes. Then he entered the Energy Institute in the correspondence course. Like a real man, he joined the army and served with honor. There he learned a lot, in the future the service often helped out Vladislav Nikolaevich.

The book "The main mission"

Life after the army

He tried himself in many specialties, and various in their purpose. Vladislav worked as a geologist, spending time studying our land and its minerals. He quit, having decided that he should try himself in another activity. The installer began work on a specialty, erected constructions of various kinds. Not much was paid for the work. Then Konyushevsky Vladislav Nikolaevich decides to move into another field of work and becomes an industrial climber.

Considering that it was not his job to climb without support on industrial buildings, he quit of his own free will and was re-qualified as a bodyguard. It is strange that they are not guards, because this is one of the most common professions after serving in the army.

Perhaps the author was in search of himself and his favorite occupation. The change of professions had a bright impact on his work. In books, he uses his knowledge, uses slang words and describes in detail any professional activity. Photos of the writer Konyushevsky Vladislav Nikolaevich can be seen on the cover of his books.

Photo of the author

Books by Konyushevsky Vladislav Nikolaevich

In the arsenal of the author there are only 2 works from 6 key chapters. It is, of course, worth noting that they are of excellent quality, time after time you can return to them to re-read and imbue with an exciting story. Vladislav loves history very much, and his books are completely devoted to it, especially the 20th century and World War II. The author himself about his work says something like this:

I am not an alternative story writer. If you want to see just that - you are to other authors. In my works, elements of a fantastic action movie with exciting adventures. And just a bit of an alternative story.

All chapters of the author’s books:

  1. Attempted return.
  2. Everything depends on us.
  3. On this side of the front.
  4. The main mission.
  5. Another option.
  6. The main day.

In a series of books connected by a plot, actions unfold around the main character - Ilya Lisov. A total war erupted on Earth, countries destroy each other with the use of nuclear weapons, sending each other retaliatory strikes.

Lisov manages to save a secret development from the clutches of the enemy. Later he learns that this is a time machine. He decides to use it and fix it. In his bunker, with the help of his family, Ilya manages to install and turn on the device. The time machine has worked and is configured for the period of the Second World War.

You can buy books by this author both on the Internet and in bookstores. His syllable is light, the plot is addictive, not banal. We hope that Vladislav Nikolaevich will please his readers with new works in the near future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34102/

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