Best antihistamines for children: a list

Antihistamines for children are only applicable if the symptoms are obvious. For example, you notice redness, hives, swelling, itching, burning or inflammation of the skin on the baby’s skin. What medicine to choose? Everything is not so simple, because there are a lot of antihistamines for children on the shelves of pharmacies. The choice must be made based on several factors:

  • the severity of the disease;
  • cause of allergy;
  • the age of the child.

Today, we will analyze together the most popular medicines of this class. In addition, a table that compares several generations of antihistamines will be given below.

Types of drugs

It is very important to note that modern pharmacology has an incredible amount of drugs in this group. Many of them have different names, prices, and the mechanism of action and composition remains the same. The thing is that there are many brands, and the most popular of them are overpricing their prices. The price of antiallergic drugs depends on several factors:

  1. Brand
  2. The country of manufacture.
  3. Pharmacy status.

Do not think that the list of anti-allergy drugs in this article contains only pills, because hormonal ointments, mast cell stabilizers, and so on belong to this category.

antihistamines for children

Before we give a list of antihistamines for children, you need to get acquainted with their different types. It is worth noting that for effective treatment, doctors resort to complex therapy, combining several antiallergenic drugs.

  1. These are antihistamines themselves. These drugs are necessary for symptomatic therapy. How do these funds work? The thing is that the active substances of the drug are able to block or neutralize the allergen. Histamine, which is blocked by these means, can cause the usual rash, redness, itching and swelling. In addition to its direct purpose, this group of drugs is used for diseases of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The second group is corticosteroids. Otherwise, these funds can be called steroid hormones. It is very important to note that any hormonal drugs must be taken under the strict supervision of the attending physician. What is the reason for this? These drugs have a number of side effects that pose a serious danger to the patient's health. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of a specialist, do not independently reduce or increase the course of treatment. Many make the following mistake - with an effective result, they immediately stop taking the drug. It is absolutely impossible to do this, although these funds have a quick healing effect, the course must be completed to the end. This type of drug is prescribed for severe dermatitis, extensive inflammation of the skin and severe itching.
  3. The third group - sorbents, which are necessary to cleanse the child's body from allergens. Among them, the most popular: Smecta and Enterosgel.
  4. Next come the crowns, which are increasingly used to treat allergies in children. These funds are gaining popularity due to several properties - safety, poor absorption in the blood, cumulative effect. The last feature is not a mistake, the drugs of this group begin their action after a couple of weeks of taking the medicine. Very often, crones are used as a preventive measure. For example, your child is allergic to a plant, then it’s worth a couple of weeks before flowering to start taking the medicine. Still, these drugs are taken for bronchial asthma, chronic rhinitis (allergic in nature), conjunctivitis. The active substance of these funds is cromoglicic acid. It is worth paying attention to the fact that these drugs are available in various forms (drops, solutions for inhalation, aerosols, rectal suppositories, gels, and so on).
  5. Nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Immediately worth mentioning is the fact that they are not sold without a doctor’s prescription, which can be explained by rapid addiction and (with prolonged use) negative effects on the nasal mucosa. These drops are used to facilitate breathing in allergic rhinitis.

Generations of antihistamines

In this section, we present a comparative table of antihistamines of different generations. Of course, new developments are more successful, because they have a number of useful qualities, but the old medicines are not forgotten, they are effectively used in pediatrics.

Comparative analysis

These include the rather popular Tavegil and Suprastin, in addition, there are also less popular ones: Diphenhydramine and Chloropyramine.

These funds are highly effective, have a strong therapeutic effect, are quickly excreted by the patient’s body.

The minuses include possible side effects, the severity of which is quite strong. People who use these drugs complain of drowsiness and general lethargy, they are inhibited (in physical and mental terms). It is very important that these drugs are prescribed only in a very short course, as they are toxic and addictive.


This also includes quite popular means: Cetrin, Fenistil, Zodak, Loratadin, and so on.

The main plus is the lack of a sedative effect, in addition, the drug must be drunk 1 time in 24 hours. Medicines have a long therapeutic effect. Long-term use is possible.

Not mandatory, but possible side effects: dry mucous membranes, nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness.

Be sure to read the composition, pay attention to the components of the drug, so as not to aggravate the situation.


In this group, the following drugs: "Erius", "Telfast", "Zirtek" and others.

Sedation is practically absent, taking the drug does not pose a threat to the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system. Long-term use is possible.

Individual intolerance to the drug or any component that is part of the composition is possible. The second is toxicity, albeit extremely low.


Now very brief explanations to the table of comparative characteristics of antihistamines for children of different generations.

First-generation antihistamines are used extremely rarely (which is explained by the "Cons" column in the table). It is justified and appropriate to use them in an acute reaction (example: insect bites). Regarding the price, they are cheaper. The most popular are Suprastin and Tavegil (taken three times a day), the most dangerous for children is Diphenhydramine.

Among the second generation antihistamines for children, Loratadine (the most popular, relatively inexpensive, harmless for children) can be distinguished. Please note that drugs in this group can have a negative effect on the heart.

Metabolites (that is, new-generation drugs) are the most popular for long-term use in children, which can be explained by the highest efficiency and least toxicity.

Antihistamines for children up to a year

Now briefly about antiallergic drugs for babies. To begin with, it is important to note that the following dosage forms are necessary for infants:

  • drops;
  • syrup.

Pediatricians generally do not recommend taking first-generation drugs. The amount of medication is calculated individually, based on the body weight and age of the baby. Pediatricians recommend proven second-generation drugs to newborns, and they are extremely suspicious of new products.

List of antihistamines for children up to a year:

  • Zirtek (from six months).
  • "Fenistil" (from 1 month).
  • "Cetirizine" (from birth).
  • "Zodak" (from 2 weeks).
  • "Suprastin" (from 1 month).
  • "Elidel" (from 3 months).
  • "Bepanten" (from birth).

Dosage Forms

Before answering the question of which antihistamine is better for children, we will familiarize ourselves with the release forms. For adult children, you can buy pills, for kids - droplets or syrups. In addition, local antiallergenic agents (eye drops, nose drops, cream, gel or ointment) are popular.

  1. Pills that are intended for children from three years of age (up to this age, not all babies can swallow a tablet on their own).
  2. Baby drops (for eyes, nose and oral).
  3. Syrups for children (be sure to read the instructions, most of them should not be given to babies under 2 years old).
  4. Ointments for local treatment. They are applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  5. Cream. It quickly softens the skin, promotes the healing of wounds. The main component can be both chemical and vegetable.
  6. Injections that are necessary for emergency care (for example, if the child is in danger of anaphylactic shock).


antihistamines for children up to a year

One of the best antihistamines for children is considered to be Fenistil. Belongs to the second generation. Recommended for children from 1 month. The dosage is shown in the table.

AgeDosage (drops)
up to 1 year3-10
1-3 years10-15
3-12 years old15-20
over 12 years old20-40

It is prescribed 2-3 times a day.


antihistamines for children from 1 year

Another good antihistamine for children (2 years old and younger) is Suprastin. Suitable for babies from 1 month of age. Dosage is indicated in the table.

AgeDosage (tablet)
up to 1 yearfourth
1-3 yearshalf
3-12 years oldhalf
over 12 years old1

Multiplicity of admission - 3 times a day. For young children, it is recommended to grind the tablet into powder.


best antihistamines for children

A good antihistamine for children from 1 year old is Zirtek. Please note that it can be given to babies from 6 months of age (in the form of drops), tablets are recommended to be offered to children from 6 years of age.

AgeDosage (drops per day)
6 months - 1 year5
1-6 years old10
over 6 years oldin this case, it is more rational to give one tablet

Drops can be diluted with liquid (milk, mixture, water and so on).


antihistamines for children list

Antihistamines for children 3 years old include Claritin tablets. This is the most studied antiallergic drug for children. It can be given to peanuts since 2 years in the form of syrup.

Weight, kg)Dosage (mg)Syrup (teaspoons)Tablets
up to 3051half a pill
over 301021 tablet

It is applied 1 time in 24 hours (regardless of food intake and time of day).


antihistamines for children 2 years old

This antihistamine is for children from 12 years old. Quite a popular second-generation allergy remedy. The greatest effectiveness - if there is a skin form of an allergic reaction. Take the medicine 1 time per day before meals (amount - 1 tablet).

Side effects are observed:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness.


antihistamines for children 3 years old

The drug is available in two forms:

  • syrup (for children over 1 year old);
  • tablets (for children over 12 years old).

The following is a syrup dosing table.

Age (years)Dosage (ml)

The drug is taken once a day. For children over 12 years of age, the following intake is recommended: 1 tablet once a day. There are some recommendations for taking: drink tablets daily at the same time, regardless of food intake.


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