Candice Huffin plus size model: biography, body parameters and career

Candice Huffin - A model with a charming face and a non-standard figure. Producers and photographers literally flood the girl with offers of cooperation. Want to see a plus size model biography ? We are ready to provide you with such an opportunity.

general information

A few years ago, skinny models dominated the podium. Glossy magazines and billboards adorned their faces. Now everything has changed. The new standard of beauty were recognized girls with curvaceous forms. One of them is our heroine.

Candice Huffin Model

Biography: childhood and youth

Candice Huffin was born on October 15, 1984 in the town of Georgetown, located near Washington. Soon the family moved to Maryland.

Candice's childhood was a happy one. Parents did not refuse her anything. The girl had the best toys, beautiful outfits and delicious food. From an early age, she dreamed of a modeling career. Our heroine watched fashion shows on TV and wanted to someday be in the place of those beautiful girls.

In high school, Candice was included in the lacrosse group. Rehearsals and performances took a lot of strength and energy.

At the age of 15, mom suggested that our heroine take several full-length photographs. The girl agreed. She did not imagine why the parent needed this. And my mother sent pictures to modeling agencies in New York. Soon the girl got a call and was offered a job in the plus size category. She had no idea about the existence of this direction. Candice was a broad-shouldered and tall lady. At the same time, she considered herself slender.

An agency representative came to her home and showed photos of the girls who signed contracts with them. I must say that Huffin was still far from them. But she decided to try herself in this category.

Adulthood and modeling career

At the end of high school, the brunette went to Manhattan. Concerned that the modeling career would not pay off, the girl began working as a waitress in Ruby Foo's cafe, located on Times Square. However, her fears were in vain.

In 2000, the popular in the United States, V Magazine published pictures of fashion models with three-dimensional shapes. Among them was Candice Huffin. Soon after, the brunette appeared on the cover of Vogue with Tara Lynn.

Candice huffin height weight

In recent years, the puffy model has collaborated with dozens of eminent designers and photographers. She has considerable experience shooting in underwear. The girl is not at all shy about posing in front of the camera lens.

In 2015, our heroine became the first plus size model to appear on the popular Pirelli calendar. The girl took part in candid photography, demonstrating her mouth-watering forms.

What kind of clothes does Huffin prefer? In her wardrobe there are a lot of cocktail dresses, leather items, formal jackets and denim suits. And the girl has a huge collection of designer shoes.

Shape options

Today, with a height of 181 cm, Candice Huffin weighs 80 kg. A girl buys clothes of the 48th size. What are the parameters of her figure? Chest - 97 cm, waist - 84 cm, and hips - 111 cm.

If you think that the brunette is completely not involved in sports, then you are mistaken. She has to maintain her forms so as not to get fat. Candice visits the gym several times a week, located next to her New York apartment. Our heroine loves boxing and running. The girl can not be called a cool sprinter. But still she forces herself to run at least 1 mile per day.

Candice Huffin

Personal life

Many fans would like to know if the heart of a puffy model is free. Unfortunately, we have to upset them. C. Huffin has been legally married to his beloved man for several years. His name, surname and occupation were not disclosed. In the next 2-3 years, the couple plans to have a baby. In the meantime, they enjoy each other.


We talked about what parameters Candice Huffin has. Height Weight girls were voiced in the article. We wish this charming lady success in her career and family well-being!


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