How to make an anvil in Minecraft?

Each player in Minecraft must be able to survive and create. In many ways, these concepts are interrelated: without surviving, you can’t build anything, and without creating the necessary objects and not building yourself a shelter, you are unlikely to save your life. Therefore, it is extremely important to know as many recipes as possible for creating useful objects, as well as to be able to handle them. For example, the game has such an interesting device as an anvil. However, not everyone can build it. At the same time, many do not even think about how to make an anvil, because there is a repair in the inventory. Therefore, forces are spent on something else, although this thing is actually useful in many aspects.

Useful item

how to make an anvil
Everyone knows that the world of Minecraft has only 8 bits - this means that the game is made in eight-bit style and does not have high-quality graphics, which is extremely popular in modern projects. The pixelated image repels many from the game, but the majority is still imbued with an idea and an idea, and a minimalistic picture on the screen only adds a special twist. Accordingly, the anvil also has a rather symbolic image, which is still quite similar to the original item. It has a black or dark gray color and repeats the shapes of a real object, but even if you know how to make an anvil in real life, this is unlikely to help you in the game.

Anvil Recipes

how to make an anvil in minecraft
This item is very popular among experienced players, although beginners often leave it without proper attention. They do not ask questions about how to make the anvil, as they believe that it will only help them repair things.

But before considering the useful properties of this item, you need to figure out how to craft it. First of all, it is worth deciding on the set of necessary materials, and already there may be problems. After all, the anvil is not the subject that was in Minecraft from the very beginning, it was introduced a little later, and still it is transforming little by little. Properties and, of course, composition changed. If you want to learn how to make an anvil in Minecraft 1.5.2, then you need to look for old articles on the topic.

To make such an item, you will need only one iron bar, while six blocks of iron will need to be obtained. However, everything changes if you need to understand how to make an anvil in Minecraft 1.7.2, since the recipe has been changed in this version. The number of required blocks of iron has dropped to three, while you will now need as many as four bars.

How to arrange materials?

minecraft recipes how to make an anvil
In Minecraft, the set of materials for crafting is one mystery, and their location is already completely different. So with the anvil: you can’t just select all seven elements and craft the required item. Have to think and decide how to arrange everything. As in most cases, an analogy with a real object comes to the rescue - three iron blocks must be placed in a row in the top row, they play the role of the anvil itself. Iron ingots are placed in the same way in the bottom row, and the remaining element is placed in the center. Ingots, as it already becomes clear, act as the basis of the anvil. Now you can safely press the crafting button - your item is ready. But what to do with it?

The main task

Having figured out how to make the anvil, it's time to move on to the more important question of what to do with it. Of course, the very first use case is repair. And right here many people have the most popular question about why repair using an anvil, because this option is available in the inventory. The answer is extremely simple: a repair in the inventory kills all the effects superimposed on the item. But if you fix things using an anvil, then all the spells remain in place, and this is a huge plus. Therefore, experienced players always have this useful item available, because with it you can save all the important effects.

Matching items

how to make anvil in minecraft

But if this were the only virtue of this subject, then perhaps the question of how to make an anvil in Minecraft would not have been specifically considered. But this thing has other advantages that make it really a unique device. For example, you can take the combination of certain objects. This is an excellent property that no other element in the game owns - you can combine two things into one, while not only preserving their properties and spells, but also combining them. Effective experiments are conducted using the anvil, resulting in astounding results. You can create yourself an object with such characteristics and spells that no one else will have in the game. This is not easy, but the effort is worth it, and in the end you will be glad that you once decided to make an anvil.

New name for item

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Minecraft lovers know that in this game various things can be given their own names. However, not everyone is aware of how this is done. And there is no secret - the renaming of objects occurs directly with the help of an anvil. You just need to put your sword or even a shovel on this product, and you will be free to give the instrument or weapon its own unique name. Want a Dragon Flame sword? Please, this will not cause any problems. Need a mole king shovel? Carry the item to the anvil and give it a new name. Naturally, in parallel you can enchant, repair, combining business with pleasure. So if there is a desire to give names to all your subjects, then you urgently need Minecraft recipes "How to Make an Anvil", since it is with this thing that you can give your names absolutely everything in your arsenal.

Nothing is eternal

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Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use the anvil constantly - after a while it will begin to wear out and gradually fail. The entire life cycle of this product consists of three stages, the first of which is the stage of integrity. At the same time, the anvil works at full strength, that is, it repairs objects as efficiently as possible, and retains the full power of the spell. But over time, it goes into a phase of deterioration, productivity indicators are significantly reduced. You can replace it with another, fresh, if you want maximum performance. But if there is no way to do this, you can use this anvil further. Only as a result will the day come when it will break completely. Then again you will have to use your knowledge of how to make an anvil in Minecraft.

Bonus Use

Above we spoke exclusively about the standard application of the anvil, and yet it can be used in various ways. For example, with this thing you can charge guns, so it can be used as an artillery reserve. At the same time, anvils can be used as full-fledged point bombs - they have quite a lot of weight, so when they fall from a height they even knock a cube of earth. Naturally, they can cause damage to the enemy. The main thing in this business is accuracy. And, of course, the role is played by the height from which a similar bomb will be thrown. The higher you climb, the more damage you cause to the enemy. As you can see, the anvil is indispensable for an experienced player in "Minecraft" in absolutely every sense.


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