What yellow is combined with in clothes: rules and examples

Yellow is at the height of fashion. And it is not just words. Panton Color Institute has included a yellow tint in the top ten current colors of this fashion season. What is yellow combined with? What do psychologists say about this “sunny” color? How to choose your shade of yellow? We will collect positive images that emphasize your natural beauty.

The psychology of the "sunny" color

Activity, energy, cheerfulness - and it's all about the yellow tint. Usually he is chosen by avid optimists open to communication and everything new. This is the color of creative people.

Light yellow tint on its owner has a slight pacifying effect.

Despite the bright tone, psychologists “prescribe” absolutely everything to yellow. Moreover, age, position and even time of year do not matter. Moreover, on cloudy “sad” autumn or winter days, experts strongly recommend putting on a sunny, positive mood. Otherwise, how can you disperse the autumn seasonal depression?

In history

In ancient times, yellow was considered the divine color. He was chosen by the upper classes as the main one for his robes.

But people in the Middle Ages preferred the dark gamut of colors, neglecting vestments in yellow.

In the Gothic era, the desire to dress brightly in the "sunny" mood again returned to fashion. Ladies literally shone at balls in sunny palettes.

In the 19th century, restraint and seriousness of color in the wardrobe again returned to fashion. Standing out from the crowd recently seemed like a bad manners.

Today it is yellow that is used by world-famous fashion designers, offering their fans various fashion experiments.


Yellow has almost fifty shades. They differ among themselves in saturation, lightness and brightness:

  • Fawn is a combination of pink, white and yellow. This shade refers to pastel colors. What is yellow fawn combined with? With beige, blue, green, turquoise, coral and gray.
  • Cream shade - whitened color. He goes to girls with blond wheat hair.
  • Canary - a pure shade of yellow. This shade perfectly refreshes the image. It can be combined with light pink, light brown and ultraviolet. Brunettes, the canary shade is yours.
  • A neon shade of yellow is ideal for swarthy beauties.
  • Golden (saffron) is a dark golden hue that fits perfectly in the cool season. Combine this shade with brown, red, navy blue, beige and green.
  • Lemon is a juicy shade of yellow with light green tint. The hue is perfect for summer. In order to emphasize the color saturation, you need to arm yourself with darker colors. For example, blue, burgundy, black and purple are ideal colors to create a vibrant, balanced look.
  • Chartreuse is a shade of yellow with a green component. This shade is bright, energetic and refreshing. It is a bit like the color of a pear. Looks good on red-haired girls.
  • Mustard - a warm shade that is not suitable for everyone. If the girl has pale skin, then the mustard is better not to even try on. The pallor will only be emphasized. The mustard shade is well adjacent to dark blue, red-brown, beige.
  • Amber is a dark yellow shade in which orange dominates. This tone is deep and rich.

Oil, banana, honey and corn are rare shades of yellow.

Choose your "sun"

You must be able to choose your shade of yellow. Remember what color type you have. Designers and colorists distribute the color of the sun according to the basic color types:

  • "Spring" - warm tones of yellow, which are a bit close to the orange hue: amber, mustard. And also all light shades of yellow are ideal for this color type, namely: champagne, corn and lemon.
  • “Autumn” - shades of golden, French mustard, saffron and yellow-orange tones accentuate natural beauty.
  • “Winter” - choose cool shades of yellow: lemon, mimosa, canary, chartreuse.
  • "Summer" - pastel colors are suitable: wheat, fawn, cream, corn.

Pay attention to yellow with a blue shade.

What color is combined with yellow in clothes?

The "sunny" color is rightfully considered the most "friendly." It is combined with almost all other shades. However, there are several color combinations with which the main thing is not to overdo it. For example, black and lemon involuntarily cause association with a bee or wasp. However, there were no clear rules in fashion and no. Therefore, today you can safely combine even the most incompatible.

What is yellow combined with? Consider the most successful color combinations:

  • Yellow + White. This is the most common fashionable ensemble of colors, which is often resorted to by world designers. This color combination is considered classic. Both colors are completely self-sufficient. And in combination they create an alluring, and most importantly - a memorable image.
combination with yellow
  • Yellow + Pink. A gentle romantic outfit is formed with a unique combination of yellow and pink. Moreover, you can create any image: from a dynamic (with a touch of fuchsia, amaranth) to pastel (in combination with ash-dusty pink or powdery). This combination has one fashionable rule: dynamic pink is combined with the same yellow, and muted yellow with delicate shades of pink.
  • Black + yellow. Strict and contrasting will result in an image in such a combination of colors. The most advantageous option: one thing is yellow, and all the rest are black. Black-yellow - one hundred percent hit, if the sunny look is in addition to accessories in black. For example, a canary dress with a black clutch and strict black pumps.
  • Yellow + b / w. Demanded business and win-win image. Such a unique combination of colors can correct the figure and at the same time look spectacular and bright if you put on a pencil skirt or strict trousers with a white blouse and put on a wheat jacket upstairs.
what a yellow yellow women's jacket is combined with
  • Yellow + gray. This combination is very soft, harmonious and calm. As an alternative to gray - Marengo, coal, gray, steel, slate and anthracite. To create a business image, it is best to choose a muted light shade of yellow, not flashy. But the bright saturated tone of yellow (lemon, neon, pear) can be safely used in summer light images for informal events. And if you complement the look with silver metallic accessories, you can safely go to a party or a night club.
  • Yellow + Blue. Sky and sun - the first associations arise at the sight of this combination. Many mistakenly believe that a combination of these colors is allowed to be worn only in summer looks. However, the business dress code does not prohibit moderate brightness. Moreover, the combination of blue and yellow is mega-relevant. The perception and general mood of the image depends on the saturation of the blue color. For example, an electrician or ultramarine will make look even brighter. To create a soft and delicate look, pay attention to the shades of cornflower blue, denim and cadmium. To balance the brightness of the composition can be diluted in white, beige and brown.
combination with yellow
  • Yellow + Red. Despite the fact that these two colors belong to warm tones, they blend well with each other. If yellow is supplemented with a scarlet shade of red, then you get a bright and dynamic image. Be prepared for enthusiastic looks from the outside. However, such a bold color combination can visually quickly tire. To “muffle” the screaming range, stylists recommend adding neutral tones to the image (beige, snow-white, gray and even terracotta).
what is combined with yellow and red
  • Yellow + burgundy. If you want to look stylish and interesting, but still bright, then try combining yellow with burgundy (and its shades: marsala, burgundy, wine, carmine, cherry). From the yellow palette, select those shades in which there is an admixture of orange. For example, mustard, chartreuse, saffron and golden tones are perfectly combined with Bordeaux.
what is yellow combined with
  • Yellow + Brown. Naturally, comfortably and naturally - this is exactly what can be said about the image in which yellow, brown, and orange colors have successfully intertwined. It looks interesting coffee shade of brown in addition to a wheat undertone of yellow.
yellow brown orange
  • Violet with yellow. A kit with this combination of colors will look expressive and original. Separately selected accessories will emphasize impregnations of coal, dairy, snow-white, dark blue and raspberry.
purple with yellow

Total look

A yellow pantsuit always looks spectacular, relevant and stylish. The paradigm that a pantsuit should only be for work in the office has long faded into the background. Modern designers such an outfit has long been transferred to the rank of casual and clothing for special celebrations. Many women notice that putting on a trouser suit, they feel more confidence in themselves and their abilities. And men say that a woman in a suit is a complete mystery. Therefore, boldly acquire confidence and a riddle with a suit. What if it comes in handy ?! See an example of a current trouser suit in the main photo.

How to wear “sunny” clothes?

What is yellow combined with in images? Stylists recommend not to be afraid of a dress in one color. Total look in yellow looks really sunny, positive and expressive.


Probably every fashionista dreams of a yellow summer dress. And not by chance. An ideal image for the summer is a “sunny” dress combined with a denim jacket or t-shirt. Golden sandals, a mint bag or backpack, and a creative necklace can be used as additional accessories.

yellow dress

The yellow dress on the floor is a luxury that does not require accessories. The dress is self-sufficient in itself. You can add only small details: a bracelet-watch, a small clutch.

Top T-shirt

A t-shirt or top of bright lemon color is the basic thing in the wardrobe of a modern girl. A lemon t-shirt can be worn in combination with skinny jeans or a midi or mini skirt.

what color is combined with yellow in clothes

And if you add a yellow T-shirt with sneakers and a bright bomber, you get a vivid image of sport chic. The field for fashion experiments is open.


A yellow female jacket is the main color accent in the image. Consider the most successful stylish combinations:

  • gray dress, pumps, wheat jacket;
  • straight milky dress, amber blazer, sandals with high heels;
  • jeans (boyfriends, mom or skinny), a white top or blouse, a sunny jacket.
yellow jacket

Try experimenting yourself.


Wide, narrow, with a high rise, shortened - choose those that emphasize your figure.

black yellow

In combination with a snow-white or black blouse, you get a business image.

Solar Outerwear

With the first cold autumn days, we often refuse to wear bright outerwear. And we immerse ourselves even more in the autumn blues and depression, clothed in gloomy dark tones. But in vain! Is there a yellow jacket in the wardrobe? What to wear? Do not be afraid to experiment!

yellow jacket with what to wear

In order to be in trend, think about the "sunny" outerwear. What to wear with a yellow jacket? She successfully fits into any style without exception. Consider the most successful “solar” sets, in which there is a jacket of sunny bright color:

  • Leopard sweatshirt (mega-trend), black leather short shorts and high-heeled ankle boots. As a complement - a yellow short leather jacket. The image is ready! And the bravest women of fashion will choose him.
  • Dark gray jeans, a snow-white shirt, reddish-tinted cowboy-style boots. A yellow jacket will add brightness to the image.
  • White trousers, a light orange cardigan and rude boots.

Try fashion experiments with a yellow coat. It is a hit of this fashion season. A fitted yellow classic coat will perfectly emphasize the slimness of your figure.

Coats without a collar in the Chanel style are more relevant than ever. Slender girls with fragile shoulders need to take note of such a style of outerwear.

The elongated yellow coat looks bright and organic on the stately tall girls who are not afraid to be in the spotlight.

If the girl has wide hips, then she should pay attention to the trapezoidal coat.

Coats oversize do not leave the fashionable pedestal for several seasons in a row.

Coat style cocoon looks impressive on thin girls. Due to the voluminous shape of outerwear, your slender legs and thin wrists will seem even more refined.

Pay attention to the lemon bright juicy coat color. It is quite difficult to dare to buy such a bright outfit, since this is not a dress or a T-shirt. But if you are eccentric and courageous and can afford to buy such a coat, then do not delay the purchase. You will not regret.

What shoes?

The combination with yellow should look very neat in the image. If you have chosen bright lemon pumps, they should dominate the image. Try combining these trendy shoes with a plain snow-white dress, jeans and a neutral calm jacket.

yellow shoes

Timberlands, sneakers, sneakers, ankle boots and boots in sunny color will look relevant.

Makeup and manicure

There is no need to be afraid of “sun” in makeup. Only it needs to be done very carefully so that makeup does not emphasize skin imperfections. Bright colors can make the skin even paler.

If you do evening makeup, then it involves the use of golden hues, sparkles and even false eyelashes for expressive look.

In manicure, yellow color looks interesting in combination with silver, black, white and gold.

The combination with yellow is a drop of optimism in our everyday life. Therefore, please yourself and others with a sunny mood!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34127/

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