Modern architecture of Russia: styles, new trends

The architecture reflects the attitude of a certain time period. Therefore, many historical epochs are associated with the emergence of new styles and trends in architecture. The modern stage of the development of architecture is characterized by diversity and eclecticism. However, in the generally accepted view, 21st century architecture is glass, concrete, minimalism and hi-tech. We presented material on the modern architecture of Russia, its features and styles.

21st century architecture Russia

Periodization problems

The concept of modernity is extensible, someone believes that the whole XX century is already โ€œour timeโ€, someone greatly reduces this gap. In general, researchers are beginning to measure a new period in the development of architecture in connection with a change in the style paradigm. The starting point here is the development of modernism in architecture. This trend marked the 20th century, but by the 70-80s it had exhausted itself, then new styles came to replace it. Therefore, modern architecture is the architecture of the last quarter of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. In Russia, this periodization undergoes certain adjustments. Since in our country it was not the development of modernism that played an important role in the formation of architecture, but socio-political processes. It has already become a tradition to believe that the modern architecture of Russia begins from the moment the Soviet Union collapsed.

21st century architecture


Modern architecture exists in dialogue with modernism. It is believed that there are two big directions: this is neo-modernism or late modernism, which seeks to develop the principles of this direction, and post-modernism, which is aimed at rethinking the new time and reworking the principles of modernism. Since modernism as a whole was a globalist trend, modern architecture in many ways lost its national features. But not all architects were satisfied with this. As a result, another direction appeared, called regionalism. He seeks to combine modern architectural principles with national traditions. However, all these areas have more ideological differences than formal ones. Therefore, art historians and researchers speak of such styles as high-tech in architecture, constructivism, minimalism, organic or eco architecture, deconstructivism, kitsch. Features of the current state of architecture are that creators can also appeal to the styles of the past, beating and reinterpreting them.

modern architecture of Russian cities


Diversity and a breakthrough in the development of construction technologies lead to the fact that the architecture of the 21st century does not fit into a single framework. It has many faces and the trends in it are multidirectional. But still there are stable vectors of its development. The first such direction is the growth of functionality. A modern person wants to live not only in a beautiful, but also necessarily convenient building. Another important trend is the mandatory harmonious combination of the building with the surrounding landscape. In addition, buildings should be energy-efficient, environmentally friendly. Thus, the main trends are associated not with form, but with functions. But there are actually architectural trends. First of all, this aspiration upward - high-rise construction around the world is gaining popularity. Another trend is simplicity. Pure line geometry, constructiveness, conciseness - all this is enough to create a modern building. Architecture should preserve air and light - this is another major trend in modern architecture.

modern architecture of Russia

Russian reality

After perestroika, a construction boom begins in Russia. And the architects, together with the customers, decided to quickly realize all their dreams. This period is characterized by wild architectural and urban planning decisions. Later, the country begins to look for its place in world architecture, trying on world trends. But until the end of the problem of the 90s, modern architecture of Russia did not overcome. Still in the cities of the country they are building many buildings that do not correspond to any current trends. New homes are often poorly combined with the existing urban environment, do not meet the requirements of energy conservation. The main problem of Russian architecture is the low quality of education. Curricula in specialized universities lag behind reality by 5, or even 10 years. Therefore, foreign architects are often invited to Russia. Of course, they bring a fresh stream to the industry, but most often they bring projects that were not created specifically for Russian cities, but simply were not implemented in other places. This destroys national architectural traditions, makes cities the same, faceless.

Author and typical architecture

In Russia, as in the whole world, two architectural spheres are taking shape. This is an author's development, in this case architects create author's projects for specific places and customers. Such works are presented at competitions, in which creators can realize their creative ideas. And typical development, when the authors create a universal project without reference to the place. The main thing in such projects is to comply with all technical and functional requirements. The second type of architecture in Soviet times was completely devoid of creativity, today the picture is starting to change. The architecture of typical housing in modern Russia today is becoming complex. Often, the author does not have the opportunity to simply design a house, he must think through the whole complex of infrastructure around: parking, landscaping, social facilities. The architects offer solutions that meet the requirements of the times. Massive housing should now also be not only functional, but also beautiful.

architecture of typical housing in modern Russia

Styles of Russian architecture

The architects of Russia have always sought to preserve their national identity. But the XX century was a century of globalization, and regional features faded into the background or even disappeared. But the modern stage of the development of architecture once again makes individual features of buildings relevant. Architects strive to create noticeable, memorable homes. However, they use different solutions. Today we can say that the styles of modern architecture in Russia as a whole fit into global trends. But society as a whole is negative about the appearance of ultramodern buildings in the old parts of cities. An example is the social situation that developed around the Okhta Center in St. Petersburg, which was supposed to disrupt the historical perspective of the city. Therefore, the latest styles coexist in Russia today: hi-tech, minimalism, deconstructivism, and historical, โ€œbigโ€ styles: classicism, art deco and others. Although these styles are still not pure, they become the basis for the reflection and play of architects. Therefore, the main style of Russian architecture is eclecticism.

high tech in architecture

Trends in the development of Russian architecture

Researchers confirm that in domestic architecture there are two trends. On the one hand, architects look to the West and draw ideas from there for inspiration. On the other hand, they try to continue the traditions of Russian architecture, to preserve the usual national methods and forms. Experts also note such trends in modern Russian architecture as the increase in altitude. Now, 25-story buildings, which until recently were perceived as skyscrapers, which have no place in Russian cities, are no longer surprising anyone. A special tendency of domestic architecture is the fear of ultramodern forms; customers are not ready to invest big money in avant-garde architecture. For example, the famous innovator Sir Norman Foster designed more than 10 buildings for Russian customers, but failed to implement any. Today, only the modern architecture of Moscow is gradually starting to approach world standards and trends, but still in very small volumes.

modern architecture of Moscow

Russian authors

Today in domestic architecture there are many names that are well known to specialists in competitions and exhibitions. But ordinary people are unlikely to name at least one modern Russian author. And the architecture of the 21st century to make young. These include:

  1. Alexander Tsimailo and Nikolai Lyashenko, working in their own bureau. On their account several private houses in a modern style and the building of the "Horde Dead End" in Moscow.
  2. Nikolay Belousov, an architect working with wood and preserving the traditions of national architecture.
  3. Alexander Glickman, who combines the principles of Palladian architecture with modern trends.
  4. Dmitry Dolgoy, representative of the Art Deco style. He works only with residential architecture and creates completely original projects.

In addition, the classics such as Yuri Grigoryan, Evgeny Ass, Aleksey Muratov, Mikhail Khazanov and others continue to create domestic architecture for the younger generation.

Foreign architects in Russia

Since ancient times, in Russia there was a tradition of inviting foreign architects for the construction of various structures. We remember that many buildings that we are proud of as Russian heritage were erected by foreigners. Therefore, the modern architecture of Russia is not complete without the "Varangians." The most notable foreign architects of our time are:

  • Zaha Hadid, her bureau is currently implementing the Rublevo-Arkhangelsky development project;
  • the English bureau LDA created a project for the development of the October Island in Kaliningrad;
  • Spaniard Ricardo Bofill won the competition for the renovation of Vernadsky Avenue in Moscow.

Metropolitan and regional architecture

Today, modern architecture is the choice of large, wealthy cities of the country. The reason is that usually for the implementation of projects in modern styles, courage and large budgets are needed, and provincial cities most often have neither one nor the other. The Moscow City project, which would not have pulled any other city, is indicative. Therefore, the modern architecture of Russian cities is either monotonous standard designs, or something in traditional styles.


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