Benefits for wives of military personnel: types and methods of obtaining

Benefits for the wives of military personnel are statutory compensation for special living conditions. Often the life of such families is associated with constant moving, difficulties in finding work and staying in places remote from large settlements. At the same time, the state does not stand aside and allows military spouses to receive various payments and enjoy special rights.

Benefits you can count on

Information on the rights of relatives of military personnel can be found in Law 76-FZ, and the list of benefits directly in 306-FZ of November 7, 2011.

benefits for contractual wives of military personnel

The list of rights and compensations does not always look the same. This is influenced by the title of husband and the nature of his service. Here are the benefits that wives of servicemen have on a common basis:

  • Equal participation with her husband in matters related to improving housing conditions.
  • Employment on preferential terms.
  • The inclusion of the period of residence with her husband in the territory of military garrisons in the seniority.
  • Getting preferential pension after going on a well-deserved vacation.
  • The right to financial assistance if a military man is killed.
  • The possibility of undergoing treatment in military medical organizations.

Benefits for wives of military personnel also include training in a new specialty for budgetary funds. Direction must be obtained at the employment center.


If the wifeā€™s vacation coincides with her husbandā€™s vacation, she is entitled to receive it regardless of the work schedule and time of year. In addition, an administrative vacation of 14 days remains available.

It happens that a wifeā€™s vacation is shorter than her husbandā€™s vacation. In such a situation, the difference that appears can be used, for example, in the form of rest at oneā€™s own expense. But this opportunity is not necessary.

When figuring out what privileges are given to servicemenā€™s wives, you need to pay attention to the possibility of free travel to the place of vacation and in the opposite direction. This opportunity is provided once a year, and provided that part is located at a considerable distance from the cities.

Changing of the living place

If it is necessary to move in connection with the transfer of the husband to another part, the wife has the right to resign from her current place of work of her own free will. As a reason, she may indicate precisely the forced change of place of residence.

Plus, two salaries will be paid in compensation. If this does not happen, then after providing the necessary documents, the Ministry of Defense will pay the money.

what benefits do military wives have

Travel to the husbandā€™s duty station will be free, as will transportation of personal items. All that is required in this case is military transportation documents. If they were not at the right time and had to move at their own expense, then subsequently the spent amount will be returned to the unit.

Employment Features

Due to the fact that sometimes military wives do not have the opportunity to get a job, difficulties arise with the accumulation of seniority. Naturally, this affects the level of pension coverage.

Difficulties with finding a job may also arise because there are no kindergartens in parts located far from large settlements. This means that there is nowhere to give children and mothers are forced to constantly spend time with them. With such a schedule, it will not work fully.

To compensate for this minus, the law on benefits to the wives of military personnel provides a norm, based on which the time spent in the unit is counted as seniority. But this side of the law is relevant only if there is no way to go to work.

It is also important to know that a military spouse cannot be registered with the employment center more than 2 times during the entire life of her husband. And this fact is not affected by the number of transfers. It turns out that a woman can get into a situation where she simultaneously does not have the opportunity to find a job and register.

But the law provides for certain compensation. First of all, the official status of unemployed can be extended up to 36 months, each of two available times. This is especially true for maternity leave.

benefits of a former soldierā€™s wife

Also, the minimum experience without labor activity can be obtained under the following conditions:

  1. Caring for a child up to 1.5 years. Moreover, the total length of service within the framework of this clause alone can be a maximum of 6 years.
  2. Stay in parts with your spouse. In this case, to accrue seniority, you must be in the status of unemployed. The maximum can be counted 5 years.
  3. Lack of labor activity in connection with the illness of the child. If necessary, the care time can be extended.

As a result, even without labor activity, there remains the possibility of obtaining the necessary seniority for retirement (11 years). Let the minimum, but pension payments will be.

Pension Terms

Despite frequent travel and restrictions on life in units, wives of servicemen can retire only when they reach the age established by law.

If there is a loss of a breadwinner, then women have the right to claim payments before the age of 55. But this is possible only under two conditions:

  • officially recognized disability;
  • A child of a military man who has died is on a widow's provision.

If the seniority necessary to receive a pension was not obtained, then the wife of a military man can still claim to receive social benefits.

Retirement Benefits

To begin with, it is worth noting that those who lived with their military husband in the Far North can expect an increased pension.

Perks in the Far North

Under standard conditions, payments are formed from a fixed amount on the basis of experience and IPC. The calculation of the latter is based on the formula described in Art. 15 Federal Law No. 400.

Retirement benefits for wives of military personnel include the right to an increased fixed payment. For this, a woman needs to reach the age of 80 years.

For the wives of the military, there is still the possibility of increasing pensions through indexation and receiving regional payments present in each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Benefits for Widows

In the event of the loss of the breadwinner, the wife of the deceased military is assigned a preferential pension. All issues with the preparation of the necessary documents are resolved by the social protection authorities.

The amount of payments in this case directly depends on the rank of the deceased and the size of the material content. Also, benefits are granted if, after the death of a spouse, his wife was declared incapable of work or lacking means of subsistence.

Payments are made regardless of the fact of employment, but only on condition that the woman herself brings up a child who has not reached the age of 8 years.

If the military husband died or died of wounds within a year after being transferred to the reserve, his wife can count on a lump sum payment. Its size is 3 million rubles.

retirement for wives of military personnel

Benefits to the wives of the deceased military personnel also include a number of surcharges and allowances. These may be monthly allowances, various types of compensation and discounts on utility bills.

If the wife of the deceased military does not have the necessary length of service to receive an old-age pension, then she will be paid a social pension increased by 200%.

In the case when the husband died prematurely, the widow will receive his military pension.

It is worth noting that only the official spouse of the deceased can count on such payments. The privileges of the former wife of a serviceman are reduced only to the fact that she is counted in the length of service in the units. Other payments and bonuses will not be available.

Additional types of compensation for loss of breadwinner

If the military husband is dead, his wife can count on a lump sum benefit with a gestational age of 180 days.

It also relies on a monthly allowance if, at the time of the death of the spouse, the woman raised a child under 3 years old. The amount of payment is 10528 rubles.

The standard monthly allowance may be different - from 2800 to 14000 p.

In addition, there is also compensation for the use of television, radio and telephone.

Features of benefits for contract service

The current legislation takes into account various types of assistance. The privileges of the wives of servicemen under the contract are also determined.

serviceman wife pension benefits

Also, women have a number of special rights:

  1. Employment. The wives of the military receive an advantage when applying for work both in units and in other state institutions. In the presence of a diploma in a specialty relevant in the framework of a specific vacancy, the workplace is provided to them in the first place. If the dismissal or reduction of employees, the wives of the military retained jobs. As for continuing education courses or training in a new specialty, the spouses of husbands serving under the contract receive referrals out of turn.
  2. Pension. As in other cases, in the absence of the opportunity to get a job, the time spent in the unit is counted as seniority.
  3. Pregnancy benefits. Once the baby is born, a one-time allowance is issued. Then monthly payments are made, which will stop when the child is 3 years old. To obtain these benefits, you must submit the required package of documents to the social protection authorities. After that, the funds will be credited to the specified account within 2 weeks.
  4. Payment for kindergarten. Military wives will have to pay 80-90% less for other children in kindergarten than other families.
  5. Special circumstances. Benefits to the wives of contracted military personnel include financial security if the husband went missing or was taken prisoner.
  6. Admission to preschool and general educational institutions. In this case, the right to receive children first is valid. This principle also applies to summer and health camps. But itā€™s worthwhile to understand that if earlier applications from children of other military men were filed, then it will not work out of turn.

There are various factors that influence the level of social support by the state of a soldierā€™s wife. Benefits, pension, monthly payments directly depend not only on the length of service, but also on the place of service. Family composition also matters.

To find out what benefits are available to the wives of military personnel in specific parts and regions, you need to contact the territorial departments of social assistance.

Procedure and necessary documents during pregnancy

Having found out what privileges a soldierā€™s wife can receive from the state, it is important to understand the nuances of interaction with relevant organizations.

Payments themselves must be received in the accounting department of the military unit.

In order for payments to begin during pregnancy, you must take a certificate of incapacity for work from a medical institution. It is applied to the report, which is submitted to the authorities.

what benefits are given to the wives of the military

If the wife is pregnant, but still working, then in order to receive payments she will have to write a statement, enclosing a certificate of registration in the early stages and a sick leave certificate.

Those who are able-bodied, but could not find work, submit the same documents to the social protection authorities plus a certificate of registration from the employment center and work book.

The wives of military personnel under the contract also provide for payment at an early registration in the antenatal clinic - until the 12th week of pregnancy. This type of compensation is indexed every year, in 2018 its size amounted to 628 rubles. 47 kopecks

Payment will be made at the spouse's place of service.

After giving birth, one-time receive 16873 p. 54 cop. To do this, within 5 months from the date of birth, the husband or wife must submit an application.

If two babies were born, then payments are made separately for each of them.


Wives of the military have access to a wide range of benefits and compensation. In order to use them, you need to know your rights and apply to the social protection authorities in a timely manner. It is also important to study the list of available payments, taking into account the place of service of the husband and his rank.


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