Youth Park in Ulyanovsk: how to spend leisure time?

Molodyozhniy Park in Ulyanovsk is one of 22 parks and 119 squares scattered throughout the city.

The park is located in the Zasviyazhsky district, surrounded by the streets of A. Nevsky, Stasov and Sevastopol, where the main entrance is located.

In a residential area, such as Zasviyazhsky, with many high-rise buildings and a high population density, the presence of a green landscaped area within walking distance is very important.

The address of the park administration is st. B. Khmelnitsky, 35.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the Molodyozhniy park in the city of Ulyanovsk begins in 1976. It was then that at the March meeting of the executive committee of the city council of deputies and the city committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union the question was raised about the need to create in Zasviyazhsky district its own green zone for city residents.

After 2 years, they returned to the question, and in 1978, by the decision of the regional executive committee, they began to create a culture and recreation park with the saying "Youth". He was supposed to be one of the largest in the city.

The official opening took place in 1980 - a significant year for the country, so the entrance to the park was decorated with Olympic rings.

The green area is about 14 hectares.

Shady park alleys

Along the park paths

Grandmothers and grandfathers, parents with toddlers, adolescents and youth come to the Molodyozhniy park in Ulyanovsk. According to the calculations of the park administration, about 2 thousand guests visit it on weekdays, over 10 thousand visit it on holidays.

Shady alleys with benches are a convenient place for walking of older people. Slowly and calmly it's nice to wander along the quiet paths in the summer heat and golden autumn.

Playgrounds and attractions attract young children.

There are many cafes in the park where you can drink coffee, try barbecue, relax in company or with friends. In park cafes, surrounded by greenery, spend birthdays and school holidays, graduations and weddings.

The city authorities intend in the near future to increase the number of flower beds in the park, pave tracks and install dry closets.


In the park "Youth" (Ulyanovsk) the attractions are the most popular among the kids. There are "Bell", "Autodrom", "Engine", "Orbit", "Sun", "Trampolines" and others. The ferris wheel is visible from afar. There are 13 attractions in total. You can rent bicycles and electric cars, rush on karting.

There is also a free playground for kids.

The park administration has developed a program for updating city parks, designed until 2030, so in the coming years it is planned to update attractions and add new ones.

Price policy

The cost of children's attractions is different, but in general does not exceed the average prices in the city. One ticket will cost 70-100 rubles.

It is worth considering that on Mondays, visitors are offered a 50% discount on tickets.

Playgrounds in the park

Sports "Youth"

Residents of Zasviyazhsky District call Molodyozhniy Park (Ulyanovsk) a small forest. But not only fresh air attracts citizens. The park has created conditions for those who want to engage in sports, wellness exercises.

There are already basketball and sports grounds where you can work out on horizontal bars.

Landscaped paths in the park are laid for roller skating and Nordic walking, and paths for jogging.

From the summer of 2018, in the morning on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the park, under the guidance of a coach, older people are engaged in an open area. So the program “Ulyanovsk - the city of active longevity” is implemented. The training technique was developed specifically for the older generation.

By 2020, within the framework of the project to improve the city’s park zones, it is planned to install training halls and other sports equipment in the Youth.


Youth Park in Ulyanovsk is the place where the most fun holidays in the city are held! Not a single calendar event goes unnoticed: concert and entertainment programs for the New Year and Victory Day, Unity Day of Russia and Ulyanovsk Day are held here. Holidays such as Sabantuy and Easter gather numerous guests. Families come on Family Vacation Day and Family Happiness Day.

Holiday Sabantuy in the "Youth"

On Youth Day, young people take part in a large game program with many stages, winners receive prizes.

Festivals and competitions also found a place on the site of the Youth! So, you can listen to wonderful performers at the competitive concert program “Play, accordion!”. In the summer of 2018, a competition was held for the first time in the park, during which children were identified - the best vocalists of Ulyanovsk. Competition “Voice. Children ”took place in 4 stages, weekly, and the winners were awarded on the eve of September 1.

Concerts on holidays in the park

Circus in the park

It was in the Molodezhny park (Ulyanovsk) that the Simbirsk circus tent, which is a branch of the Moscow circus, settled down.

The building for the semi-stationary circus was erected in 2001, heating and comfortable seats were made in the room. Touring artists from all over Russia regularly come to the Ulyanovsk big top, bringing with them interesting original programs. Artists of all genres perform on the arena - acrobats and jugglers, gymnasts, balancers, clowns. Certainly trained animals - bears and dogs, cats and camels, monkeys and horses, peacocks, pigeons and others participate in the performances.

Tickets for circus shows depend on the program, but usually do not exceed 800 rubles.

How to get there

It’s easy to get to Molodezhny Park, it is located at the intersection of various transport routes.

Buses, trams, fixed-route taxis stop here, the stop is called "Bogdan Khmelnitsky".


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