What is rhyme and how to come up with it?

Many people write poetry and cannot explain what rhyme is. Its presence does not always adorn a work, for example, because of its primitiveness. Sometimes this concept is confused with the definition of "consonance", which refers, for example, the combination of "you - me." So, rhyme is a sonorous combination of similar parts of a word, which are located symmetrically in the lines of the poem. In classical versification, the coincidence of stressed vowels refers to its main feature. She emphasizes the sound repetition of the end of the lines of the work, emphasizes the inter-line pause, thereby setting the rhythm of the poetic form. Therefore, the most important unit of rhythm is the line, which is formed in the right typographic way. Sometimes it’s very difficult to come up with a rhyme, because, incorrectly selected, it takes the author to a completely different side from the intended meaning of the work.

Types and forms of rhyme

To understand what rhyme is, it is possible through determining the location of stresses in words and taking into account the form of this form. It comes in several options:

  • masculine (in this case, the stress always falls on the last syllable in the line);
  • female (here the stress falls on the penultimate syllable);
  • dactylic (emphasis is placed on the third syllable from the end, according to the scheme “stressed - unstressed - unstressed”);
  • exact / inaccurate (exact - coincidence of vowels and consonants, inaccurate - coincidence in one or two sounds).

In addition to these species, the following forms are distinguished that reveal what rhyme is. Firstly, square rhymes - they are the simplest options. The main burden in this case lies on one ending, for example: "we are in the forest - there is a demon." Secondly, verbs are also a fairly simple form, but it sounds much better than the previous one, for example: "buy - plant." Thirdly, consonance is a collection of words that define a certain rhythm; the main load in them is best done on stressed vowels. Fourth, partitions - in this case, the word is divided into several syllables and a pair is selected with similar syllables, for example: “one hundred fields - from poplars”. Fifth, three-dimensional rhyme - it is considered the height of skill, and almost every word rhymes in the poem. Having studied the main types of rhyme, you can begin to write a poetic form. To do this, some rules should be understood.

Rhyming Rules

1. The easiest way to rhyme is verb form. However, this method is more suitable for beginners, among professional poets it is considered banal and rather rude.

2. To create a beautiful shape, it is best to select the exact shape. Do not take the first word that came to mind. First, it is worth writing down all the found rhyme options, and then choosing the most suitable one from them. There is no need to be afraid to say the words out loud, since in live speech it is easier to identify the shortcomings of rhyming.

3. It is worth using inaccurate forms only if the meaning of the text allows it. This kind of rhyme makes the verse more charismatic and removes smoothness and melodiousness from it.

4. Do not abuse banal rhymes, which have long turned into cliches, because the uniqueness and originality of the work is lost. An example of such stamps can be "roses - frosts", "love - carrots", etc. However, it is worth remembering that the rhyme should be selected in the theme of the work and correspond to its general mood.

5. In the event that it is not possible to pick up a rhyme, you can use the rhyme dictionary, which can be found on the Internet.

Thus, in order for the poem to be correctly rhymed, the lines should rhyme. For the perception of the work, not only sound plays an important role, but also meaning. There are many more secrets, having mastered which, you can understand what rhyme is, and learn how to create amazing literary works.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34150/

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