House of tolerance - what is it? Why is home tolerance so called

In the modern world, such a phrase as "a house of tolerance" is rarely found. This is the term that was once very common in Europe and even in Tsarist Russia. But over time, the phrase completely went out of use and is now found only in literature or feature films. So still, a house of tolerance - what is it?

House of tolerance is

The meaning of the term

If you carefully scroll through the dictionaries, you can find a definition that sheds light on the phrase "house of tolerance." This term describes the place where women of easy virtue are. They earn a living by selling their own body, that is, prostitution.

House of Tolerance: Synonyms

In the entire history of the existence of the oldest profession, which is prostitution, a lot of synonyms have been invented for the names of institutions where women sell themselves. The most common and famous of them are a brothel, a brothel and a house of tolerance. However, even in the ancient world there were institutions with their unusual names, where men could spend their free time with cheerful and beautiful girls.

Women of easy virtue

A bit of history

It is not known when women of easy virtue first appeared, but most likely they are an invariable attribute of the development of human civilization. Indeed, even in Egypt, Ancient Greece and Mesopotamia, prostitution was a well-known occupation, to which society was very tolerant. For many ancient civilizations, the brothel was an absolutely natural phenomenon, and even the kings and emperors did not hesitate to use the services of corrupt women, who were often one of the most educated people in the state.

For example, during the excavations of Pompeii, ruins of Lupanaria, a brothel, where the nobles of the city met with beauties, were discovered. It is worth noting that the name of the institution came from the Latin word, which can be translated as "harlot." It is known that the Romans greatly appreciated women who knew how not only to please men in bed, but also to entertain with conversation. Typically, these ladies were successful and financially wealthy, as they had one or two wealthy patrons. An interesting fact is that in ancient Rome, absolutely any woman who stated this in magistracy could become a prostitute. She received special permission to operate and had to wear yellow clothes with red shoes. History knows cases where even the wives of emperors worked at night as priestesses of love.

In the Middle Ages, the concept of "cheap brothel" was gaining more popularity, where girls who had no other way to earn a living worked for pennies. Priests actively tried to eliminate prostitution as a phenomenon and sought to completely clear the city of harlots, but they failed to eradicate brothels. They especially blossomed in the country of love - France.

Cheap brothel

French brothels

I would like to clarify that not so long ago the phrase "house of tolerance" appeared in Europe. The definition (though having a slightly different sound with the same semantic meaning) arose during the period of the French Revolution, when the world outlook of society and its attitude to moral standards were actively changing. In the eighteenth century, in connection with revolutionary ideas, the French decided that the attitude to the priestesses of love should be more tolerant in the country. Therefore, their activities were legalized, and the inhabitants of France were obliged at the legislative level to treat them with respect. The brothels were renamed into houses of tolerance, which by its very name alone characterized how the French should perceive corrupt women.

The houses of tolerance were very common in the country of love and romance; in the eighteenth century, priestesses of love earned themselves fortunes by working for two to three years. After all, often customers paid with them looted in the homes of French aristocrats jewelry. Many ladies eventually retired and opened their brothels, as they often called similar institutions in Europe.

What about Russia? How did we get the term "house of tolerance"? This is a rather interesting story that deserves special attention. Recall her.

Why is home tolerance so called

Why is home tolerance so called

Before the war with Napoleon, Russia had its own term, which characterized institutions with women of easy virtue. Usually they were called fornication, that is, places where fornication and debauchery took place. But the war of 1812 slightly changed the attitude of Russians towards such institutions.

It was the French who brought the concept of “house of tolerance” with them, but in Russia it changed slightly and acquired a sound that was more understandable for our compatriots - the house of tolerance. This meant that what was happening outside the walls of the institution was condemned by society, but still took place. We can say that society looked through the fingers at the priestesses of love themselves and their work.

House of Tolerance Synonyms

Russia: houses of tolerance

By the way, in Russia, before the revolution of 1917, prostitution was a legal occupation and even gave ladies some advantages and benefits. Of course, each priestess of love had to be officially registered, as a confirmation she received a certificate with a yellow cover. Without him, she could not get into a house of tolerance. Thanks to these certificates, the police easily tracked the corrupt women, and besides, they had to regularly report to police stations. Medical care in tolerance houses was set at a very high level, because it was also compulsory for ladies working in brothels.

Interestingly, corrupt women in pre-revolutionary Russia themselves could choose a house of tolerance in any city. They could not be limited in movement. Although some other segments of the population were firmly attached to their places of residence. Also, they could freely come to the places of military operations and did not fall under the law of vagrancy.

We can say that brothels at the beginning of the twentieth century were an integral part of Russian society, although it was not customary to talk about this in high society. This topic was also banned in the presence of ladies and young girls.

House Tolerance Definition

Priestesses of Love in Literature

The theme of prostitution and houses of tolerance was very often exploited by writers of various eras. For example, Honore de Balzac in his work “The Shine and Poverty of the Courtesans” spoke quite openly about the fate of the girls who were selling their body.

Leo Tolstoy in the novel “Resurrection” and A. I. Kuprin in the novel “The Pit” did not ignore this fertile topic. He wrote on the topic of prostitution A. Dumas, V. Hugo and Boris Akunin. Until now, stories of fallen women are a favorite for writers around the world.

Cinema about houses of tolerance

Scriptwriters and directors also could not ignore the theme of houses of tolerance and quite often use it in their work. One of the most interesting films of this series was released seven years ago. The film under the saying "House of Tolerance" is a work of French masters. The story falls into the category of "drama" and tells of the difficult fate of girls working in a house of tolerance in France in the early twentieth century. A whole series of events will unfold before the audience, which will reveal all the secrets of this closed world, where fun should always reign, and the rustling notes play the main violin.

It is worth noting that the film caused an ambiguous assessment of critics and was even nominated for participation in the Cannes Film Festival. Many viewers admitted that it touches the innermost strings of the soul and it is extremely pleasant to watch it.


Of course, the theme of houses of tolerance is extremely sensitive. And even in our enlightened age, when almost all prohibitions are erased, this is not customary to talk about in society. And this can only mean one thing - the term, once coined, was unusually correct. After all, society continues to tolerate that which it does not want to recognize and about which it does not want to speak out loud.


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