Kant, “Critique of Pure Reason”: criticism, content

Increasingly, modern people are returning to the thoughts of philosophers who lived many years before their birth. Thus, each person seeks answers to his questions, shares or denies the opinion of another, finds his own way or loses it. Philosophy is a completely unpredictable science, which cannot be fully explained in words. Therefore, absolutely everyone can look at things from this point of view. Thus, Immanuel Kant is rightfully considered one of the most prominent German representatives of philosophy . His life was closely intertwined with two eras: Enlightenment and Romanticism. Perhaps because of this, his works are so interesting, and his thoughts are amazing, unexpected and brilliant.

criticism of pure reason

The story of Immanuel Kant

The German philosopher was born in 1724. His family was not rich, but the boy was given a prestigious education in the elite gymnasium Friedrichs-Collegium. In 1740, Kant entered the university, but he failed to complete his studies. The reason for such a gloomy event was the death of Immanuel's father, after which the young man became the main breadwinner of the whole family. Nevertheless, the German scientist found a way out of his predicament and began to teach at home. Thus, Kant worked for ten years, which were not in vain, since during this period he managed to defend a dissertation, get a doctorate, develop and publish a cosmic hypothesis of the origin of the solar system, and also had the right to teach at the university. Having survived many unpleasant events, which are attributed to the Seven Years' War (1758-1762), Kant began a new stage in his work. It is called "critical."

criticism of the critique of pure reason

Stages of the work of the German philosopher

Let us dwell in more detail on the work of an outstanding philosopher. Before writing the work “Critique of Pure Reason”, a summary of which anyone can read today, Immanuel Kant worked on cosmic hypotheses, put forward the idea of ​​the origin of human races, proposed a genealogical classification of the animal world, studied the ebbs and flows of the planet, their role and place in the life of the earth. All these achievements today belong to the "subcritical" stage of creativity. All works after 1770 are devoted to the issues of epistemology, metaphysical problems of being, knowledge of man, state, morality and aesthetics.

The “critical” stage of Kant’s work

Since 1770, the work of Immanuel Kant began to be called "critical." It was during this period that he wrote the best philosophical works, thanks to which he is today considered a great and outstanding thinker of the eighteenth century. Note that the works of the German scientist were so unique and truthful that they have some influence in our days. Most philosophers adhere to Kant's work, relying entirely on his thoughts and assumptions. Immanuel Kant's most popular writings are Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Mind, and Critique of Judgment. They were characterized in the following order: epistemology, ethics, aesthetics.

Kant's Cruel Mode

At a certain stage in his life, the philosopher's health and well-being worsened significantly. In order to continue to work and explore the world, himself, others, Kant developed an individual hard mode. It is believed that thanks to him, Immanuel managed to live such a long life and die later than all his friends.

The main credo of the philosopher was to use his mind under any conditions. In his opinion, for this it was necessary to have real courage. Information from the personal life of Kant can tell that he was never married. This was due to the fact that in his youth he could not provide a chosen one (in material terms), and when this issue was resolved, the philosopher no longer had the desire to marry. Perhaps, thanks to solitude, Immanuel Kant managed to write such amazing works, among which “Critique of Pure Reason” is a fundamental work.

Kant criticism of pure reason

The philosophical work of Kant

It is believed that Immanuel Kant had only three major works that changed his life and the worldview of many people in the world. After 1770, the philosopher worked on his books, but only in 1781 did he manage to publish the first of them.

The Critique of Pure Reason is the basis of the next two books. Perhaps they will seem completely different to some, but still their connection is inextricable. Immanuel Kant describes the following in this work: criticism is the key to researching one’s own mind. Therefore, all people should not only treat her adequately, but also desire her. It is in this way that a person will guess a piece of his own mind. The “Critique of Pure Reason” (Immanuel Kant) covers the issues of space, time, the possibility of proving the existence of God through mental activity, and so on.

criticism of pure reason briefly

Kant considered his first work for more than ten years, so each word described in the work is weighted and carries some meaning, which must be read between the lines. However, it took Immanuel only a few months to write A Critique of Pure Reason.

Product Details

Probably, in order to understand what is at stake, it is necessary to characterize the work “Critique of Pure Reason” briefly. In this case, you can discuss some points of work. But nevertheless, the effect will be only when a person reads everything completely, thinks over each sentence and is imbued with a book. Then people will have questions, an idea of ​​what the German philosopher wanted to convey to those around him.

A truly unpredictable man was Immanuel Kant. The “Critique of Pure Reason” proved this, since no one in the world has yet presented such a carefully thought-out and perfect work written in a matter of days. So, the essence of the work is the knowledge of the mind. One way to accomplish this task is to criticize. That is, under psychological pressure, our mind reacts strangely to what is happening. In order to know it, it is necessary to criticize first. But still, each person sees individually the relevance of the work.

The essence of Kant's work

criticism of pure reason immanuel kant

After reading the work that Kant wrote (“Critique of Pure Reason”), most people create an incomprehensible picture. This is because the work consists of two parts: the transcendental doctrine of principles and the method. Kant's work has a main theme, which is to combine parts of the content that are on different sides of a certain limit. “Criticism of pure reason” and Kant are inseparable concepts. Therefore, people who spoke with the philosopher understood his writing style and views. For an ordinary reader, at first it can be difficult to understand the essence of the work. To avoid this, it is enough to carefully and slowly read the work of the German philosopher.

In his work Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant tells of space and time, the categories of reason and its antinomies. He begins his work with an unusual classification of propositions. As a result, the reader gets acquainted with three of its types: synthetic, analytical and a priori. Further on, everything is explained in great detail. For example, the essence of the synthetic lies in its ability to analyze new knowledge. Analytical allows you to reveal the properties of a particular subject, and a priori does not need to verify its truth.

In addition, in the work “Critique of Pure Reason”, which simply cannot be summarized in the framework of one article, a special kind of judgments stands out, so to speak combined (for example, synthetic + a priori).

criticism of pure reason summary

Table of contents

The Critique of Pure Reason work consists of several parts, as indicated above. Also in the work there is a preface and introduction. The first part, the transcendental doctrine of principles, consists of two elements, such as aesthetics and logic. The first block talks about space and time. It also provides general comments and conclusions to the section. The second block is so vast that it consists of several books: analytics of concepts, foundations, concepts of pure reason, its dialectical conclusions and applications. The second part - the transcendental doctrine of the method - consists of an introduction and four chapters: discipline, canon, architectonics and the history of pure reason.

Thus, a work called “Critique of Pure Reason”, which analysis takes time and effort, is considered large enough. But it will not hurt anyone to read the interesting work of a German philosopher of the eighteenth century, each word of which is not accidental.

criticism of pure reason and edging

Critic reviews

As with all popular works, a critic of the Critique of Pure Reason was written to the work of Immanuel Kant. It is directly related to the various views of philosophers and commentators who provided inferences and conclusions to the work of the scientist. Some believe that the analysis of the mind does not deepen so much that this work can provide an answer to many years of questions and research. Thus, with the help of Kant's work, it is impossible to fully evaluate a priori synthetic knowledge.

All knowledge begins with experience.

Immanuel Kant tried to convey to the reader that it is impossible to know something without feeling or trying it. So he came to the conclusion that any cognition begins with experience. Having thought over his work to the smallest detail (he probably would have liked the criticism of the “Critique of Pure Reason”), he tried to help all people get that meager experience that would allow a person to know his mind. Of course, not completely, but only a part of it, but this would be a step on a long and difficult path. See for yourself by reading Kant's greatest work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34166/

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