How is the presidential election appointment

The presidential elections are scheduled at the level of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation by decision of the Federal Assembly. The procedure itself serves as the suffrage of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the first stage is to determine the date for voting. The appointment of presidential elections determines their timely conduct.

The State Duma

Basic Warranties

The direct expression of the will of citizens in the form of elections is approved by Article 2 of Federal Law dated 12.06.2002 No. 67-FZ. Federal law with a constitutional guarantee governs the entire process. The power in Russia is formed by:

  • elections;
  • destination.

Article 10 of the same law approved the basic procedure. The appointment of presidential elections from a legal point of view means that without a date, no relationship can arise with candidates for senior positions in Russia. The State Duma is also not entitled to make a decision on the creation of deputy mandates. In order for electoral legal relations to arise, power bodies were formed, the head of state was elected, the only condition is necessary: ​​the appointment of the election of the president or deputies to parliament.

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What are the provisions?

The main conditions under which a citizen can become the head of the country:

  • after the nomination of a candidate by a political party;
  • self-nomination, if the applicant is supported by an initiative group with a minimum of 500 people registered in the Central Election Commission.

A self-nominated candidate is required to collect at least 300 thousand voter signatures in his support, while no more than 7,500 voter signatures should be assigned to one subject of the Russian Federation.

In order for a citizen to register, he will have to transfer documents to the election commission:

  • an act based on the results of election signatures;
  • a list of citizens performing work to complete the initiative group;
  • list of changes in information about the candidate;
  • financial statements on company expenses.

The collection of signatures should not be carried out by officials who belong to the authorities:

  • state power;
  • local government.

After receipt of the entire documentary set, 10 days are given for their consideration, after which a decision is made on registration or refusal with detailed motivation.

The presidential election is scheduled by decision of the Federation Council. Announce it 100 days before the vote. In fact, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation makes the necessary decision.

Article 5 of the Federal Law of 10.01.2003 No. 19-FZ states that the time frames for their implementation are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are mandatory. That day will be the second Sunday in the same month in which the previous election of the chapter was. This decision is published in the media.

Group of candidates

Selective Nuances

After the presidential election is called, who implements the procedure for holding it? The federal budget finances the preparation and all activities related to the election of the chapter. Candidates are also required to create equity for company expenses.

In each territorial subject, areas are determined where citizens must come on the appointed day from 08:00 to 20:00.

Members of election commissions:

  • acquaint citizens in their region with a decision on the appointment of presidential elections, voting venues;
  • report the date with special notifications to the addresses of residents;
  • Issue a personalized ballot according to the presented identification card;
  • provide conditions for voting.

When a citizen comes to the polling station, he is obliged to present his passport. His name is recorded in a special magazine and a newsletter is issued, with which a resident passes into a separate booth. It contains data on all candidates who have passed registration.

Signature Collection


A person must make his choice, put a mark in front of the name of the applicant. If a candidate for the country's top position receives more than 50% of all incoming voters, then he is the lawfully elected president. The total number of voters is determined by the sheets, which were lowered into ballot boxes throughout the country. The minimum turnout was recorded in 2006. If applicants for the top post do not gain votes, the event is held again after 21 days. The basis of the elections is the secret will of the population, namely those who took part in this.


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