Compatibility barbs with other fish in the aquarium

Barbuses are considered one of the most interesting and beautiful varieties of aquarium fish. Their main distinguishing feature is liveliness of character and some aggressiveness. Therefore, keeping them in the same aquarium is far from possible with all the fish. We will talk about the features of the behavior of these handsome men and their compatibility with other residents of the home "underwater corner" later in the article.

Barbs in nature

In the wild, these interesting inhabitants of the underwater world are found in almost all reservoirs of Indonesia, China, Africa and India. Some species live in the rivers of our country. The barbus belongs to the genus of cyprinids, most of the varieties of which are classified as commercial. Usually these are very large fish with unusually tasty meat. Species bred in aquariums are usually not particularly large. The length of their body most often is no more than 5-7 cm.

Sumatran barbs

Most often, amateurs keep unpretentious Sumatran barbs in aquariums . These are quite beautiful silver-colored fish with transverse black stripes on the body and a red lower fin. Found among Sumatran barbs and albinos. The scales of the latter are cast in gold, and the strips are white and almost invisible. The compatibility of barbs with other fish in the case of the Sumatran variety is doubtful in many cases. The selection of neighbors for these minkes should be especially careful. The fact is that this is the most aggressive variety.

barbus compatibility with other fish

Mutant barbs

These fish can also often be seen in amateur aquariums. Their body shape is similar to the body shape of Sumatran barbs. The difference is only in color. This variety can become a real decoration of your aquarium thanks to its bright dark green scales, red stigmas and black fins with a red border. The character of green barbs is a bit softer than that of Sumatran ones, however, you also need to choose the right neighbors for them.

barbs and neons compatibility

Other varieties

Carchonius barbs, which are also called fiery barbs, are also very popular. Females of barbs of this variety are colored silver, while males have pink-red scales. There are other varieties of these fish - scarlet, arulius, schubert, cherry, denisoni, etc.

Features of the nature of barbs

As already mentioned, fish are extremely mobile. Therefore, it is best for them to purchase an aquarium that is very elongated in length. The composition of water for these fish does not play a special role. One of their main characteristics is unpretentiousness. Therefore, the compatibility of barbs with other fish, the same undemanding, quite active and not too aggressive - a question that is not in doubt. Who exactly can be planted with them, a little below we will consider in detail.

fish barbus compatibility

Another feature of the barbs is that they are very fond of ruffling the long fins and tails of their neighbors in the aquarium. This should also be taken into account when selecting residents of their home underwater corner.

Barbuses and scalars

It is believed that these two species of fish do not get along well in the same aquarium. However, in reality, in most cases, it all depends on the conditions in this particular aquarium. If it has a significant volume (at least 100 l), cohabitation of these two species of fish is possible. But then, when there are not too many barbs in the aquarium, and the scalars are quite large. However, even under such conditions, the latter should be planted carefully. The first time you need to observe the behavior of fish. Most likely, the scalar from the aquarium will soon have to be removed. Dangers for them will be less if they are put in the aquarium first, and a little later, some of the barbs are hooked. At the same time, scalars will feel on their territory. Minke whales will also have to get used to it. Peaceful relations also depend on the age at which barbs and scalars were acquired . Compatibility of fish in the event that they grew together, many aquarists no doubt.

sumatran barbs compatibility

Barbs and neons

The survival of the two varieties with each other is also a pretty controversial issue. Experts believe that such a neighborhood cannot end with anything particularly good. However, many aquarists actually quite successfully contain such fish as barbs and neons together. The compatibility of these two varieties actually depends on many factors. For example, in the event that a lot of plants are planted in the aquarium, there will be a place for neonets to take refuge, and barbs are unlikely to cause significant harm to them. In principle, the rules for sharing in this case are the same as for scalars. That is, it is better to plant neons at the barbs, and not vice versa, and buy fish at a very young age.

aquarium fish barbs compatibility

Barbuses and guppies: compatibility

Guppeshki is perhaps the most beloved by aquarists and a popular fish. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to contain barbs together with them is quite natural. In fact, such a neighborhood usually does not end with anything good. Guppies seated to the barbs will surely be driven to death. In the same case, if the fish grew up together, of course, nothing will happen to them. However, the owners of the aquarium are unlikely to admire the beautiful guppy fins.

As mentioned above, barbs and neons, the compatibility of which is also doubtful, get along well if there are many plants in the aquarium. The same goes for guppies. Plant more Wallysneria, cambobas, aquatic ferns, etc. in the aquarium, and they will have somewhere to hide from the annoying striped or green neighbors.

Barbus fish: compatibility with cichlids

In this case, an aquarist should not expect good neighborly relations either. And this time, itโ€™s not about barbs at all. Cichlids are perhaps the most aggressive fish of all intended for home breeding in aquariums. They do not get along practically with anyone. The only fish that they do not touch are all kinds of bottom catfish. You can only try to keep adult barbs and young cichlids together. After the latter grow up, it will be best to remove them from the aquarium. Even being familiar with the local barbs, adult cichlids will not miss the opportunity to become sovereign masters of the territory.

What kind of fish can be kept

Very good for fish such as Sumatran barbs, compatibility with Rireo danyushki. In behavior, the latter are similar to neons. However, they are not so whimsical and shy, and also practically not subject to stress. Therefore, they do not die from the slightest trifle. Among other things, the decorative qualities of the aquarium will benefit from such a neighborhood. Cross strips of Sumatran beauties combine very well with longitudinal zebrafish.

barbus compatibility with other fish

The compatibility of barbs with other fish is not in doubt even if we are talking about representatives of characins. It can be, for example, ornatus, minor, thorns or pristeli. Like cichlids, barbs of various somiks do not touch. They also get along well with active swordsmen. Being a little aggressive by nature, the latter, most likely, will not give offense. The same goes for gourami and parrots.

barbs and scalars compatibility

The above varieties may well become very good neighbors for barbs. However, most often in aquariums - for a change - just different varieties are planted at the same time. Sumatran, fiery, cherry, green, etc. barbets get along very well together.

What kind of fish should not be kept at all

If scalars or even guppies, under certain conditions, can still get along with barbs, then the laliuses from such a restless neighborhood will hardly be delighted. With aggressive astronotuses, barbs will most likely begin long and very serious conflicts. Of course, you should not plant these fish and veil tails.

Content Features

Aquarium fish barbs, the compatibility of which with other species, as we have found, largely depends on the conditions of keeping and growing, despite their unpretentiousness, compliance with certain rules of care is still required. Experts recommend:

  1. Keep them only in flocks.
  2. Be sure to plant more plants in the aquarium. They should become one of the sources of oxygen needed by barbs.
  3. The minimum volume of the aquarium for varieties of small size (Sumatran, "mutants", etc.) is 50 liters.
  4. Be sure to arrange aeration and filtration.
  5. Barbs eat a lot. They should be fed often in small portions. Food should be as varied as possible. Very good at this fish is bloodworm, tubule, cyclops, daphnia. Dry food is allowed from time to time. Also a good meal for barbs can be gruel from cucumbers or finely chopped leaf lettuce. Whether the fish have enough food can be judged by the state of the aquarium plants. If they are plucked, then its quantity is not enough.


The barbus, compatibility with other fish of which was considered above, belongs to the class of spawners. At one time, the female can bring up to 500 eggs. Producers will need to be seated before spawning. Particular attention at this time should be given to proper feeding. Fish need to be given a lot of live food. After spawning, the females are removed from the aquarium. Fry begin to feed on the third day after hatching. Rotifers or Artemia are fed very small. Subsequently, you can give larger types of feed. Fry should be fed very often, due to their very rapid growth.

Thus, the compatibility of barbs with other fish, active and non-aggressive, is not in doubt. With representatives of the underwater world slow, shy, or having beautiful long or wide fins, it is better not to settle them together. If you want to see these beautiful, interesting, lively fish in your aquarium, you should definitely consider this. Well, of course, you need to take care of the barbs correctly. In this case, there will be much less problems with their content.


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