History and assortment of the Carlo Pazolini brand, customer and employee reviews

High-quality shoes at affordable prices are always in demand among buyers. Not everyone can afford to buy shoes or shoes for 50 thousand rubles, but almost everyone can spend 15 thousand on stylish shoes. One of the leaders in sales in the Russian Federation in the mid-price shoe market is the Carlo Pazolini company. The Italian name brought the brand popularity, and modern models received good reviews: Carlo Pasolini is known for quality not only in Russia but also abroad.

Brand history

The founder of the Carlo Pazolini brand is Ilya Reznik. He engaged in the supply of goods from Italy in 1992. High-quality shoes at an affordable price were successful, so in 1995 Reznik decided to open a network of Carlo Pazolini brand stores.

Soon, the founder of the company had the idea not only to supply goods from Italy, but also to produce them at home. Having bought 3 shoe factories (Moscow region and Ukraine), Reznik expanded the capabilities of the Russian manufacturer.

From 1998 to 2005, the production of Carlo Pazolini shoes in Russia brought profit to the company. The share of goods manufactured in the purchased factories amounted to more than 70% of all products.

carlo pazolini shoes reviews

But after a jump in prices in 2005, producing shoes in Russia became more expensive than purchasing goods abroad. Production had to close and switch to importing shoes from Italy, and then China. In 2018, all Carlo Pazolini shoes are imported from two partner countries.

Entering the international market

After the success of Carlo Pazolini in Russia, the founder and head of the store, Ilya Reznik, decided to enter the international market. At that time, the management of the company passed to Arnold Pasternak, who previously held a position in management consulting at PwC.

Pasternak and Reznik understood that success in the domestic market was not enough for the future development of the Carlo Pazolini brand. In 2006, the company already supplied shoes to America and neighboring countries.

But the opening of stores would significantly increase sales. The first stores were opened in Prague, then - in Ukraine, Moldova and the Baltic States. After 3 years, a Russian brand with an Italian name appeared in Italy. This was one of the key moments in the success story of Carlo Pazolini, as the inhabitants of this country have always had a good taste in shoes and clothes.

According to reviews of Carlo Pazolini from customers from America, it was possible to assess the level of development of the company in 2011-2014. and quality shoes at a very affordable price. Then Pasternak seriously engaged in advertising the brand and its promotion.

The opening of the first store in America took place in 2011. The American campaign for "Carlo Pasolini" has become the most expensive. More than $ 10 million was spent on promoting the Russian brand abroad.

Profit in America exceeded sales in Russia. As a result, the Carlo Pazolini campaign brought the owners more than 1.3 million euros per year. But revenues did not cover the costs of advertising the company and other costs. The campaign, designed for decades, lasted only 3 years.

Difficulties "Carlo Pasolini"

With the depreciation of the ruble in 2014, the brand in America experienced financial difficulties that did not allow its branches to be promoted abroad. All stores in America had to be closed due to zero profitability.

The European branding campaign has also been a success. As much as possible, the Carlo Pazolini brand owned 29 branches in Europe, but after the 2014 crisis there were only 10 of them. Italy remained the leader in the number of stores, excluding Russia. The same network was presented in the Czech Republic and Greece.

In Russia, after the crisis, the number of stores decreased from 200 to 137. But, according to reviews of Carlo Pazolini, financial problems did not affect the quality of shoes. The company continued to sell high-quality products, although it collaborated with suppliers from China.

Reducing branches is only part of the business problem. The campaign for the supply and sale of brand shoes abroad was funded by credit. The main creditors were Alfa Bank and Sberbank.

carlo pazolini employee reviews

During the crisis, the company Carlo Pazolini, whose responsible person to the banks was Reznik, could not fulfill the loan obligations. This resulted in a lawsuit from Alfa Bank. Sberbank also appealed to the court, but after transferred the authority on a loan to Alfa-Bank.

The presence of financial problems did not affect the quality of the products. According to reviews, shoes "Carlo Pasolini" was still of high quality. But the number of stores during the crisis period fell sharply, and profits fell by almost 10%.

The difference between shoes "Carlo Pasolini" from other brands

Currently, some of the products are supplied from China, and some from Italy. In Russia in 2018 there are no enterprises that manufacture shoes “Carlo Pazolini”.

During the development of the company, things were different. Ilya Reznik, head and founder of the brand, engaged in the supply of shoes from Italy in 1992. After 3 years, the business was already gaining momentum, and the company received rave reviews about Carlo Pazolini.

In 1995, in the first open-air Carlo Pazolini store, customers could not only appreciate the quality from Italy, but also enjoy comfortable shopping conditions. The territory of the store exceeded 2-3 times the usual footage for Russians.

Distinctive features of Carlo Pazolini shoes are comfort and style. The company relies on buyers who value convenience, but are not ready to give up an attractive appearance. Therefore, shoes "Carlo Pasolini" is included in the middle price category, but has a higher quality than products of other brands with the same cost of goods.

Despite the fact that deliveries are made from China, shoes are controlled at all stages, from production to putting up for sale. This allows you to reduce the amount of marriage to 0.5%.

Carlo Pasolini Shoes for Women: An Overview

The following types of shoes for women are presented in stores and on the Carlo Pazolini website: shoes, sandals, sneakers, boots, low shoes, boots, loafers, ankle boots (ankle boots), boots.

Carlo Pasolini shoes are made from natural materials. Used leather and suede with the addition of satin and velvet. Customers can purchase classic boats or a modern model with a strap fastener. The price category for shoes starts at 5.9 thousand rubles.

carlo pazolini customer reviews

Sandals can be purchased in the store "Carlo Pazolini" from 8.5 thousand rubles. In the manufacture of shoes, genuine leather and suede are used with the addition of velvet and satin as a decor. In the fall / winter season, customers can buy goods at a discount of up to 70%.

Sneakers is a sports shoe line for women. In “Carlo Pasolini”, customers can choose classic or high-top sneakers, as well as sneakers made of textile, with genuine leather and suede. The price of sports shoes starts from 5.9 thousand rubles.

Boots at Carlo Pasolini are one of the best-selling lines. At production genuine leather from Italy and China with an insert - elastic material is used. The cost of models starts from 8.9 thousand rubles. In the season 2018/2018, according to reviews, FG-SON 1R1 boots are considered a popular model: in Carlo Pazolini they are called ENIGMA.

Women's low shoes are considered one of the most expensive products. Their price starts from 11.9 thousand rubles. They are mainly made from genuine suede and patent leather. During discounts, customers can purchase goods for 5.9-7.9 thousand rubles. In "Carlo Pasolini" women buy winter shoes 2 times less than the collection of autumn seasons, as they are less practical.

The most popular products among the models of "Carlo Pazolini" are considered boots. They bring companies up to 70% profit jn of all models sold. Long and short, autumn and winter, Carlo Pazolini boots represent the quality, style and sophistication of Italian shoes from Russia. The cost of the autumn collection starts from 7.9 thousand rubles. Winter boots for customers will cost from 9.9 thousand rubles.

Loafers became popular in 2017 and still remain in demand in the market. Shoes of the Carlo Pazolini brand are represented by classic and penny loafers made of genuine leather.

Leather and suede ankle boots are an alternative to boots. They are suitable for warm winters and good weather. The "Carlo Pazolini" presents ankle boots made of natural materials with high and medium heels, which visitors can buy from 6.9 thousand rubles.

Treads - a model for lovers of high shoes. It is ideal for the cold season. Made from leather, suede and patent leather. The heel of most models is low or medium. Treads are the most expensive Carlo Pazolini model, which customers can purchase from 12.9 thousand rubles.

Not all models are available to order online. According to the reviews of Carlo Pazolini employees, customers can purchase goods at a discount of up to 70% in the "Last Size" section or out of season.

Women's accessories "Carlo Pasolini"

In the stores of the brand you can not only buy shoes from Italy or China, but also complement the look with stylish accessories. The trademark "Carlo Pasolini", as an addition to shoes, offers women to purchase:

  • bags;
  • Wallets
  • scarves;
  • shoe care products.

Particular attention of women is riveted to the bags of Carlo Pazolini. Bags are available in the salons and on the official website of the brand:

  1. For shopping, or shoppers.
  2. With short handles.
  3. Small ones, or clutches.
  4. On the shoulder.
shoes carlo pazolini customer reviews

Women bags from "Carlo Pazolini" cost from 10 thousand rubles. Additionally, seasonal discounts of up to 70% are available on the website and in the salons.

Accessories are 90% made from natural materials. Accessories or decorative elements (brush, pen, cap, zipper, keychain) are made of high quality artificial materials. All bags are presented in several versions, for example, black and brown colors.

Wallets are simple in design. The price category starts from 4.9 thousand rubles. Not all models are available for order online. Some accessories are presented in more than 10 shades. The main material is genuine leather. Suede is used as an extra.

Scarves are made mainly of three materials: natural silk, cotton and acrylic. The price of scarves for women from "Carlo Pazolini" starts from 2.9 thousand rubles.

carlo pazolini employee reviews moscow

Accessories, according to the reviews of Carlo Pazolini employees, allow you to preserve the appearance of products made from natural materials and increase the service life. The cost of one shoe care product is on average 500 rubles.

Carlo Pasolini Products for Men

Not only girls can become the owner of stylish Carlo Pazolini shoes from Italy and China. The men's line of brand products is not less high quality and is available to many.

The store features: loafers, sneakers, boots, low shoes and boots. Products are available to order online.

carlo pazolini men

In Carlo Pasolini, men's loafers differ from women's loafers in that they are more close to the classical style. They are made of regular or patent leather, as well as suede. The price of men's loafers starts from 6.9 thousand rubles.

Sneakers are presented by sneakers and high sneakers. The spring / summer collection is made of leather and suede; in the production of winter, natural fur (lining) is used. Buyers can buy sneakers from Carlo Pazolini for 10-13 thousand rubles.

Boots "Carlo Pazolini" - the second most popular model of men's shoes (after low shoes). The collection of the fall / winter season is presented by models of leather and suede of natural origin. Unlike women's shoes, most of the goods for men in this category come from Romania. Clients of salons can buy shoes from 7.9 thousand rubles.

The low shoes category includes several shoe options. In summer, moccasins and shoes are popular, in the fall and spring - brogues. All models are made of genuine leather, suede. According to reviews of Carlo Pazolini shoes for men, buyers have virtually no complaints about manufacturers (even from China). The life of leather products is 2-3 years. Suede low shoes "Carlo Pasolini" serve the owner for about 1.5 years.

Winter boots are not so popular. This is the most expensive model of the men's salon "Carlo Pazolini". To buy boots is available from 11.9 thousand rubles. Most models are presented in black. Boots are delivered from Italy and Romania.

Men's brand accessories

The assortment of "Carlo Pazolini" for men consists not only of high quality shoes. The company offers men to buy backpacks, large bags, purses, belts and wallets.

Large bags are made in a classic style. They are made in black. The top is made of genuine leather, lining is textile. Bags are shipped from China. Buyers can purchase an accessory from 12.9 thousand rubles. Purchase is possible only in the salons of "Carlo Pazolini."

Backpacks "Carlo Pasolini" made of a combination of genuine leather and artificial materials. Backpacks are made in black and navy blue. The supplier of the goods is China. Like bags, they are not available for online ordering. Buyers can buy brand backpacks in a boutique.

Handbags are less popular than bags. The 2018 model is presented in a single black color. The cost of purses "Carlo Pazolini" - from 9.9 thousand rubles.

Belts are made only of genuine leather. Available in two shades: black and navy blue. The cost of models starts from 4.9 thousand rubles. All belts come from China.

Men's wallets are available at a price of 4.3 thousand rubles. You can purchase classic models and travel wallets. Accessories are made only from genuine leather, production - China.

Customer Reviews for Carlo Pazolini Shoes

Before buying high-quality and inexpensive shoes, clients of the salons prefer not only to familiarize themselves with the collection in advance, but also to find out the opinion of customers about brand products. Customer feedback on Carlo Pazolini shoes is 87% positive.

shoes carlo pazolini

What brand buyers value:

  • The combination of style and convenience. Despite the average price category, shoes "Carlo Pasolini" differs from inexpensive "consumer goods". Classic models look versatile and suitable for daily wear. Shoes and accessories in a modern or semi-sports style are suitable for walking and hiking in a cafe.
  • The ability to choose an accessory for the style of shoes. The perfect combination of shoes and handbags, sandals and a clutch - that's why girls from Russia, Italy, the Czech Republic and Greece come to the Carlo Pazolini salons. For men, stylish solutions in the style of "classic" and "casual" are provided.
  • European level service. If buyers are not satisfied with the quality or they have come across a product with a defective manufacturer, they have the right to return, exchange or make a refund of the purchase. "Carlo Pasolini" compensates for the inconvenience of customers by providing a discount or bonus card.
  • Comfortable shops. A large area allows customers to choose a product without the constraint of other visitors. This style was successfully used in Carlo Pazolini stores based on the experience of Italian shoe stores.

Italy and China: opinion on suppliers of shoes

But not always the expectations from the purchase are met 100%. There is information about unsuccessful purchases in the network of stores of the Carlo Pazolini brand. According to negative customer reviews of Carlo Pazolini shoes, after purchasing from a Chinese manufacturer, the brand reduced product quality by 10-15%. This does not apply to all goods, but only products imported from China.

As regular customers note in reviews of Carlo Pazolini shoes, there are practically no complaints about the goods of the Italian supplier. The ratio of production defects to quality shoes and accessories from Italy is approximately 1/1000. Collections of Italian suppliers differ from products from China with a denser leather texture.

According to reviews of Carlo Pazolini boots for the fall / winter season, it can be noted that they are worn 1 season longer.

Customer Reviews on Carlo Pazolini Accessories

Accessories, mostly women’s ones, are in great demand at Carlo Pasolini. A feature of the goods is the use of natural materials (leather, suede, velvet) in combination with available ones (for example, eco-leather).

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Each cabin provides duty. These are the days when all the "dirty" work (washing dishes, wiping shelves) is performed by the duty seller. This allows you not to waste time on the whole team to maintain cleanliness and equalizes all team members.

But not everyone is ready to perform such duties. The need to clean the dishes for the team members is to the liking of some employees, as they expressed in complaints about the Carlo Pazolini company. As a rule, such employees were not satisfied with everything that limited their actions, and they did not seek to develop in the conditions of modern business.

Positive feedback on the Carlo Pazolini chain of stores describes all the merits of the brand, ranging from employee discounts to a full social package. Despite the difficulties, the company has always complied with financial obligations and continued to develop in the fashionable footwear market in Russia and abroad.

There is no information that workers were unreasonably refused wages at Carlo Pazolini. Salaries and bonuses are accrued stably, payments are made to the employees card.

Advantages of working at Carlo Pazolini

Of the main advantages of working at Carlo Pazolini, more than 2/3 note a convenient location: sellers are offered work in an office that is closer to home. Employees themselves choose a work schedule, for example, 2/2.

All members of the Carlo Pazolini team are entitled to a corporate discount. They can buy shoes 50% cheaper and accessories 30% less. But you can use the special offer only a limited number of times. According to sellers, they can purchase goods at a discount 4 times a year.

Workers do not need to spend money on the purchase of clothing for employment. In "Carlo Pasolini" provides uniforms and shoes in a single style. They are provided to salon workers free of charge.

Clothing and shoes are issued in the sizes specified by the employee. Shoes from the company are on a flat sole, from Italian purchases. According to employees, it sits well and is made of natural materials, that is, it represents the best of the Carlo Pazolini brand.

Employee reviews on wages

Not all sellers are satisfied with working conditions. But wages suit more than 87% of employees. According to reviews, work at Carlo Pazolini is well paid even for beginners. Salary consists of salary and premium for sales.

Salary varies by region. According to the reviews of Carlo Pazolini employees, in Moscow the salary starts from 22 thousand rubles. Premium - 4-5% of the sale. Active sellers can earn 50 thousand rubles or more.

Sellers in other regions of the country can count on salaries of 25-45 thousand rubles. This is considered the average income in Russia and significantly exceeds the minimum wage.

The advantage of the company is the payment of wages without delay. Thanks to official employment, sellers receive a “white” salary and a performance bonus. The annual bonus is paid 1 time at the end of December. Its size is influenced by the sales level of each employee and the implementation of the plan for a particular salon.

Sellers who regularly show good results can expect to increase after 2-3 years of work. Even ordinary employees have a chance to grow up to regional managers who oversee 3-4 outlets.

In addition to good earnings, employees can count on material and other bonuses. According to the reviews of Carlo Pazolini employees from Moscow, every 4-6 months the company holds a holiday for everyone. Distribution of sweets is made, corporate competitions are held with gifts and symbolic prizes.

2-3 times a year, sellers can take part in marketing campaigns, according to the results of which the winners receive prizes from Carlo Pazolini.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34175/

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