The stump of fruit trees. Gardener Tips

Cowing is one of many ways to propagate fruit trees. Vaccination vaccination is a simple technique that every gardener who has acquired fruit trees must master.

budding of fruit trees

Why is budding

- The procedure is carried out in the absence of the sale of plants of the desired variety.

- Okulirovanie fruit trees can increase the winter hardiness of the grafted variety.

- Okulirovka makes it possible to replace varieties of trees with low value in the garden or wild game with better ones. Or save your favorite variety.

- Allows you to reduce the waiting time for a new crop. Grafting to an adult tree or a three-year-old seedling allows you to enjoy the harvest in a few years. Whereas the trees grown from seeds or seeds bear fruit no earlier than in 5-6 years.

- Grafted different varieties per tree will diversify the number of fruit crops and save space on the site.

- Sowing will help to obtain fruit trees that are desired but not adapted to your conditions.

Advantages of budding

- Almost any well-formed bud can give a new plant with all the benefits of the original variety.

methods of grafting fruit trees

- The procedure is very fast.

- A small vaccination area allows minimally injuring the stock.

- Vaccination in the same stock can be done again if the budding was unsuccessful.

- Okulirovanie fruit trees require a minimum rootstock. This is true if there is only one or several cuttings of the desired variety.

What are the fruit tree vaccinations

Methods of grafting fruit trees by type of scion are divided into several groups:

  • eye, when one kidney is grafted, which is called budding;
  • cuttings, the so-called copulation;
  • plant - the most difficult method of reproduction, called ablactation.

Vaccinations of fruit trees according to the execution technique are divided into:

gardener tips

  • vaccinations in the butt;
  • vaccinations in the lateral incision;
  • wedge vaccinations;
  • copulation direct and improved;
  • split vaccinations;
  • vaccinations for bark;
  • pipe vaccinations;
  • budding in the butt;
  • budding in a T-shaped shield.

The listed methods are the most common. In practice, gardeners apply a maximum of five.

The methods of grafting fruit trees according to their location on the stock can be divided into those that are made into the root, into the trunk, into the branches of the crown, into the stump. And also the vaccination can be horse and side. Horse grafting requires a cut of the top of the rootstock, while the graft will subsequently form the top of the tree. Side grafting is done on the side of the trunk, without cutting the top of the stock.

The difference in vaccination time

Spring vaccination is carried out during a period of intense movement of juices. The graft should be prepared at the end of autumn or at the very beginning of spring, but it should be still in a sleeping state. Spring vaccination is done in April or May, the kidneys should not yet swell.

Summer vaccination occurs in the second half of summer. Buds and shoots are well developed during the current year. Dates of tree grafting in the summer begin on the 20th of July and end in late August.

Winter vaccination is often done indoors. The seedling splices in the winter months, and in the spring already grafted trees are planted in the ground. You can plant in the winter and to trees in the garden, if the air temperature has not dropped below + 2 °.

Crowning in spring and summer is considered the most productive, since it is precisely at these times that the tree bark departs well from the trunk, cambium is intensively divided, facilitating the procedure and ensuring good survival of the kidneys.

Basic vaccination rules

For the vaccine to be successful? necessary:

  • Only plant related plants. Pears on apple trees or plums on cherries.
  • So that the layers of cambium (the layer between the bark and wood) of the cuttings and shoots adjoin. Otherwise, the tree will not grow.


Cowing fruit trees with an “eye” is one of the most common methods of propagation. At the same time, a single kidney becomes graft. In the spring, the bud of a cultivated plant formed last summer is grafted. It is taken from a cuttings harvested last fall or late winter. In the same season, the grafted kidney will grow and give a new shoot, so the spring budding is called "grafting with a sprouting eye."

vaccination by budding

Summer budding is performed by a kidney that has matured in the current season. It will grow only next spring, so the summer vaccine is called "sleep-eye budding."

What should be the scion and stock

budding of apple trees

  • Oculent shoots should be small, with a diameter of 10-15 mm.
  • The stock should be with a young elastic bark, well cut with a knife.
  • The internodes for budding should be smooth, even without swelling and knots.
  • Only a well-developed and fully matured kidney is suitable for budding.

The method of budding in the butt

This is a fairly simple method of grafting fruit trees. To vaccinate the stock, you first need to wipe it from dirt and dust and prepare a sharp knife and tape for dressing. Further:

  1. On a rootstock with a sharp knife we ​​shallowly cut along the shoot 2.5 cm. We make a “tongue”. About half the “tongue”, but no more, should be cut off.
  2. The bud with a kidney is cut from the cuttings of the selected plant. Its size should coincide with the cut on the stock.
  3. A shield with a kidney is wound behind a “tongue”. It should completely coincide with the cut on the stock or it should be combined so that one edge coincides well with the cut of the bark and cambium.
  4. The budding area is tightly bandaged with a prepared tape, while the kidney should remain outside. After a couple of weeks, you can expect the results of vaccination.

Escape over a grafted kidney during spring budding is not cut to full growth. The following spring, a cut is made of the shoot over the budged kidney, which has grown if the vaccination was summer. This method, which does not require peeling of the rootstock bark, makes the timing of vaccination wider.

The method of vaccination with a shield in a T-shaped section

It is for this method of budding that the movement of juices is very important, since the scion is budged directly to the cambial layer. So:

budding in spring

  1. Cut the kidney for this method of vaccination should be together with a thin layer of bark and wood. The length of the flap - the so-called slice - should be 2-3 cm, width - half a centimeter. When budding in the summer, a stalk should be left over the selected kidney, for which it will be convenient to take the shield. During the spring vaccination, the shield itself should be cut off with a margin on top, which can be removed after the shield is inserted into the pocket.
  2. A cut is made on the rootstock, trunk or shoot, corresponding in size to the shield. First - a horizontal incision, then a vertical one. The edges of the vertical cut gently bend to make a pocket.
  3. The kidney shield is inserted into the pocket from top to bottom. The bottom edge of the flap is fixed by the base of the pocket, and the upper, if larger, should be cut off with a knife.
  4. The graft is tightly fixed with a tape. Dressing starts from the bottom and tightly presses the shield to the cambial layer of the rootstock plant.

The apple trees are cupped precisely with the help of a T-shaped slice, as it is simple and highly productive. The average air temperature should be 8 ° C.

How to oculate sweet cherries

Cherry is planted mainly on cherries. This allows you to increase its frost resistance and productivity. Moreover, cherries are selected bushy, which gives the cherry a flexibility and compactness in shape. Cherry cherries on the tree-like cherry will make the cherries powerful, and it will be problematic to cover it for the winter. The vaccine begins in the spring, in late March or early April, before the movement of juices. To do this, choose a two-year-old shoot of cherries, on which cherries are grafted at a height of 20 cm from the soil. Cherry on the cherry takes root with difficulty, so you need to act carefully and carefully. The best way would be improved copulation with a notch length of at least 3 cm. For this, short cuttings with two buds are prepared. In mid-July, the bandage around the vaccine is slightly loosened. At the same time, a stronger growth formed from the kidneys is left and the second is removed. Part of the handle above the lower growth is cut into a ring.

Gardener Tips

  • The most suitable for budding are trees, whose branches of the crown will not be thicker than 11 mm. If the thickness of the branches exceeds 15 mm, it is better to use the grafting graft.
  • Budding on the south side of a trunk or branch may be unsuccessful, as the sun may dry the kidney.
  • Good survival can be provided by budding by several buds at once from different sides of the rootstock branch. Only the distance between the eyes should be at least 15 cm.
  • At a distance of 30 cm from the bifurcation of the trunk should be the last eye, if there are several.
  • The use of putty when budding is not necessary.
  • Raising in the rain is prohibited.
  • A failed vaccination can be repeated if the bark on the stock is still detached.
  • Oculate in spring and on cloudy summer days at any time. In the summer heat, the procedure is best done in the morning or in the evening.
  • Summer budding in dry weather requires abundant watering a few weeks before the procedure. This will provide intense sap flow.
  • The best eyes will be those that are in the middle of the shoot.
  • Only mature kidney eyes are suitable for budding. You can check by simply bringing the kidney to your ear and pressing lightly on it. If at the same time the sound is creaking, then the “eye” is mature.

tree grafting dates

Fruit trees are suitable for propagation of any cultivated tree or shrub. Having mastered the technique of vaccination, any gardener can get a garden with your favorite varieties, and not just those that can grow in specific climatic conditions. However, you should not rely solely on advice to gardeners, calendars, television programs or holiday horoscopes. You should consider local climatic conditions and listen to experienced gardeners in your area. And then the garden of your dreams will not keep you waiting long.


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