Grape growing in the Urals: planting and care, pruning, preparation for winter

Not so long ago, growing grapes in the Urals was considered something incredible. After all, a fruitful vine always needed a lot of heat and light. And only the inhabitants of the southern regions of the country could enjoy the amazing berries of this culture. Due to the fact that new varieties have appeared, this plant has become promising for cultivation in harsh conditions.

Climate of the Urals

Growing a southern culture in this territory is not an easy task. Only the right choice of variety will allow you to get a crop of healthy and tasty berries. The Urals is located in different climatic zones: temperate and subarctic. The polar region is characterized by a harsh climate, where the temperature in winter drops to –24 ° C. In this zone, it is better to plant only winter-hardy varieties. They are much more stable and differ from frost in that they can withstand too low temperatures throughout the winter. Frost-resistant grapes can tolerate only short-term frosts.

The cultivation of grapes in these areas is not limited to the acquisition of a zoned variety. Important is the implementation of agricultural practices, as well as the preparation of grapes for winter. The climate in moderate latitude is characterized by a large amount of snow, which serves as a winter cover for the vines. However, in the southern Urals, grapes must also be covered. In winter, the temperature in this region is not so low (–16 ° C) compared to the Subpolar Region, but cultivation of heat-loving crops is always accompanied by risk.

Difficulties in growing grapes in the Urals may arise due to unpredictable summers. It can flood crops with heavy rain or be hot and dry. It happens that throughout the summer months there is cold weather.

grape growing in the Urals

Suitable varieties

Grape varieties for the Urals are selected with a short growing season. In order for the vine to reach full maturity, it is necessary to plant varieties of vines of early and medium early ripening. There are already varieties that have proven themselves best in harsh climates. These include: “Aleshenkin”, “Negro”, “Muscat white Shatilova”, “Samokhvalovich”, “Lydia”, “Shatilov's memory”, “Muscat pink early”, “Beauty of the North” (“Olga”). Of these, the most unpretentious varieties can be distinguished, which are suitable for those who are going to grow grapes in the Urals in open ground. Let us consider in more detail the three most hardy vines:

  • "In memory of Dombkovskaya" is the earliest variety in terms of ripening. The first fruits can be removed after 3 months. The berries are dark blue, seedless, clusters are medium (400g). It is famous for its intensive growth of shoots, it is not exposed to fungal diseases, it tolerates drought, wind and frost well up to -27 ° C. In the conditions of northern summer, the first fruits ripen in late July.
  • "Aleshenkin" - an early table variety with grapes. Emerald berries, oval, sweet. The leaves are dissected, glossy. Maturing term - 4 months. Brushes are very large. It tolerates a decrease in temperature to -27 ° C. Since the vine is more resistant to frost than the lower part of the crop, this variety is grafted to more stable stocks for reliability.
  • "In memory of Shatilov." The bushes are medium, the vine ripens in the conditions of a cold rainy summer. It normally tolerates temperatures up to -34 ° C. Oval berries of a yellowish color with an average sugar content. Differ in a complete lack of pea.

how to cover grapes for the winter in the Urals

Non-covering varieties

Not so long ago, non-covering grape varieties that can be grown in regions with a cold climate were also bred. These varieties are still little known, but they deserve consideration because they are able to tolerate frosts down to –40 ° C. Domestic breeders managed to breed a number of hybrids, the “progenitor” of which is the small-fruited Amur liana. The following are varieties from the selection of Potapenko A. I.:

  • Amur Breakthrough. The bush is powerful, almost not affected by disease. Berries of violet color with raspberry tint, have a dense peel, large, high in sugar. The clusters are very large, under suitable conditions reach a weight of 1 kg.
  • "Amethyst". A culture with strong shoots and wrinkled leaves, has a strong immunity to diseases. It tolerates frosts down to –35 ° C. The fruits ripen in late summer. The ripening of the vine is excellent, the clusters are not too large (500 g). The berries are almost black with a dark purple hue, very juicy, sugar content - 22%. This variety is good in that it has a short ripening period for berries.
  • Amur Triumph. Liana is distinguished by powerful bushes and increased frost resistance. It is able to tolerate a drop in temperature to –40 ° C. The crop ripens at the end of August. This variety has bulky brushes with large black berries. As the vine grows, the yield and size of the fruit increase every year.
  • Marinovsky. Shoots are vigorous, characterized by a large number of ovaries. It ripens well by early September. The clusters are small. The berries are oblong, small, have a dark blue color and a strong skin. Frost resistance up to -32 ° C. After frostbite, it has the ability to recover. By oidium unstable.

The above grape varieties are promising, as breeders use them to develop new hybrids. They are combined with species that have the best taste.

Non-covering grape varieties of American selection are also worth considering. There are varieties that have long been popular; in Russia they are known by the name "Isabella". These are unpretentious stable vines that can withstand the temperature drop to -35 ° C without shelter. And in terms of sugar content, these berries can exceed even covering grape varieties. However, novice farmers who are going to grow grapes in the Urals, it is recommended to pay attention to another variety.

  • "Alpha". The early-middle liana was obtained by crossing two American varieties - Riparia and Labrusca. The new hybrid easily tolerates severe frosts (-40 ° C). Outwardly, it resembles Isabella, but differs in earlier ripening. Beautiful round-shaped berries have a waxy coating; they are tight in the hands. It is famous for the intensive growth of shoots and is already known to winegrowers in the northern regions. The downside of the variety is that the berries have high acidity.
  • Prairie Star ("Prairie Star"). Another variety with unusually tasty berries, greenish yellow and dense tassels. They have a solid structure (crunchy) and a balanced content of acid and sugar. The overgrown bush is resistant to gray rot and mildew. Grapes of this variety are adapted for growing in the northern regions and are able to tolerate low temperatures up to –38 ° C. It is used for wine production and at the same time is a table.

how to prune grapes for the winter

Cutting and planting

In some areas, seedlings can be purchased at a nursery or market. To grow them yourself, you need to prepare the strongest cuttings in the fall. In February, they are placed in suitable conditions for germination. Seedlings are planted in May on a sunny warm day. Planting grapes in the Urals includes the following actions:

  • For young bushes, they dig a trench in advance. Its length is calculated by the number of plants available, the distance between which is left about 2 m.
  • The bottom is covered with loose solid material, for example, small pebbles or crushed stone. Soil mixed with wood sawdust is poured on top of the drainage.
  • In the designated places, dig holes and plant seedlings at an angle of 45 degrees. They need to be arranged so that the tops are directed to the south, and the roots to the north. Subsequently, the liana itself will stretch to the sunny side.
  • Then they are abundantly watered, subsequent hydration is carried out regularly and moderately.
  • When growing grapes in the Urals in open ground, it is important to ensure that late frosts do not destroy young seedlings. Shelter film should always be at hand. It is necessary to cover the ground around young plants so that it warms up faster. For this purpose, use a black film.

To free yourself from the hassle of warming the grapes in the springtime, cuttings sprouted in February can be planted at the end of June.

non-covering grape varieties


Growing grapes in the Urals involves several more activities.

In early summer, along the row with seedlings, you need to install a trellis.

Watering is carried out for the entire season 3 times. With drought, this amount can be increased. Water the plants under the root.

The soil near the bushes should not be open. A layer of mulch is laid on it or green manure is planted, which positively affects the development of plants.

If fertilizers were applied during the preparation of landing pits, then for the first few years there will be enough of them.

For old bushes, top dressing is a must for grape care in the Urals. In August or September, when the shoots are freed from the severity of the hands, the vine needs to be restored. In order to get a good harvest next year, it must be equipped with organic fertilizers. Manure, bird droppings, wood ash, compost, herbal infusions - all this is an ideal option for feeding grape bushes.

when to pick grapes in the Urals

Summer grape care

Along with spring pruning, the number of ovaries should be controlled. There should be no more than 5 pieces on each shoot.

When the green shoots overtake their support in growth, they need to be tied. In order for the green mass not to take away strength from the plant, thinning must be carried out. From the axils of the leaves, all formed stepsons, as well as a mustache, are removed. These techniques must be performed regularly, starting in June and ending in August.

Care for grapes in the Urals in August involves pruning green branches. In the first week of this month, the tops of fruitful shoots are cut off (up to the first true leaf). Since all the methods for caring for grapes in this area come down to speeding up the ripening process, you just cannot do without pruning the shoots. The clusters ripen much faster after this event, and the berries become large. However, it should be noted that this gives an impetus to the emergence of new stepsons, which must be torn off in time.

Grape brushes need to be freed from excess foliage. 20 days before the mass removal of fruits, you need to tear off the old leaves and those that create a shadow for the berries.

Some winegrowers perform another scrupulous operation. In August, they carefully cut out small deformed berries on brushes with berries.

Then we’ll talk about how to prune grapes in autumn in the Urals. And why should this be done in the spring.

open grape growing in the Urals


In the first season, the plant is given the opportunity to grow and take root well. In the future, grape bushes need to be adjusted. They need to be shaped and optimally sized, which will greatly facilitate crop care. It was noted that the clusters on well-groomed bushes grow larger, and the berries become more delicious.

Next, we consider what a beginner grower needs to know, what techniques should be carried out in the spring and how to cut the grapes correctly for the winter.

Pruning begins the year after planting in the spring months. All shoots are cut, leaving 4 eyes. Over the summer, the bush is formed and divided into two parts. Each sleeve forms two shoots.

For the third season, selective pruning is performed. Shorten the upper shoots, leaving 10 eyes on them. The lower lash growing outside is cut into 4 buds. It is necessary to leave only one male escape, which has long internodes. Sequential trimming contributes to the proper formation of the sleeve and the stem.

Consider how to prune grapes for the winter. Autumn pruning is thinning the crown. Remove all excess shoots. The remaining branches are shortened so that when tilted, each previous branch barely touches the next. This will allow you to evenly lay the whips before covering the grapes.

grape varieties in the Urals

Winter preparations

How to shelter grapes for the winter in the Urals is one of the most pressing questions asked by residents of harsh climatic regions. Since the weather in these regions is unstable and tends to present “surprises”, some nuances must be taken into account when preparing the liana for the winter period. Caution is important here. It may happen that, trying to protect your grapes from frost, you can expose it to diseases. If you cover it ahead of time and the thaw begins, then the vine may become moldy, which will indicate a fungal infection. Therefore, shelter should be provided when the winter weather is established and a constant temperature of at least -5 ° C is maintained.

There are several methods for warming grapes, in which various shelter materials are used. First of all, you need to clean the areas around the vine bushes from branches, foliage and other debris. The most common way of sheltering is to keep the vine under the spruce branches. This is a free insulation that is always at hand.

  • Lapnik. Experienced farmers know how to shelter grapes for the winter in the Urals, so they recommend the creation of a reliable litter for lashes. If laid on bare ground, they may get wet when the ground begins to thaw after winter. A layer of dry needles is laid on the ground or a structure is made of bars and boards in the form of flooring. The vine is tied up in a bundle or carefully laid in rings. Young lashes are usually flexible and easy to twist. In order not to complicate this technique, when pruning the grapes, it is necessary to remove old shoots that are more than 5 years old. Lapnik is imposed with a thick layer forming a hill and sprinkled with dry snow. If the winter is snowy, then the cover layer will increase naturally. Otherwise, you have to pick up snowdrifts on a bunch with spruce branches.
  • Laminate. The laminate is a suitable shelter, since it has high air permeability and retains heat well. The vine is removed from the trellis and tied in the same manner as described above. A laminate is spread on top, which is fixed with stones on the sides. The edges of the covering material on both sides are left ajar for air to enter.
  • Vertical way of shelter. This technique involves a separate warming of the root system and the vine. The lashes located on the trellis are surrounded by branches of coniferous trees and tied with agrofibre (film). Around the bush create an additional layer of mulch from the ground, straw or lapnik. These structures oblige the winegrower to monitor the snow cover throughout the winter. It is best if the wrapped vine is in large snowdrifts.

Spring care

Spring snow melts slowly, so they wait for the time when it absorbs and passes the time of severe frosts. Around April or May, the vineyard is vacated. To the open air and the sun the vine is taught gradually. To begin with, the film is removed for a couple of hours, and then this gap is increased. It is better to do this in cloudy weather or in the morning.

It is necessary to immediately establish supports for grape bushes so that, if necessary, covering materials can be thrown onto them.

Next to each plant, it is recommended to install a humidification pipe, which is dug into the ground by 0.5 m. Watering should be done with warm water. The application of this method warms up the roots and wakes the vine faster.


And finally, the most interesting question: "When to pick grapes in the Urals?" Apparently, subject to all the above agricultural rules, this can be done in the first half of September. If you do not take into account the mass harvesting of fruits, then some new varieties of vines can pamper vine growers in August. Due to the fact that the achievements of breeders do not stand still, residents of cold regions also have the opportunity to enjoy the taste of southern berries.


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