Tomato Siberian precocious - variety features

Tomato Siberian early ripened bred vegetable and potato breeding experimental station and obtained by crossing varieties of Hybrid 114 Hybrid 534/1 with further individual selection. In 1959, the variety was zoned.

Description: Tomato Siberian precocious belongs to the determinant early ripe varieties. The height of the main stem is from 30 to 94 centimeters. The stem of the plant is abundantly leafy.

Fruits are rounded and flat-round, red, slightly ribbed, the number of nests is from 5 to 12, the simultaneous return of the crop. The fruits are aromatic, weighing from 60 to 110 grams, with a high solids content (up to 70%), have a good taste.

The variety is suitable for planting both in open and in protected ground. The course of growth of tomatoes, their ripening time and palatability depend on the method of growing.

Growing in sheltered soil: The laying of the first inflorescence takes place over 8 - 10 leaves, followed by laying in 1 - 2 leaves. The height of the main stem is from 53 to 94 cm. The Siberian early ripening tomato grown in film greenhouses has a yield of up to 9.5 kg per 1 meterΒ², and the yield from one bush reaches 1.2 kilograms.

Cultivation in open ground: Bookmark the first inflorescence - over 6 - 8 leaves, then - after 1 - 2 leaves. The height of the main stem is from 30 to 48 cm. Productivity reaches 7 kilograms per 1 meterΒ², productivity from one bush - from 600 grams. Taste properties of tomatoes grown in the open field are much better than those grown in greenhouse conditions. Also, tomatoes when grown under such conditions have larger fruits.

Planting: Seeding of seedlings is recommended from late March to early April. The seed planting depth is one centimeter. Transplantation into the ground is carried out from the last decade of May to the first decade of June. Seedlings are planted in light, slightly moistened, slightly acidic soil. During planting, 10 grams of superphosphate should be added to the wells.

Tomato variety Siberian precocious is planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other, the width between rows is from 25 to 35 cm. When planting in open ground, the plant is further formed into three stems. The time from germination to the fruiting period is from 114 to 127 days.

During the entire growth and maturation of plants, it is necessary to maintain a low, humid atmosphere of the air; water must be watered with warm water after a sunny sunset. During the entire growing season, it is necessary to produce periodic top dressing and loosening. It is necessary to feed plants before each loosening.

Recommended regions: Tomato Siberian precocious is appreciated for early ripening and the possibility of growing in various regions of Russia. It is not recommended that this variety be grown in the Volga region, the North Caucasus district and the Central Chernozem region. Suitable for climatic zones of Lithuania and Northern Kazakhstan.

Application and reviews: Many people appreciated the charm of growing such a crop as Siberian precocious tomato. Reviews of most gardeners speak of him as an old, reliable variety that is perfectly suitable for use both fresh, as salads and side dishes, and for salting.

Almost everyone notes the good taste of the fruit, cold resistance of the variety, stable and friendly return of the crop. The plant is highly resistant to soil-climatic anomalies. The fruits do not undergo cracking, are well transported and ripened.

Having in its composition a high percentage of solids, tomatoes of this variety are good for making juices, tomato sauces and mashed potatoes. Cold resistance combined with early ripening allows you to collect early crops in the open ground. Simultaneous harvesting contributes to the receipt and further processing of fruits in the shortest possible time.

The excellent taste and early ripening of the fruits of the Siberian early tomato will delight not only the inveterate gardeners, but also any member of their families.


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