Dwemer ingot: mining methods and application

The Dwemer ingot is just one of a thousand materials that are used in the crafts of a huge game called Skyrim. Any user who began his adventure in the province of harsh Nords must definitely get acquainted with the process of creating items. Having pumped blacksmithing, he will gain the ability to work in the forge on crafting weapons, armor and other useful things. That is why it is important to understand the purpose of each material and to know the places for their extraction.

History and description of the subject

The Dwemer ingot itself looks like an ordinary trapezoidal metal alloy. The color resembles copper, although in history it is a Dwemer. Thousands of years ago, on the territory of the world of Tamriel, the Dwemer civilization existed. They were a developed technological nation that came up with hundreds of mechanisms to make life easier for ordinary people. Due to natural disasters and internecine wars, they became extinct. At the time of Skyrim's events, only the ruins and the remains of some materials remained. It is also possible to find more working mechanisms that differ in strength and in a hostile attitude. In the midst of this cluster of things, the Dwemer ingot is sometimes found.

Dwemer ingot

First way of mining

The first step is to understand that the code for the Dwemer ingot is a fiction. The developers did not foresee the introduction of cheats at all. You can do this only by downloading the trainer and entering a special item number to get it. This method should be used only as a last resort, because then the excitement of the game in β€œSkyrim” disappears.

The most popular mining method is smelting. When leveling a blacksmithing skill, your character will gain access to work in the forge. A hammer, a furnace and furs will help create as many resources as there will be materials available. The Dwemer ingot is smelted by no means from all the objects of this culture that are in ruins. For example, after a battle with mechanisms, levers, gears and other parts fall from them. They are not suitable for smelting, since they have already been processed thousands of years ago. The most suitable things for remelting are considered to be Dwemer metal plates of all sizes, Dwemer beams of various types, scrap metal from ruins and castings.

The smelting system is not easy in the Skyrim game. Dwarven metal ingot has its own weight, as well as materials for them. It is necessary to pay with money and gain resources, although the chance of failure does not disappear. For example, for smelting five ingots, you need to give five times more Dwemer metal castings, while the chance of success is only 0.2. Other items mentioned above have a higher price and ratio.

Dwemer ingot code

The second way to get an item

There is another way to find the coveted thing in the world of Skyrim province. The Dwemer ingot sometimes comes in integral form, and it remains only to pick it up in your bag. Only here traveling around the vast world in his search, it is more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack. Searches of all Dwemer cities and ruins will take a lot of time. Among them there are those in which there is one or two ingots, and there are locations with dozens.

Skyrim Dwemer Metal Ingot

Mining locations

We list the most useful places for the player:

  1. Avantchsel - the territory of "Steam Machines" is fraught with exactly ten ingots. Once it was a magnificent city of the former civilization. It is located in the mountains of Rift County, and a small trail leads to it.
  2. The Arkngtams Dwemer Tower will allow the player to pick up nine bars. It is located in Reach County and is only available with the Dawnguard Supplement. You can navigate by the orcish fortress Dushnik-Yal on the southeast side.
  3. It is best to look for a Dwemer ingot in the Pantry of the Dwarves. This is a separate entrance to Mzulf, which is a small building. Sixteen ingots are scattered throughout it.

The remaining locations should not be listed, because in them there are no more than three items of interest to you. Which way of the two to choose, each player decides for himself. Most often, users hunt for finished ingots, but do not forget to collect materials. This will save time and allow you to accumulate the maximum number of necessary things.

skyrim Dwemer ingot

Item Use

The Dwemer ingot is used in Skyrim in two ways. The first is the smelting of equipment and weapons. The most popular items from this category are a full set of Dwemer armor, one-handed and two-handed maces, axes and swords. They have good characteristics and can be useful when traveling.

Most often, players start the hunt for ingots to sharpen existing items. This is done using a workbench and a grindstone. They can be found in any settlement of living beings. There are no restrictions on sharpening, but you need to monitor the number of improvements. Each new increases the chance of breaking things. The risk is worth the result, because the important parameters of armor and weapons are proportionally increased. Here the boundary can only be found by the method of constant samples and recording of results. The user should try his hand at cheap bullion and old items.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34189/

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