Features of the relief and climate of Estonia

Estonia is distinguished by medieval cities filled with majesty, sandy beaches of the Baltic coast, innumerable natural riches, and unique traditions. This country seems to be shrouded in a cloud of serenity. Relief, climate, features of Estonia will be covered in this article.

Brief Country Information

Estonia is located off the coast of the Baltic Sea. This country is the smallest among the Baltic states.

In the south, this republic borders on Latvia, in the east with Russia, from the north and west it is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea.

Every day fishing vessels of this state go to sea for fishing. The sea is the link between the islands and the mainland. Merchant ships depart from Estonian ports on a long journey, and ships of foreign countries stop at them.

The intersection line of the surfaces of the sea and land of the winding. It is formed by a huge number of islands, bays and capes. The largest Estonian island of Saarema covers a larger area than Luxembourg.

Country relief

Estonia is located in the western part of the Russian plain. The southern part of its territory is characterized by a moraine hilly relief. In the center of Estonia (the relief and climate of this country have their own characteristics), oblong-oval hills called "Drumlins" stretch from north to west. In the north of the country one can observe long and narrow ramparts - ozas, the height of which can exceed 20 meters, and low plateaus steeply breaking off to the sea - clays.

The relief of Estonia can be called flat. The main part of its territory is a flat plain, covered almost half with forests, as well as swamps and peatlands. In the territory of this Baltic country there are a large number of moraine lakes.

What is the climate in Estonia

What is the climate in Estonia?

In Estonia, the marine climate dominates , acquiring properties of temperate-continental when it goes deeper into the territory. The North Atlantic Current has a great influence on weather conditions in this Baltic country .

The impact of cyclones presents surprises in the form of sudden changes in temperature, strong gusts of wind. These climatic conditions are more often observed in the autumn and winter on the islands and coasts of the state. In these months, the climate of Estonia can be briefly described as unfavorable for tourists.

If you look from the other side, as a result of the influence of sea air in Estonia there is a higher average annual air temperature than in other countries located on the same latitude.

Estonian climate

Weather conditions in the winter months

The climate of Estonia, dominating in the winter, is characterized by mild weather conditions. In the winter months, severe frosts are not observed here, there are often thaws. December is the warmest month. Snow in a given country usually covers the earth in its second half.

January time is considered the coldest. In January, the air temperature fluctuates in the daytime from -2 to -4 degrees, with the arrival of night from -6 to -8 degrees.

Estonia landscape and climate

February in Estonia is marked by the appearance of arctic air masses. This month is slightly warmer than in January.

The winter daylight hours in this country are about six hours.

Spring in Estonia

The breath of spring on Estonian soil usually begins to be felt in the second half of March. This time period is usually characterized by temperature differences and frosts at night. The springtime in Estonia is characterized by changeable weather. Due to the effects of ponds chilled in winter, spring comes slowly in this Baltic country.

At the end of the first spring month, snow is falling, the first birds arrive, but the temperature begins to rise only in April. It is sunny in Estonia during this period, and there is very little rain. On April days, ice melts on the sea and lakes, floods begin on the rivers.

In May, nature comes to life: green grass and leaves appear on trees, bird cherry blossoms.

Estonian climate briefly


The climate of Estonia in the summer months is moderately warm, the weather is not hot and moderately sunny. Summer comes in early June, the sky these days is cloudless. Sometimes night frosts can occur until the middle of the first summer month.

July time is considered the warmest. Thermometers during this period usually show a temperature of +20 ... + 22 degrees. In Estonia, abnormal heat is sometimes observed up to +30 degrees, but this is extremely rare.

Relief climate features of Estonia

In August, a drop in temperature begins. There is a smooth transition from summer to autumn, it begins to rain.

Weather in autumn

In early September, the climate of Estonia usually pleases its residents with dry and warm weather, but the magnificent autumn landscapes, striking with a riot of colors, already signal a change of season. In the second half of the month, the effect of cyclones increases, it becomes cloudy, windy and rainy.

In October, the air temperature drops, the birds prepare for departure, leaves fly from the trees. It often rains, the first snow may fall. It is already impossible to bask in the rays of the gentle sun, nature is preparing for the onset of winter.

In November, snow covers the ground. A piercing wind, a drop in temperature, and the early onset of darkness are not conducive to taking walks in the fresh air.

The climate of Estonia does not differ significantly from the climatic conditions of other Baltic countries. This state attracts a large number of tourists who want to enjoy unity with nature. Their greatest flow comes here in the summer months. During this period, the swimming season opens.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34191/

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