Learn how to make an arrow to your bow.

"How to make an arrow with your own hands?" - A frequently asked question among fans of archery. Many people like to watch the Olympics and competitions in this sport, some love hunting with such weapons. But it’s even better when it is possible to make accessories for it yourself. We will teach you how to make an arrow in this article. The peculiarity of the home-made weapon is that it can be customized, decorated as far as imagination allows, and it is easy to start shooting. There must be at least twenty arrows in the bow. They are of two types: game and combat. The second are designed for firing at targets, they are used in special tournaments. In addition, they come with plumage, which can consist of both feathers and plastic. We will talk about how to make an arrow with your own hands, depending on its type.

how to make an arrow

To get started, stock up on the necessary materials. You will need glazing beads (it is best that they are made of beech, oak, cherry or hazel), sheet rubber for the tips (4 mm thick), electrical tape, adhesive tape and a strong cord. Glazing beads can be purchased at any construction market or store, they must be well-dried, even and longer than the intended arrow. There should be no knots on them, the recommended section is 8x8 mm. As a rule, two arrows are obtained from one billet, they are inexpensive on the market, and you can easily purchase 20 pieces. A lot of sheet rubber will be needed, for 40 arrows - about half a meter. Adhesive tape should be opaque, for example, silver will work well. Durable cord should be 1 mm thick. Insulating tape is recommended to take black.

There are various ways of shooting: Mongolian, game and others. Depending on this, the colors of the arrows differ. For example, for the "Mongol" - red, for the "elven" - silver.

compound bow

Now consider the process of how to make an arrow. We make a shtapik core, then a tip (we sharpen one of the ends). After that, you need to make a groove for the bowstring and give the product stability (we attach the feathers and wrap it with tape). The last step is to change the center of gravity, for evenness of the boom flight you should outline its middle and attach plasticine.

bow for hunting

In addition to arrows, you can make a compound bow. Its peculiarity is that it is assembled from different materials, which, of course, is a big plus and makes it much more efficient. Such weapons are very well suited for hunting. It is made up of several layers, thereby making the product durable and strong. Previously, they used only such weapons, it surpassed all others. Compound bow for hunting is now very rare, but "gourmets" are trying to acquire it, since they understand the whole "highlight" and the power of this weapon. The disadvantage is a big waste of time for its manufacture. It is known that compound bow appeared in antiquity. Once the master making this weapon went into the woods, and different types of trees met on his way. He approached them and chopped off some part, after which he got onions from acacia, ash, maple and oak. Sometimes you just needed a tree branch, and sometimes the lower part, so you had to cut it down completely. Such a bow was very valuable, and now shooting out of it is a pleasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34201/

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