We grow Amur grapes. Beauty for the garden and benefits for the body

A favorite delicacy of many people is grapes. We look forward to the summer to enjoy these healthy and delicious berries. Today, gardeners are happy to grow grapes in different countries of the world. Even in the northern regions, it survives well and bears fruit. Often it is used for decorative purposes. Amur grapes, which are successfully cultivated in the Far East, are excellent for this role.

Chic Amur grapes are a very hardy and hardy crop. This spectacular and unpretentious plant belongs to the Grape family. And it comes directly from the Primorsky Territory, where Amur grapes can be found growing in the wild.

What is Amur grape like?

The leaves on the vines are very large and can be either three- or five-lobed versions. And closer to autumn, they begin to darken and with the onset of cold weather gradually acquire a beautiful burgundy shade. In September, it is best to prune young shoots of grapes. Otherwise, they can freeze over the winter, which will negatively affect the condition of the whole plant.

You can buy Amur grapes in the spring and immediately plant them on your site. However, it is not worth waiting for the plant to begin to bear fruit immediately. Before the berries appear, you must wait at least 6 years, or even all 8. The fruits of this plant are collected in small brushes and have a sour taste. Only occasionally on the Amur grapes can sweetish berries appear.

While the plant is young, it needs to be covered for the winter (literally the first few years) so that it does not freeze. Amur grapes bloom by the end of June. His flowers are yellow, collected in inflorescences in the form of tassels. In exactly the same clusters appear berries that are black in color with a bluish bloom. They themselves are small, but they are a storehouse of necessary substances for the body. Fruits fully ripen by mid-September.

The berries of Amur grapes are very useful and are used to treat many diseases in traditional medicine. In the Far East, juice is made from Amur grapes and jam is made. Often it is used for making wine. This plant is very much appreciated among gardeners for its beauty and resistance to severe frosts.

The healing properties of fruits

If you are going to grow Amur grapes, you can buy seeds in specialized garden stores or online. And soon after planting, the plant will delight with beautiful decorative vines, and then delicious fruits. For medicinal purposes, not only the grapes themselves, but also its leaves are used. Moreover, the scope is very wide:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with lung diseases;
  • if the metabolism is impaired;
  • with diseases of the nervous system;
  • with gout (dried berries of Amur grapes, as well as fresh juice, help well);
  • during a sore throat;
  • use the fruits of this plant and as a good antipyretic.

Enumerate the beneficial properties of Amur grapes can be infinite. It is important that its fruits contain many valuable nutrients. Among them are complex sugars (glucose, fructose), and all kinds of acids (malic, silicic, tartaric, succinic, citric, etc.), as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and vitamins. Leaves also contain various beneficial substances. Therefore, a decoction and powders are prepared from them, which are taken orally. The main thing to remember is that it is better for diabetics to avoid eating berries and juices made from the fruits of this plant.

Today, you can often see Amur grapes in different parts of the world. This is a wonderful plant for vertical gardening, beautiful, unpretentious and very useful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3421/

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