Dwarf pincher: description of the breed, nature, features of content and nutrition

Who in childhood did not dream of a four-legged friend? Now, as adults, we can purchase a puppy of any breed. Now the question is which dog to choose. Many dogs like large dogs, but keeping them in an apartment is not very convenient. Caring for long-haired breeds will take a lot of time, and cleaning the apartment will turn into a daily lesson. If these difficulties confuse you, then take a look at the smooth-haired dwarf pincher. This dog is not suitable for everyone, but perhaps for you the miniature pinscher, as this breed is also called, will become not only a favorite pet, but also a real member of the family.

Breed description

You can often come across the assertion that the miniature pinschers are a miniature version of the Dobermans. The dwarf pincher is associated with the Doberman breed in that both belong to the same breed group - pinchers. Although the dogs are very similar in appearance, their roots are different, and the breed of miniature pinschers was bred even before the Dobermans.

The main advantages of the breed are its small size and elegant appearance. Pinchers weigh no more than 5 kg, and the maximum size is 30 cm at the withers. Ears are hanging, erect and semi-erect, cropped or uncropped. Short hair fits tightly to the body, so you can clearly see the muscular physique.

Miniature Pinscher Dogs

To understand what to expect, choosing a miniature pinscher as a pet, we list the main characteristics of the breed:

  • hardy, with good health;
  • mobile, regular walking and physical activity are required;
  • well give in to training;
  • molting is almost absent, hair care is minimal;
  • love to bark;
  • get along well with children;
  • get along with pets other than rats;
  • good defenders;
  • leaders by nature, education from an early age is required;
  • require a lot of attention;
  • loyal to the owners, do not trust outsiders;
  • prone to being overweight.

If you are concerned about the question of how many dwarf pinschers live, then you can not worry about this. Small breed dogs live longer than large and medium sized dogs. The average figure is 13-15 years. In some cases, the pet can live up to 20 years.

How did the breed appear

A description of the dwarf pincher breed would be incomplete without a history of the appearance of the species. Germany is considered the official country of origin of the Zwergpinscher. However, the remains of dogs similar to mini-pinchers were discovered during archaeological excavations in Scandinavia.

The breed’s standards were recorded in the 18th century, hence its age is counted. In ancient times, these miniature dogs were kept in yards for catching rodents and as guards. The small size did not prevent the miniature pinschers fearlessly protecting the owner and his property.

Over time, compact graceful dogs moved to the homes of wealthy people. Miniature Pinschers stood out as a separate breed and began to participate in exhibitions. Their popularity spread beyond Germany. The breed especially liked the French as an elegant indoor dog and a good companion for walking.


The International Cynological Association equally authorizes two types of dwarf pinscher color: black with tan and red. The first option is more popular. Tanning should be of a certain shape and size. Allowed location:

  • above the eyes;
  • on the bottom of the neck;
  • on the inside of the hind limbs;
  • symmetrically on both sides of the chest;
  • on the paws and metacarpals;
  • on the underside of the tail at the base.

Miniature pinschers of red color are monophonic, without tan, but color variations are allowed. It can be brown with a red tint, walnut, fawn.

Miniature pinscher red color

Do I need to stop the tail and ears?

Earlier, breed standards allowed both cropped ears and tail, and uncropped. In 2006, a ban was introduced on stopping the ears and tails of some dog breeds, including miniature pinschers. So if you want to participate with your pet in exhibitions, then he does not need to trim the ears and tail.

Pincher's temperament

Supplement the portrait of the dwarf pincher breed with a description of its character. The dog has a very bright temperament. In a family where there are other pets, he becomes the undisputed leader. In this case, the age and size of the pets is not important. He treats the children of the owners with guardianship, but does not like importunity and absolutely does not tolerate tactless relationships.

Miniature pinschers are very sensitive, but at the same time balanced. Possess a healthy psyche if it was not disturbed by improper upbringing in puppyhood. For this reason, up to three months to punish the puppy is not recommended. Otherwise, the adult dwarf pinscher can become aggressive. From the age of three months you can spank a puppy slightly. But this does not need to be done often, because smart and sensitive pinchers will catch displeased notes in the intonation of your voice.

Dwarf Pinscher for a walk

The nature of the dwarf pincher cannot be called simple. Leadership extends to the owners. It is important not to miss the moment and start raising a puppy from an early age. From the very beginning it is necessary to determine what the dog will be allowed and what will not. For example, if you let the miniature pinscher sleep with you several times, and then you realize that this is not suitable for you, then explaining this to the dog will not be easy. Mini pinschers are jealous of their territory, and your bed has already become one.

Social qualities

Miniature pinschers love affection and attention, they are always happy to meet the owners. His flock, and this is how the dog perceives the family, the pinscher will protect against everything and from everyone. Each doorbell will be accompanied by a ringing bark. Friends who come to visit, a passerby who doesn’t like the street and even relatives waving their arms will be attacked by barking and growling. In some cases, it may bite. Therefore, it is important to train the Miniature Pinscher from other people and dogs from an early age.

Zwergpinscher breed qualities


Dwarf pinschers are very active. Walking for them is necessary at least twice a day. You need to walk them on a leash, especially in a city. They are very curious and energetic, so they can rush off in search of adventure quickly and far. They get along well with other dogs, but they behave proudly and cocky. Mini-pinchers are especially pleased with field trips, where they can freely run about without a leash.

Due to the small size of the dog, some owners of miniature pinschers organize a tray at home. But even in this case, daily walks are necessary for the pet. Pinschers get used to both the tray and the street quickly.

Difficulty with walking can arise in the cold and in extreme heat. Smooth-haired pinschers do not tolerate frost below -10 ° C. Therefore, without dog clothes and shoes can not do. In hot weather, representatives of the breed with a black color are especially affected. Wool attracts the sun's rays, because of which the dog may overheat. It is recommended to take water for a walk to give the pet a drink and wipe it with water.

Miniature Pinscher Content

The small size of the dwarf pinscher allows you to keep it in the apartment. It is also suitable for a private house, but you can’t keep it constantly on the street, and even more so on a chain. In the house, the pet needs to allocate a warm place without drafts. It is desirable that this be a secluded place where the dog can hide from guests or the excessive attention of children.

Miniature Pinscher Content

Essential care

Due to its small size and short coat, it is easy to take care of the miniature pinscher. To maintain a neat appearance, it is enough to comb the dog 1-2 times a week. And also once a week you need to brush your teeth, eyes and ears. For this, dwarf pincher puppies are taught to these procedures from an early age.

But bathing pinschers is recommended only if necessary. They can catch a cold easily. For bathing you need to use a special shampoo for smooth-haired breeds of dogs. Preferably, the shampoo contains proteins. Miniature pinschers are good at hygienic procedures, because they themselves are naturally clean.


On the issue of nutrition, mini-pinchers are undemanding. The main thing is to remember that representatives of this breed are prone to gaining excess weight. This not only spoils the appearance of the miniature dog, but also affects its health not in the best way. What to feed the dwarf pinscher, each owner decides for himself. It can be natural food or ready-made feed. When choosing dry feeds as the basis of your diet, buy quality products of premium and super premium brands for small dog breeds. Some owners make the mistake of mixing dry food and natural food in the diet. This will lead to digestive problems.

Zwergpinscher on natural nutrition should receive all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet should consist of raw meat, cereals, vegetables, a small amount of vegetable oil and sour cream. Puppies can be given a bird in a small amount, cottage cheese. Despite its size, the dwarf pinscher is very gluttonous. Serving size such that the dog eats everything at a time. The number of meals an adult pincher - 2 times a day. Feeding should occur at the same time.

Training and training

Zwergpinscher is not a breed whose upbringing takes place between things, and no time is devoted to training. If you want your mini-pincher to grow up as an obedient dog, which is nice to spend time with, then training should be done starting from three months. If you miss the moment, then the stubborn and independent miniature pinscher will become a little tyrant with unbridled temperament. It is important to immediately let the puppy know who the owner of the house is and not to indulge his whims.

Dwarf Pinscher Training

They begin training with simple commands: “sit,” “bring,” “paw.” And also the dog should be well aware of the commands “not allowed”, “place”, “near”. Miniature pinschers are very active and inquisitive. It can be difficult for them to concentrate on learning. Therefore, before training, give a little physical activity to the dog, then it will not be so distracted. And, of course, do not forget about rewards for a good job in the form of a favorite treat. Be prepared for the fact that training the miniature pinscher will not give in immediately. Be patient and be consistent in your actions.

Common diseases and pathologies

Dwarf pinchers are distinguished by excellent health, but there is still a predisposition to certain diseases. As they say, warned, then armed. Therefore, read the list of possible deviations in health:

  • obesity and diabetes;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • visual impairment;
  • joint diseases, fractures and dislocations;
  • deafness.

The health of the pet should be kept under control and regularly visited by a veterinarian for a routine examination, as well as to put all the necessary vaccinations.

Where to buy a puppy

The choice of seller depends on the purpose of the dog. If you plan to exhibit a dog at exhibitions, then it is better to get a dwarf pinscher puppy in a kennel, where all the documents will be provided to you. The cost of thoroughbred puppies from the nursery is 10-30 thousand rubles. If there is no need to confirm the pedigree, then you can purchase a puppy without documents at a price of up to 10 thousand rubles.

Miniature Pinscher Puppies

How to choose a puppy

Even if you find trusted Miniature Pinscher breeders, this still does not guarantee that you will get a physically and mentally healthy puppy. Even in one litter, babies may be different. Watch all puppies. Already at this age, the qualities of the future guard and companion are manifested. Choose an active, inquisitive kid who will friendlyly wag his tail. If you purchase pinchers for exhibitions, then the puppy must meet all breed standards.

Breeding Miniature Pinschers

Pinscher girls are ready for pregnancy after the second estrus (age 15 months). During the gestation of the puppies, the expectant mother can not be overfed, but you need to add another meal. If ready-made feeds are used, then choose special complexes for pregnant and lactating dogs. In the diet of pinchers based on natural nutrition, fish, sour-milk products, and vitamins are added.

As a rule, pregnancy and childbirth pass without problems. Caesarean section is rarely required. Puppies are born blind and deaf. First, their eyes cut through (in the second week), and then they begin to hear. A month after giving birth, puppies have teeth, which means that you can start feeding. For this, minced meat, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, cereals, milk are suitable. At the age of 1.5 months, you can give dry food, dairy products, cottage cheese.

At the age of 1-1.5 months, puppies need to be given the necessary vaccinations, after having carried out anthelmintic procedures. Puppies are given to a new home at the age of 2-3 months.

Owner reviews

After examining the reviews of the dwarf pincher, we can conclude that this is an active dog for active people. If after work you are only enough for a leisurely walk around the quarter, then a basset hound or pug is more suitable for you. The miniature pinscher is similar to Milo from the famous movie "The Mask" with Jim Carrey. Only there was a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, but the baby pincher is not inferior to him in energy or quick-wittedness. Owners of miniature pinschers warn that they will have to spend a lot of time playing and raising a dog, but it's worth it. As a result, you will get a devoted friend, a companion on trips and just a favorite of the whole family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34210/

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