Augsburg, Germany: description, attractions, photos

Augsburg, a southern German city with a population of 264 thousand people, is located in Bavaria. It is located on two rivers, Lech and Vertach. The city has many streams and canals. There is an artificial lake that arose as a result of the spill of the branch of the Leh River after the construction of the dam. Augsburg (Germany) is famous for its rich history, magnificent architecture, well-being and wonderful environmental conditions.

Augsburg Germany


The climate of Augsburg is rather unstable, many factors influence it: the Atlantic with its humidity, the Lech river valley with a dry continental climate, the proximity of the Alpine mountains and the Danube watercourse. The combination of these factors contributes to the formation of relatively unstable weather conditions throughout the year.

Winter here is not too cold, snow usually falls in January and melts by the end of March. It is warm in summer, but not too hot. Periods of drought occur in summer and autumn. Often fog falls on the lands of Augsburg in the fall. There are also storms in these areas, leading to the flooding of local rivers and flooding of some sections of the city.


Augsburg (Germany) is one of the oldest cities in the country. The date of its foundation is considered to be 15 BC. e. In the Middle Ages, Augsburg became one of the centers for the concentration of trade and finance, and was among the most influential business cities. Augsburg merchants of those times were among the richest in Europe. Also, the city was famous for its jewelry art.

Augsburg (Germany) managed to save, with a lot of effort, and with minimal losses to carry its magnificent architecture through the centuries: still, like many hundreds of years ago, magnificent cathedrals, the town hall, monumental fountains, city fortifications and much more please the eye. Worst of all, Augsburg and its architectural heritage fell during the Second World War. He was significantly damaged during the bombing: many monuments were damaged and lost, the restoration of which subsequently took a large amount of effort, time and money.

Augsburg German Championship

The main and most recognizable symbol of the city is the Town Hall on Iron Mountain. This building is very proud of Germany. Augsburg (the sights do not end there) will delight its guests with a variety of monuments of its deepest history. The first building of the town hall was built at the end of the XIV century. At the beginning of the XVII century, when the city grew and became rich, the City Council of Augsburg decided to reconstruct it. But in the course of repair work, they decided to build a new building to replace the old one. The construction of the new town hall began in 1615 and continued until 1624. In 1944, this building was badly damaged by the fire caused by the bombing. After the war, the town hall was restored and since 1955 was used by the city administration.

Augsburg's Importance for a Country

Nowadays, Augsburg (Germany) is a large commercial, industrial and scientific center of Bavaria. In the city, despite the abundance of various enterprises, fairly clean air and generally favorable environmental conditions. The urban area is landscaped, actively planted with trees and flowers. Together with some other European cities, Augsburg fought for the right to own the title of the greenest city and won.

city ​​Augsburg Germany

Ecology and factories

Augsburg is a city in Germany, where air purity is also achieved thanks to a well-developed and well-organized public transport network, which has contributed to a decrease in the number of personal cars among citizens. Also, for the unloading of city traffic at the entrances to the city, special parking lots were located where you can leave your car and immediately change to public transport.

The city has many large enterprises. Among them, the brewery, founded in 1884, as well as a pharmaceutical company specializing in the production of over-the-counter medicines, stand out especially.

Augsburg is a city in Germany


The city of Augsburg (Germany) is a permanent place where sporting events of various sizes are organized. To conduct competitions, several large stadiums were built here. One of them accommodates about thirty-two thousand spectators. In 1979, the world championship in figure skating among young men and women was held here.

Significantly sporting heritage of the city, the history of his victories is rich. No less interesting and today lives sports Augsburg. The German Football Championship has a representative office in the form of the football club of the same name Augsburg, which also regularly takes part in the Europa League tournament. Fans of this sports association are distinguished by true Olympic calm. What is very important for ensuring a comfortable atmosphere during a match is rarely when they can be found rampant or inadequate.


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