Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Game Review

Often in the modern gaming industry, you can find such projects that at first glance are simply not completed and require a surcharge in order to obtain integrity. The DLC distribution model is no longer a novelty, and it does not please everyone. Even a society of gamers has appeared that specifically ignore various add-ons, as this is pure blackmail. But there is one game project that shows that add-ons can sometimes be quite interesting. It is called Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon and is probably known to many.

far cry 3 blood dragon review

Yes, this program is shrouded in a variety of rumors, opinions and other points, but do not forget that it is best to listen to constructive criticism. Therefore, for the game Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, the review should be based on reliable sources that are familiar with the project and can put everything on the shelves, showing the program as it is. Therefore, we will try to tell you about all the moments related to this topic. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out that this review is a purely personal opinion, collected using personal experience and some elements of reviews from trusted sources.

What kind of game is it?

Before the review gets a clear picture for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, it's worth figuring out what this game is all about. As mentioned earlier, this project is just an addition to the full-fledged adventure of Far Cry 3. But it does not continue the story and does not offer completely new development paths with familiar characters. On the contrary, the game represents a new universe, heroes and a short adventure. Do not be surprised, but this can also be. Everything that combines this addon with the original is a game engine. Do not be surprised that the review of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon may be completely different, and you will not notice the usual details of the original game. It should be understood that the developers simply realized their idea and decided to share it with others.

So, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is a futuristic adventure with dinosaurs, cyborgs, unusual weapons and many other thematic elements. The game will take place on the same island as in the original, though now this is a different universe. There are various lasers everywhere, cyborgs roam freely on the roads, and instead of animals scary mutants are presented, ready to tear you into small pieces. The main character is also not much different from cyborgs, so you should not really worry about him. It is in such circumstances that you will have to fight, simultaneously gaining various abilities, capturing enemy bases and saving the world from a repeated apocalypse.

The main goal of the adventure

Review Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon requires a description of the plot, and we are well aware. Here he is present and talks about how the commander of the special forces decides to create new chaos on the ruins of the old world in order to seize power. And to crank up such ambitious plans, he goes to a separate island to plan actions and gather the necessary forces.

review far cry 3 blood dragon

The protagonist of the game is a former subordinate of the same commander. It is he who decides to repulse the new world villain. And in order not to pull too much with his plans, he simply lands on the island and begins a large-scale battle against everyone, simultaneously capturing the bases, eliminating the mutants and gradually getting to the main instigator of the confrontation. Therefore, we can safely point out that the main goal of the game is to destroy his commander, who is also a cyborg and has individual characteristics.

What are the features in the game?

For Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, the review must necessarily include the features and capabilities of the adventure, and to follow the canons, we are ready to disassemble them. The first feature of the adventure is the speed of events. That is, there is no unnecessary lyrics, reflection and research. You just rush forward on a free map and try to destroy everything that gets in your way.

The second feature is the presence of futuristic weapons, which from afar resembles standard shotguns, pistols, flamethrowers and miniguns, but at the same time they have interesting graphic settings. For example, a minigun, in addition to bullets, gives out lightning, a pistol fires with a laser charge, and a flamethrower clearly has acquired new properties. Yes, there are not so many weapons in the game, but it is quite enough to achieve your goals.

The third feature of the gameplay is transport. Despite all the chaos that is going on around you, you can still use cars to move around, small flying vehicles and other interesting transport varieties. In principle, they will rarely have to be used, since the enemy bases are located not so far from each other.

game review far cry 3 blood dragon

The fourth feature is a simplified character pumping system, which now has an automatic mode. Now the skills will be gradually revealed with a new level, and this is good, since you do not need to bother with all this diversity. Just pump over, get a new skill, test it and make a conclusion about whether it is worth using it at all. The opportunity lies precisely in the freedom of choice, since you are guaranteed to get all the skills, and which ones you will use is a personal decision.

Actually, the review of the game Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon in terms of opportunities can be completed on this, since nothing more is available in the addon. Do not be upset that there are not so many of them. Still, the addon is just a small additional adventure using some of the technical features of the original Far Cry 3 game.

Who is the main villain?

For Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, the review of the game for the PC should be covered from all sides, so we decided to include a description of the main villain in it. His name is Sloan, and he is the former commander of the Omega squad, which included the protagonist. This squad of cyborgs was supposed to restore peace after chaos and mass destruction, with which, in fact, he coped. True, the commander Sloan at the last moment changed dramatically, left his squad and announced a desire to revive the Third World War because of corrupt and greedy heads of state. It is interesting to imagine how a simple cyborg came up with this before, but it is known from the game that people are simply oversaturated with implants, so the mind is still preserved in them, and they are the very same cyborgs.

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Now the main character must do everything to destroy Sloan. But to accomplish this is not so simple, as the former commander has excellent combat skills, is well versed in tactics and has the latest implants. Therefore, we can safely say that he is a cut above the main character, but you should not despair, since everything is ahead.

Opinion "Gambling"

So we figured out the possibilities of the game, the plot and the main villain. Now it's time to show the positive aspects and get the opinion of the gaming media about this project. For example, creating a review for the Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon game, Gambling tried to note the uniqueness and originality of the project. They praised all sides of the program, although she herself did not receive 10 points.

Journalists noted that the game revives the nostalgic sense of the 80s, when science fiction was just beginning to appear, and thanks to the unique style of adventure, everyone who found those times could enjoy an unforgettable gameplay. It was the style that became a fulcrum for many journalists, as the developers were able to draw attention to the project thanks to the finely selected design. Of the positive aspects, β€œGambling” noted the increased activity of the game process, graphic design, plot and features. And the negative sides attributed the short duration of the adventure and empty locations.

Opinion of other gaming media

For Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, a review and reviews of other gaming media have become a key point. The developers themselves noted that they released this addon as a simple and enjoyable entertainment, and as a result, almost everyone noted the high level of project implementation, nice graphics and an excellent storyline. But the biggest attention was still attracted to the style of the game.

far cry 3 blood dragon pc game review

Most likely, the fact is that the people who work in these structures managed to catch those times and get a portion of nostalgic pleasure, so their ratings are so high and their opinions are filled with admiration. There were some minuses. The biggest negative point is the incompleteness of most locations, a short gameplay, and some media noted a small availability of opportunities. But the overall picture of this game project is still positive.

Personal opinion about the game

For Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, the review, the pros and cons, features, features and many points are important, we do not argue with this, but it's time to express our opinion. Honestly, we expected more from the project. For example, the map seemed to us rather small and ordinary. A huge number of military bases were deployed only for the sake of quantity, and in theory they are all almost the same. There were fewer mutants than we expected, and the overall gameplay is just like a corridor shooter without pumping, research, and other points that we liked so much in the original Far Cry 3.

Therefore, we did not receive much admiration. Alas, you cannot go far on just one nostalgic style, and you need to create something new, interesting and fresh for the players, and not use the notes of the past for success. The rest of the game performed well, and it was nice to see such a redesigned add-on that showed the other side of the engine's capabilities.

The advantages of the game project

You can’t ignore the positive aspects of the game when we make a review for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. Pros and other pleasant moments for us were expressed in the following:

  • An interesting and original story as part of the Far Cry game series;
  • pleasant gameplay, filled with shootouts, small studies and one goal - to save the world from war;
  • interesting futuristic weapons;
  • unusual mutants resembling animals, but with a mixture of dinosaurs;
  • the style of the game immediately immerses you in the memories and feelings of the 80s.

far cry 3 blood dragon review and reviews
Here, in fact, all the pluses that make many players sit out for hours on the adventure, and then remember for a long time about their unusual journey into the world of cyborgs and technologies.

Cons of the game project

Making a review on Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, the cons and unpleasant moments should also be noted, but they look like this:

  • an empty world, some terrain of the game has no enemies, no living creatures;
  • despite all the manufacturability, the graphic design is not at the highest level, so it hurts the eyes a bit and spoils the perception of the adventure;
  • the duration of the trip is not as long as we would like;
  • small set of weapons;
  • homogeneous mutants;
  • stupid enemies;
  • too dark world.

Cons may seem like simple nit-picking, but this is our opinion, so do not be critical of it.

Hints of continuation

Despite all the positive and negative aspects, we still would like to see a continuation of such an adventure. But no matter what detailed reviews are done, no matter how many interviews the developers take, all hopes are in vain. The creators are busy with the series, but only in a different direction. The fact is that several new versions of the game are already available that show the other side of the adventure, but quite familiar to the Far Cry world. Therefore, you can not even think about the continuation, it certainly will not.

Game Reviews

Here, in fact, is the whole review that can be made for this game. It remains only to pay attention to the public and understand how it perceives this adventure. And again, we see the enthusiastic exclamations of a huge number of gamers who have already managed to try out the game.

far cry 3 blood dragon review pros

If you take into account positive and negative reviews, the ratio is 70 to 30, that is, most of the audience still loved this game project, unique modifications and even fanfiction adventures were created. It does not make sense to consider each review, as they are closely intertwined with our review and the opinions of the media. In general, it is nice to realize that there is another legend on the gaming expanses, showing that interactive entertainment can be a kind of masterpiece. Have a nice game!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34213/

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