The best varieties of cucumbers: an overview, description, characteristics, features of growing

Cucumber is a useful and indispensable vegetable in the human diet. To date, the number of varieties and hybrids is huge. The most important thing is to choose the one that is suitable for growing in your area. What varieties of cucumbers are best planted, read the article.

Growing Features

Cucumbers are the most sought after vegetables on our table. But this culture is demanding on growing conditions. What do cucumbers need? To grow the best varieties of cucumbers, they need to give a lot of heat and light, so they are planted in sunny areas. Here they will produce high yields, and fruiting will last in time.

For comfortable growth, cucumbers need neutral soil. Acidic soils do not absorb nutrients well. Plants need regular liquid top dressing containing the necessary trace elements, especially potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Cucumbers in the garden

Cucumbers prefer high humidity of the soil and air, as they are a moisture-loving crop. This is especially true during the period of mass formation and growth of fruits.

What should they be protected from? They do not like cold soil and low temperature water. They do not need to be grown in a draft, especially for greenhouses, when all doors and windows open wide. Culture does not tolerate shading. In the area without the sun, fruiting is delayed, the cucumbers are smaller, their taste becomes not so sweet. Therefore, they should not be grown under the shade of trees and shrubs, as well as thicken plantings. What else do cucumbers not like?

  • Acidic soil.
  • Late watering.
  • Grow in one place for many years.
  • Poor ventilation.
  • Sharp fluctuations in temperature.
  • Rare harvest.

Varieties for the Urals

The Urals has a unique climate: short summers and long winters with severe frosts. But here people grow cucumbers in their dachas. This vegetable is thermophilic, so it is mainly planted in greenhouses. In those years when the summer is warm, seedlings of vegetables are transplanted into the open ground.

Ural - a zone of risky farming. For cultivation, self-pollinating and parthenocapical vegetables of this species are chosen. The best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals should have endurance, excellent taste and high yield. It is better not to plant late varieties; they do not ripen before the onset of cold weather. In the event of unexpected frosts, the plants planted earlier on the garden bed should be covered with a film. The best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals are presented below.

"Cupid F 1"

This hybrid ripens early and is resistant to temperature extremes. In addition, he is not very demanding on care and cultivation. It is enough to water the plant, fertilize, weed from weeds and mulch the soil around the stems. Reaches full maturity in a month and a half. Suitable for salting for the winter.

Best for the urals


This variety is universal, as it is grown in garden beds and in greenhouses. The culture is early, the appearance of the first ovaries can be expected in a month and five days. Flowers are pollinated by bees. The bushes are large, up to one meter in height, regardless of where they grow.

The Ural climate is characterized by frequent changes in air temperature. However, this is not a problem for a vegetable; he tolerates them easily. The fruits of this culture retain elasticity and great taste for a long time. They are consumed fresh and canned. "Altai" - a productive grade.

"Courage F 1"

The hybrid is self-polluting, therefore ideal for greenhouse cultivation. It is characterized by a long ripening period. Cucumbers reach full ripeness after 60 days from the start of planting. The culture is characterized by good fruiting. Vegetables are medium in size, the mass of one reaches 175 g.

Cucumbers for Siberia

This region is located on a vast territory. The peculiarity of growing cucumbers is that you have to adapt to the climatic conditions, which are characterized by instability. Summer in Siberia, by definition, is short, but hot is not always, so hybrids are often grown here. They are better adapted to adverse conditions. Gardeners are trying to choose the best varieties of cucumbers for Siberia.

For a long time, this vegetable wandered across countries and continents; he managed to develop immunity to the harsh climate. Breeders have bred many varieties that take root well and yield high yields in cold weather. The best varieties of cucumbers for Siberia are presented below.

"Miranda F 1"

This hybrid has a universal purpose. Ripens early, grows in any soil. However, on fertile soil it develops and bears fruit better. The culture refers to self-pollinated plants with large bushes. The appearance of the fruit is unusual: on a bright green background, small dots of light color are visible. The peel is covered with yellow stripes and tubercles. The fruits are small in size, their length is 12 cm, weight is 120 g. Planting density is four plants per square meter of area.


This variety of cucumbers ripens in the medium term. The formation of ovaries occurs after a month and a half. The overwhelming majority of the plant contains female flowers. It is characterized by a rare lesion of various infections. The fruits ripen at the same time. The vegetable has a dark color, weight does not exceed 100 g, and a length of not more than 15 cm. Eight kilograms of vegetables can be collected from an area of ​​one square meter.

Best for Siberia

"Herman F 1"

These cucumbers are early, with strong immunity, therefore they are practically not affected by diseases. Hybrids have good fertility. The ovaries on the stems are formed by bundles, each grows to six fruits. The shape and size of the vegetable is like that of a gherkin. The fruits are small, 12 cm long, with a sweetish aftertaste.

Cucumbers near Moscow

This region of Russia is located in the middle zone of the country and is rightly considered a zone of risky farming. But this does not mean that it is impossible to grow a thermophilic culture in the open ground. You just need to choose the best varieties of cucumbers for the Moscow region, which will meet the following requirements:

  • For better fruiting, cucumbers should be self-pollinated.
  • It is preferable to grow universal varieties.
  • It is better to give preference to early varieties.
  • At the same time, it is recommended to plant three to seven varieties and hybrids, which will differ in quality characteristics. This gives at least a small, but a guarantee, to get a good harvest. The best varieties of cucumbers for the Moscow region are presented below.

"April F 1"

This hybrid is bred specifically for open ground, but is successfully grown in greenhouses, hotbeds and on balconies in drawers. This indicates the stability and versatility of the variety. Plants are compact, as they have the ability to regulate branching processes independently, without any human intervention. The fruits are cylindrical and large in size, their length is 25 cm, and their weight is from 200 to 250 g. There is no bitterness in their taste. The hybrid is characterized by frost resistance and unpretentiousness to leaving.


This vegetable is one of the best varieties of cucumbers for central Russia. Ripens in the medium term, but manages to bear fruit before the onset of cold weather. The plant is tall and highly branched, pollinated by bees. The fruits are small - six to seven centimeters. Their shape is ovoid, somewhat elongated, the peel is covered with tubercles.

"Masha F 1"

The hybrid is adapted to grow in the suburbs. Refers to ultra-precocious and self-pollinated varieties. It is characterized by a long period of bearing. It is a high-yielding crop. Due to their small size, cucumbers are classified as gherkins. The surface of the fruit is tuberous. Thanks to the excellent taste, vegetables are good fresh and in salads. They make blanks for the winter. The fruits are genetically lacking bitterness. The hybrid has good immunity to many diseases, it does not respond to adverse atmospheric and weather conditions, which is so important for the Moscow region.

Best for Moscow Region

Outdoor Cucumbers

The variety of varieties of this type of vegetables is so great that it is often difficult to choose exactly what you need. What varieties of cucumbers for open ground are the best, let's figure it out. Each variety has characteristic features and properties that it inherits. From varietal cucumbers, seeds can be prepared independently and grown for a long time in your garden.

In the case of hybrids, a plant with those characteristics that are usually indicated on the package is grown only once. If you collect seeds yourself and grow fruits, they will have other qualities, for example, yield will decrease, they will become infertile. It is difficult to predict the result. In seeds of hybrids, the properties of mother plants are not preserved. For reference, the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground are presented below.


In this variety, fruits are formed with the participation of bees, so cucumbers are suitable for growing on garden beds. They are precocious, when planting they do not need to take away the sore spot, since the bushes and fruits are small in size. This is especially true with a lack of space. The taste of fresh cucumbers is very pleasant, they make excellent salads. In addition, they are used for harvesting for the winter.


These cucumbers have a medium early ripening period. From the emergence of seedlings to the first harvest, 45 days pass if the vegetables were planted in the spring, and if in the summer, then 30. To form the ovaries, flowers are pollinated by bees and other insects. The plant is powerful, weakly branched, has a long main stem. The fruits are small, their length reaches 12 cm, and their weight is 100 g. The green peel with indistinct stripes of white color is covered with large tubercles. The pulp has a dense texture, it is crispy and fragrant. These vegetables are among the best varieties of pickles for pickling. They are used fresh, salads are prepared from them. Vegetables bear fruit well, if they provide normal care.

"Director F 1"

Mid-early hybrid, takes a month and a half from planting to harvesting the first crop. It is grown on the beds in the garden and greenhouses, the crop is high everywhere. The plant is of medium height, branches strongly, female flowers prevail. The fruits are small - no more than 12 cm, weigh up to 80 g. The skin is covered with medium-sized tubercles, light stripes are visible on it. There are no voids in the fruits, the flesh crunches weakly. The hybrid belongs to the best varieties of cucumbers, as it is characterized by shade tolerance, resistance to the defeat of diseases of the species, unpretentiousness in care, good productivity.

For open ground


Early ripe hybrid with bundle ovaries, each with four to five fruits. Grown in greenhouses and garden beds. The culture is shade-tolerant, can grow indoors on the windowsill. Bushes are powerful, branching weakly. The fruits are small, 12-14 cm in length, weigh up to 130 g. But the yield is not bad: up to 16 kg from a plot of one square meter. This hybrid is one of the best varieties of pickles for pickling. It is used in salads, consumed immediately from the bush, previously washed.

Varieties for greenhouses

When choosing cucumbers for greenhouses, you should pay attention to their varieties, since they have different pollination methods. In closed ground conditions, the best varieties of cucumbers are self-pollinated. They do not require the presence of insects in the greenhouse. Currently, there are many new products. However, experts recommend planting them with old, time-tested vegetables. So they will better bear fruit. Examples of the best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse are presented below.

"Connie F 1"

This is a very popular hybrid. Refers to early ripening parthenocarpic cucumbers. It grows in greenhouse conditions and in beds. This is one of the best varieties of bunch cucumbers. It is characterized by powerful bushes. Type of flowering - female. The surface of the fruit is finely tuberous, they are small, seven to nine centimeters in length, weigh up to 80 g. These cucumbers have no bitterness, they are used fresh and canned, for the preparation of salads.

The best bunch varieties of cucumbers


This variety is medium-late; it takes a month and a half to fully ripen. But the long wait for delicious fruits is offset by their good fruiting. Vegetables are among the most productive varieties of cucumbers, despite their small size. Their mass is 100-120 g. They are consumed fresh and salted, in salads and as a decoration for dishes.

"Suomi F 1"

This is a super early parthenocarpic hybrid. It is characterized by stable immunity: it is not afraid of root rot, cold weather, it is not afraid of bad weather conditions. Fruits reach full maturity by the 38th day after the appearance of sprouts. Cucumbers are small in size - six centimeters in length. A distinctive feature of hybrids is that they can not outgrow their sizes declared during the cultivation of seeds. This is very good, as there will be no overgrown vegetables. The fruits are tasty, there is no bitterness in them. Suitable for salting.

"Saratov F 1"

This is a super-early parthenocarpic hybrid, adapted to harsh climate conditions. The fruiting period is extended in time. The fruits have a beautiful shape in the form of an elongated oval and medium size. The length of the cucumber reaches 13 cm. A thin skin is covered with white spikes. The pulp tastes great. Used in salads and for canning.

Varieties of gherkins

This type of cucumber is small in size. Fruits reach a length of five centimeters, sometimes a little more. The best varieties of gherkins are presented below.

  • "Parisian" - this variety of mini-cucumbers, very popular among vegetable growers. The culture is not demanding to care. It is enough to regularly water, loosen the soil and weed. For pollination, the presence of bees is necessary. Ripens early, a month and 10 days after the appearance of sprouts. Fruit mass - 55-80 g.
  • "Moravian F 1" - the hybrid is adapted for cultivation on beds in the open. Fruits in medium terms. From germination to full maturity, 50 days pass. Pollinated by bees. The length of the fruit is 8-10 cm, weight - 70-95 g. The hybrid is characterized by a stable yield. It is resistant to diseases of the species.
  • "Children's F 1" - the hybrid is pollinated independently. There are many flowers on the plant. The skin of the fruit, reaching a length of eight centimeters, is covered with white spines. The mass of cucumbers is 70 g. There is no bitterness in the pulp. The culture is resistant to disease diseases.
  • "Marinade F 1" - the hybrid is not afraid of temperature changes in air and disease, since it has strong immunity. Super early cucumbers ripen in 32-41 days. The peel of the fruit, reaching 12 cm in length, is covered with large tubercles, the pulp is dense.

Outdoor Cucumbers

To determine which cucumbers produce more fruit, several varieties are usually planted and grown under the same conditions. Harvesting will show which ones to leave for planting in future years, and which ones to abandon forever. But there is a simpler way: buy seeds, all information is given on the package. For example, the most productive varieties of cucumbers for open ground are given below.

  • Vyaznikovsky-37 is an early variety. Two to three kilograms of fruit are harvested from an area of ​​one square meter. The bushes are tall, the height of the main stem reaches 160 cm, and its thickness is two. The ovary has an elongated shape. The hybrid is resistant to a disease such as powdery mildew. Used for harvesting for the winter.
  • "Graceful" - this cucumber has the same characteristics as the previous grade, but it is not suitable for winter harvesting. But it is resistant to bacteriosis.
  • "Farmer" - one of the best varieties of cucumbers with late ripening. Only after two months, the fruits reach maturity. The yield is very high: 14 kg of cucumbers with a plot area of ​​one square meter. The variety is universal. Its taste is equally pleasant in both fresh and salted fruits. There is no bitterness. But this is not all the merits of the variety. The main thing is that these cucumbers can be grown in greenhouses.
  • "Alligator" - the yield of this hybrid is high - 16 kg per square meter. The fruits are large, their length reaches 40 cm, and their weight is 300 g. They are not affected by powdery mildew and olive blotch. Treat the best grades of cucumbers.

Harvest varieties for greenhouses

To date, a huge number of varieties of cucumbers has been bred. Some are designed for growing on garden beds, others - in closed ground. Below is an overview of cucumber varieties for greenhouses.

  • "Phoenix 640" - pollinated with the participation of bees and other insects. Female flowers prevail. Fruiting is extended in time, lasts until the colds. Productivity is good - 6 kg / 1m 2 . The fetus has medium dimensions: length - 12-15 cm, weight - 150-200 g.
  • "Rodnichok" - characterized by a very high yield: 25 kg of cucumbers per square meter. Matures in the medium term. It can be grown in open ground, but in this case, yield decreases.
  • "Liliput" - these cucumbers for lazy summer residents. If they are not watered at the time, they will endure the lack of water, while maintaining taste and productivity.

These vegetables are the best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse.

Self-pollinating varieties

Such cucumbers have high productivity and resistance to natural disasters. Pollination of flowers, after which ovaries form, occurs without the participation of insects. The best self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers include:

  • " F 1" – . , . -, , . .
  • " F 1" – , . , , .
  • " F 1" – , . , . .
Self-pollinated cucumbers

– . .

  • " F 1" – . . . , , . . , .
  • " F 1" – , 37 . , . - . , - . – -, – - . .
  • " F 1" – , . , , , -. 8-10 . , . , .


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