Vladimir Polevanov: biography, books, photos

Vladimir Polevanov - doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, president of the geological department of the Moscow Aviation Institute (International Academy of Informatization), adviser to the Minister of Natural Resources of Russia. He is also the author of more than 50 monographs and works on metallogeny and geology of gold deposits in the USSR and the world. We will talk about the biography of Vladimir Pavlovich Polevanov in the article.

Vladimir Polevanov biography

A family

Vladimir Polevanov, whose photo can be seen in the article, was born in 1949, November 11, in Kharkov. His parents - Pavel Tikhonovich and Fekla Alekseevna - came from peasants. Mother before the war received a medical education and worked all her life in one hospital. It was here after the war that she met Pavel Tikhonovich.

Wife of Vladimir Polevanova - Valentina Dmitrievna - an economist by profession, was the head of the Medical Insurance Fund of the Amur Region. During the six months in office she managed to bring the organization to the first place in terms of collection of fees in Russia.

Vladimir Polevanov has two children: daughter Svetlana and son Anton.

early years

The character of Vladimir Polevanov was formed under the influence of his father. Pavel Tikhonovich was distinguished by a tireless will to live and amazing optimism. In 1933, he managed to come to Kharkov and enter the sickle and hammer factory as a turner.

Pavel Timofeevich went through the whole war. He served in the infantry and received only one wound at the very end of the war. May 9, 1945 in the battle for Prague he was shot in the temple. As a result, the left side of the body was paralyzed. Three years after the end of the war, he was treated in hospitals, in one of which he met Fekla Alekseevna. Together they lived a long life.

Pavel Timofeevich, being a disabled person of group 1, having difficulty moving on his feet, was able to build a house, grow a unique apple orchard, raise and educate his son and daughter.

Vladimir Pavlovich Polevanov acquired his first labor skills in his father’s apple orchard, caring for animals and working in the garden. In school years, he was distinguished by activity, participated in olympiads, especially in those subjects that, in his opinion, could be useful to him in the future in implementing a long overdue decision to be a geologist. In addition, he also went in for sports: he received 1st rank in chess, 2nd in fencing, and was fond of football.

Student years

Vladimir Polevanov graduated from high school in 1966. Despite the tough selection, he was able from the first attempt to enter the Kharkov State University at the Faculty of Geology.

Vladimir Polevanov books

In his student years, Polevanov became interested in caving and mountaineering, actively participated in the activities of the mineralogical society. He was invited on expeditions to the Crimea and the Caucasus, to work in one of the mines in the Donbass. In 1969, a young scientist participated in gold exploration in the highland region of the Kyrgyz Range. The very next year, he underwent pre-graduation practical training in the north of the Irkutsk region.

In 1971, Vladimir Polevanov defended his diploma perfectly and received the qualification of “intelligence engineer”.

Start of work

Since 1971, the biography of Vladimir Polevanov has been marked by a number of amazing events. First, after graduation, several problems arose. By distribution, he was sent to the Crimea. But he refused the trip. Then Polevanov was offered a position in the Department of Geology in Moscow. But he again refused - he was attracted by Kolyma. The next 10 years, the biography of Vladimir Polevanov will be closely related to the Far North.

He got a meeting with the Minister of Geology and got a referral to the Magadan region. He was sent to the Susumansky district in a gold mine. From that moment, the young mountain master began to earn credibility. Polevanova began to be respected, of course, not immediately. Disagreements with the team were resolved after he developed and successfully applied the new technology for blasting holes, thus increasing the speed of penetration by almost three times. In addition, he managed to achieve an increase in wages for workers.

In 1973, Polevanov received the post of chief geologist of the Burkandino-Siena party in the Berelekh expedition of the North-Eastern State University, and after 4 years - the chief geologist of the Yagodninsky expedition. During these years he was engaged in the search for zinc, lead, tungsten, cobalt, mercury, iron, coal. However, gold remained a priority.

Scientific activity

In 1983, Polevanov successfully graduated in absentia from the graduate school of the Leningrad Mining Institute and defended his Ph.D. He presented to the Scientific Council a work on the topic "Geology and features of the search and exploration of the central Kolyma regions".

Finally, in 1991 he became the hero of our article - Vladimir Polevanov - a doctor of science. His doctoral dissertation was devoted to the geology of world gold deposits and the specifics of their search.

Polevanov Vladimir Pavlovich books

Work in "Sevvostgeologiya"

It began after the defense of the candidate. Polevanov was appointed head of the geological department of Sevvostgeologiya. Thus, under his control was more than a thousand square kilometers. As leader, he was responsible for the implementation of the plan to increase the production of alluvial gold of as many as ten expeditions.

I must say that the staff turnover was very large. According to statistics, only one of the four volunteers remained in Kolyma. Most people could not stand the harsh climate.

For the entire time he worked at Sevvostgeologiya, Polevanov discovered, explored, and commissioned more than 200 tons of alluvial gold. In addition, he assessed 70 tons of reserves in medium and small deposits. With the direct participation of Polevanov, the exploration of the tungsten basin of Bohapcha, the largest in the north-eastern part of Russia, was completed. He also participated in work at the Urultunskoye lead and zinc deposits, the total reserves of which amounted to more than 10 million tons, as well as at the Kubaka gold ore deposit.

Labor activity outside the Magadan region

Under the leadership of Polevanov, reconnaissance was carried out on about. Bolshevik in the Polar Urals. From 1988 to 1989, being the head of the laboratory in the Magadan branch of TsNIGRI, Vladimir Pavlovich coordinated work at mines in the Amur Region. Subsequently, he was appointed chief geologist in the Amurgeologiya association. This post opened up many opportunities for him.

Vladimir Pavlovich Polevanov biography

After the transfer of drilling crews to the Amur Region, by May 1992, Polevanov was able to triple the volume of proven gold reserves. It was he who first discovered such deposits of indigenous gold as Skalistoe and Ledyanoe, Bamskoe. Polevanov estimated reserves of the Pyrite Cliff, Malomyr, Borgulikan. Under the leadership of Vladimir Pavlovich, work was organized to search for diamond deposits in the territory of the Amur Region.

Being a high-level professional, Polevanov took an active part in drafting the Federal Law "On Subsoil". After the normative act came into force, Vladimir Pavlovich became the organizer and chairman of the Committee on the Use of Subsoil in the Amur Region. While in this position, he reassessed the volume of alluvial gold. According to the results of this work, it was found that the Amur region ranks first in terms of the number of reserves in the world.

The beginning of a political career

I must say that Vladimir Pavlovich was never particularly interested in politics. He was more attracted to scientific work. However, in 1993, at a time of crisis for the country, Polevanov resolutely spoke for the president. He was sure that dual power in Russia is impossible. Alexander Surat, who was then the governor of the Amur Region, did not support decree No. 1400 and was removed from his post. His place was taken by Vladimir Polevanov. The corresponding decree was signed by B. N. Yeltsin on October 5, 1993.

Work on a governor post

After taking office, Polevanov amazed everyone with his determination. Firstly, he began to speak to the population live, and secondly, he provided uninterrupted feedback with citizens by giving his home phone number.

Polevanov spent more than a year as governor. During this period he managed to do a lot. It was he who first organized and conducted about 40 auctions for the sale of gold deposits. Under him, the Svobodny Cosmodrome and the third power unit of the Blagoveshchensk TPP were commissioned, 600 harvesters were purchased, more than 10 plants for processing agricultural products were built. Polevanov ensured the completion of the construction of Russia's largest hospital for the disabled and a rehabilitation center, achieved the provision of wars for people with disabilities, and helped orphans.

Vladimir Polevanov photo

Transfer to Moscow

Of course, the achievements of Polevanov made a great impression on the President of the country. November 15, 1995 Vladimir Pavlovich was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Committee for State Property Management. I must say that the corresponding decree was signed by the head of state contrary to the opinion of Chubais. This predetermined further events in the political career of Polevanov.

After working for 2 weeks in a new post, Vladimir Pavlovich orders an analysis of the results of privatization in Eastern Europe, as well as documentation of Russian experience in this area. The data hit him: the accelerated pace of privatization had an extremely negative impact on the economy, it was carried out exclusively in the interests of a certain group of people. Most of the population turned out to be cheated, lost the right to property that they had been creating together for many years.

On January 24, 1995, without giving reasons, Polevanov was removed from the post of chairman of the State Property Committee. This happened almost immediately after the scandal with the publication of his note on the analysis of the results of privatization under Chubais.

Problems in the State Property Committee

It must be said that Vladimir Polevanov was the only person on the Committee who was not part of the Chubais team. He tried to openly fight with what was happening in the department. After the dismissal, a book was published by Vladimir Polevanov, entitled "Technology of great deception." The work was, of course, scandalous. The fact is that in it the author talks about the events, which he himself was a witness.

In his book, Vladimir Pavlovich Polevanov says that American companies actively participated in the privatization of domestic enterprises. Their employees, both Americans and Russians, had access to where they should be strictly prohibited. It's about the computer center of the State Property Committee. This meant, as Vladimir Pavlovich Polevanov writes in his Technology of Great Deception, that the employees of American companies had enormous advantages: they knew what competitions would open, under what conditions, etc. 32 people received passes. Among them was Jonathan Hay, who, according to Russian intelligence, was a full-time CIA intelligence officer. It turned out to be impossible to remove this person from the State Property Committee, since, according to Polevanov, Chubais himself opposed it.

In the course of studying the documentation, Vladimir Pavlovich revealed that several of the largest enterprises of the military-industrial complex were sold to foreigners simply for nothing. This meant that factories and design bureaus developing secret products were out of state control.

Having received all these data, Vladimir Pavlovich wrote a letter to Chernomyrdin. In it, he described the real state of affairs and suggested "zeroing out" the results of privatization, returning to 1991 and starting all over again. However, his message remained unanswered. Then Polevanov turned to the media. He handed over his letter to the newspaper Pravda. Soon, Vladimir Pavlovich was removed from his post.

Polevanov Vladimir Pavlovich technology of great deception


In his work The Technology of Great Deception, Vladimir Polevanov resolutely rejects the idea that violations and mistakes in the privatization process were related to the inexperience and incompetence of the country's leadership. On the contrary, the author insists on the deliberate choice of just such an approach to reform. In his book, Vladimir Polevanov says that the "transformation of Chubais" was originally aimed at destroying the domestic economy.

However, it should be noted that for such a short time as the head of the State Property Committee, the hero of our article managed to do a lot. He was able to stop the privatization of the Sakhalin fleet, transporting goods to the northern territories, to suspend the sale of shares of aluminum plants. In addition, the public was able to familiarize themselves with documents testifying to the grossest violations of the Chubais team.

Vladimir Polevanov Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Since 1996, Vladimir Polevanov is again engaged in the search and exploration of gold deposits in Russia and abroad. He became the head of the Apsakan mining company, the vice president of Russia's Strategic Resources (national fund), and the chairman of the Golden Bridge consortium, whose plans are very extensive. In 1995, Vladimir Pavlovich was awarded the title "Person of the Year."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34227/

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