Which inverter welding machine is better. Inverter welding machine household

Many professionals and amateurs are interested in what is better to purchase - a welding machine or an inverter? How to choose the most productive and reliable model?

Welding machine or inverter how to choose
Professional welders believe that the optimal model of the inverter apparatus is selected individually. In the event of a lack of relevant experience in this matter and the inability to choose the inverter welding machine ourselves, which one will work better - we will tell in this material.

What is a welding inverter?

Everyone knows that through welding, metal parts are connected. To implement the process, they resort to the use of a welding machine - a device that generates an electric arc that heats and melts the metal. To the material being welded, the energy converted into heat enters through the electrodes.

The power source of the arc may be different. One type of such apparatus is an inverter. Its function is to supply high-frequency current.

Due to the excellent level of productivity, this device has become the basis for creating innovative modifications of welding machines of this line. As a result, a new semi-automatic device with an inverter source of electricity appeared on the market, while in devices of a different type, current is supplied through a transformer or rectifier. With such a wide choice, questions arise. So, inverter welding: which is better, how to choose a machine?

Inverter welding which is better how to choose a machine

Inverter welding benefits

The inverter apparatus has many advantages:

  • High efficiency - up to 95%.
  • Economical consumption of electrical materials, including scarce ones.
  • A wide range of indicators of the operating mode and the ability to select the appropriate one, which is very important when thin electrodes are used in welding.
  • The simultaneous use of several current sources is used.
  • The welding mode is regulated gradually, it has a wide range of current and voltage indicators.
  • The power source can be controlled from a distance.
  • Electricity is consumed with low losses.
  • The inverter transformer has a small size and weight, which greatly facilitates carrying.
  • The presence of double insulation and a powerful fuse provides a high level of welding safety.
  • Any type of coated electrode is used for welding, and the process itself is carried out both with a variable and with a constant current supply.
  • Easy ignition of the arc, stable ignition at the maximum current value is provided by the Hot-Start function. An ordinary transformer is not able to provide arc stability and stability of the operation mode.
  • The Arc-Force feature reduces power to a minimum during short circuits. This eliminates sticking of the electrodes.
  • No or few welding spatter. During the work, the use of magnetic blast is not required.
  • Inverter welding is even capable of alloys that are not joined by the conventional method, as well as steel.
  • A similar welding method is available even to beginners.

Cons of inverter welding

To date, the inverter unit is considered the best among all welding machines. It is convenient to use, safe and, most importantly, has a high level of performance.

Despite such a number of advantages, this device has its drawbacks:

  • The cost of the device is many times more than a conventional transformer. If high-quality work is not required, then it is better to purchase a low-cost unit, provided that the welder has a sufficient level of preparedness.
  • Transformer repair is not so expensive. Repairing a semiautomatic device will cost a lot. This is because the “brain” of the device is the IGBT module. The reasons for the failure in his work are the most common: overload when cutting an iron sheet of large thickness or sudden surges in voltage when the thermal relay does not have time to respond.
  • The inverter is dust sensitive. With its large number, the device may deteriorate. If you are working on a construction site, it is recommended to monitor the cleanliness of the device and carry out regular preventive cleaning and blowing work.
  • The semiautomatic electronic components do not work at temperatures below 0º.
  • It is also harmful to store the device in the cold. Low temperature contributes to the formation of condensation on the electronic filling of the device and subsequently can lead to breakdown of certain components.

Household welding inverter: what to choose?

The use of an inverter unit is relevant not only in construction conditions, but also at home. Features are often used by owners of country houses and cottages.

The decision to purchase a semiautomatic device makes it possible to quickly solve current problems. For the correct choice of the unit, you need to know what parameters should be paid special attention to.

Which inverter welding machine is better? A good choice depends not only on the level of quality, capabilities or price, but also on the technical compliance of the device with the required operating features and the conditions under which it will be used.

Among the technical data that can solve the question, which inverter welding machine is better, include the following:

  • The presence of a protective mechanism built into the device. It provides surge protection. Most units of this type react negatively to surges in mains voltage. The wider the range of the device, the more protected the unit is and its cost is higher. For industrial use, the level of protection is 25%. Appliances used in domestic conditions have a level of 15%.
  • Equipped with a fan. Semiautomatic devices react to dust. Modification of the device involves the presence of a ventilation system that cools the machine, and also serves as protection against dust. To reduce its number, engineers applied a tunnel ventilation scheme. The availability of the system also affects the cost of the unit. It is advisable to purchase an inverter without a fan, and if necessary, clean it by blowing or with a soft brush.
  • Availability in the service center of printed circuit boards for a specific modification. They are prone to frequent damage, and repairing them is quite expensive. The conclusion follows - if the service center has new printed circuit boards of the required sample and is ready to carry out repair work at any time, this indicates that this model spoils often. If the spare parts of your chosen equipment are brought only to order, the device is of high quality. Be sure to ask about the cost of repair work, as well as the country of manufacture of spare parts for the unit.

Making the right choice

So which inverter welding machine is better? Today on the market there is a wide range of machines of this type. They are made both in our country and abroad (Europe, China). Often in Chinese models you can find Japanese parts, or in an assembly manufactured in a European country - Chinese parts. Inverter selection should not be made by brand or brand. It is better to pay attention to the technical data of the device. Household welding inverter: what to choose? An acceptable range of operation of such a unit is an indicator of 160 to 200 A.

Household welding inverter on what to choose

Duration of inclusion

When operating at a high voltage level, the unit must be switched off periodically to avoid overheating. With an operating life of 40%, an inverter unit of 10 minutes holds an arc for only 4 minutes. After working, he turns off to cool. At lower amperage, the unit will function longer. A unit with a high voltage rating should be selected. The best option is from 50 to 90V.

Protection against dust and moisture

When purchasing a welding machine, pay attention to its protection class: IP21 - from sheer rain drops and particles larger. There is another protection class IP23, which prevents wetting from oblique rain. But operation of the welding machine in the rain is prohibited by safety rules.

Device Options

Buyers are interested in which inverter welding machine is better, with or without a case. Get a device that comes with a special case.

Which inverter welding machine is better

In it, the unit is stored or transferred. For convenience, the inverter is hung on shoulders on special belts. Often a hammer and a mask are attached to the kit, but they have no practical value. It is better to purchase a mask separately.

Power consumption

When buying the device for domestic use, you should carefully read the instructions. It will indicate the data on the mains fuse, which is recommended by the manufacturer for the operation of the device. In order not to have to remodel the device for household electricity, the indicator of power consumption should be from 16 to 25 A. The inverter consumes much more electricity than an electric kettle. This requires careful preparation of extension cords, wires and sockets. An automatic machine or fuse is installed at the input. Only then can you get to work.

In order not to damage the unit from a voltage drop, the welding machine is de-energized only by means of a switch provided in the device.

Warranty Card

Inverter welding machine: which is better to purchase? Available from private hands or specialty stores?

Inverter welding machine which is better

It is recommended to purchase the unit only in special stores, where you will be given a warranty card and tell you where the service center is located.

Additional device functionality

  • The Hot Start and Arc Force functions provide an increase in current supply in the event of a sharp approach of the electrode to the work surface to avoid sticking. The first function initially provides a high current supply, which facilitates the operation of the arc.
  • The Anti-Stick function reduces welding current when the electrode sticks and gives time to detach it.
  • A gas generator replaces electricity. This function ensures the use of the unit in the absence of current.
  • Carrying out bodywork. Using small electrodes, you can use the inverter in car repair shops.
  • Welding any type of metal. Most models of inverters have the strength to weld stainless steel and cast iron. There are devices for joining non-ferrous metals by means of argon-arc welding.

Many people wonder: inverter welding machines - which is better to use?

Inverter welding machines which is better to use

Undoubtedly, the choice of this type of unit directly depends on the level of your qualifications. Amateurs can purchase a unified model. For experienced people, expensive multifunctional devices are suitable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34236/

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