Second - what is that word?

Language is a reflection of the spirit of a people, its history, psychology and culture. Russian speech is one of the richest in the world. It is distinguished by the abundance and variability of words, their polysemy. Almost every word in the Russian language has several meanings. In this article, we will analyze what is "echo". This will further avoid errors in the use of this noun.

Echo it

What does the word echo mean?

The etymology of this word is easy to guess by its very structure. The root speaks of kinship with the second token, which means the origin of these forms from one word in the parent language. From here we will see the similarity in the values ​​of this example. But, despite the difference in interpretations, all these interpretations have a common, essentially unified meaning.

This word literally means "repeat." This semantic load is traced in all interpretations of the meaning. There are only three of them:

  1. Second - is to reflect any sounds, to answer them. Example: “Echoes echo the laughter of children”, “Seagulls echo the sound of waves”.
  2. Second is to be second in a musical or song part. Example: “The violin echoes the cello”, “Tenor echoes the bass”.
  3. Second - is to assent, agree with the opinions of others. Example: “The accountant echoed everything to the director at the meeting”, “The courtiers echoed the king in chorus.”

As we see, although the interpretations of this word are completely different, the similarities of meaning are traced in them.

what is echo

Synonyms of the word

To better understand the meaning of the word “repeat”, we offer a list of its synonyms, which have a similar meaning:

  • agree;
  • to repeat;
  • sing along
  • speak in unison;
  • answer;
  • imitate.

Knowing the synonyms and using them in our speech, we can diversify it, make it more saturated, rich and beautiful. And increasing our vocabulary, replenishing it with new words, we can significantly improve our ability to communicate, expand the possibilities of expressing thoughts and feelings, and therefore, become a more interesting interlocutor. We hope this article has helped you with this.


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