Natural ceramic tiles and their installation

Natural roof tile today acts as one of the leaders in the market of roofing materials. The roof created with its help provides comfortable conditions in the interior of the house at any time of the year. If you decide to use roof tiles, you can use a wide selection of profiles and colors. The appearance of the roof after completion of work will gain attractiveness.

Features of ceramic tiles

Natural tile

Natural tiles can become part of those roofing systems that have curved planes and complex shapes, this quality only adds to the popularity of this building material. It is resistant to chemical and biological influences. In addition, the coating is capable of undergoing repeated (up to 1000 cycles) freezing and thawing. This guarantees a lifespan of more than 100 years.

Natural tile is quite easy to install, and after that it will not need complicated care, it will not need to be painted and it will be quite easy to reconstruct. Despite the fact that installation work does not require special labor costs, the material needs to comply with the technology of the work. Therefore, if you are not confident in your own abilities and do not have enough experience, it is preferable to entrust the installation to experienced builders. If there is a need to cover the roof, which has complex bends and shaped surfaces, it is recommended to choose the described material.

Preparation before laying tiles

Natural tile

Natural tiles are used on roofs that have a slope in the range of 10-90ยบ. If the system has slopes from 10 to 22ยบ, then it will be necessary to cover the waterproofing, represented, for example, by a modified coating in rolls. If you have to work with a slope, the degree of which exceeds 50ยบ, then the material must be additionally fixed with screws. Such a coating suggests the presence of a reinforced frame.

The creation of the supporting structure provides for the strengthening of rafters. For this reason, extremely well-dried beams should be used under the rafters, the moisture level of which does not exceed 15%. The beam should have a cross section of 50 x 150 mm, but if you need to increase the strength characteristics, then you need to purchase a beam of 60 x 180 mm. This measure can be considered extreme, and in order to avoid it, it is permissible to mount the rafters at a distance of 80-130 cm.The step between the rafters also depends on their length, so the longer the element, the smaller the distance.

Laying heat and vapor barrier

Roof tile

After the installation of the rafter system is completed, it is possible to lay a heat insulator with vapor barrier. In order to achieve the tightness of these coatings, their joints must be glued with construction tape. At the end of the rafters, a counter-lattice should be strengthened. It will provide a 50 mm ventilation gap between the thermal insulation layer and the waterproofing. This ensures the correct functioning of the under-roof space. A waterproofing should be laid on the counter-lattice, on which the crate is fixed perpendicular to the rafters. The latter is necessary for the installation of roofing.

Installation of the lathing

Natural tile installation

The base of the crate should be a bar 40 x 40 or 40 x 50 mm. In the area of โ€‹โ€‹the cornice, it is necessary to apply a board whose width is 100 mm. It should be mounted 20-30 mm higher in relation to the rest. In order to determine the installation step of the crate elements, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the tiles. As a rule, the distance between the components of the lathing is equal to the width of the roofing material, minus the overlap. So, the pitch will be equal to 310-345 mm, which is true if the width of the finishing material is equivalent to 400 mm. It is necessary to mark the rows using a rope, which is to be fixed on the counter-lattice.

Definition of laying technology

natural ceramic tile

Natural tiles can have several varieties, which determines the rules for laying the coating. If you have to work with flat tiles, then installation must be done, moving from bottom to top, while it is permissible to lay several layers. Whereas in the case of a grooved coating, the installation is from left to right. The grooved tiles of the master begin to be laid from the eaves, advancing to the top.

A roof from a natural tile is equipped using some materials and tools, among them:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • timber;
  • roof tile;
  • construction tape;
  • rope;
  • self-tapping screws.

The process of laying tiles

Natural tile is laid initially on the elements located on the roof slope. At the same time , wood screws are used as fasteners . Screw them all the way to the bottom, this will leave temperature gaps. If you intend to work with canvases laid on hooks, you need to knock down part of the lock, and then fix it. Every third cloth must be secured with an anti-wind clamp. For the roof, the length of which is between 4.5-7 m, you will need to install one row of ventilation tiles, it is necessary to position it at a distance of three rows from the location of the ridge. If the roof has a length of 7-12 m, then the described rows will require two.

Natural tiles, the installation of which is initially carried out in the area of โ€‹โ€‹slopes, should be laid in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the ridge. In this area, a ridge holder for the crate should be used. Its installation is carried out by self-tapping screws on the counter beam. It is necessary to provide a ventilation gap and the area under the ridge, for this it is worth using a ventilation grill or sealing tape. In the case of the latter, holes must be applied to its surface. At the next stage, the ridge natural ceramic tile is laid, which will have to be fixed with a special bracket.

Ceramic tiles are gaining popularity not only because of the attractive appearance and ease of installation, but also because the material has excellent performance.


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