"Mafia 2": how to save Leo Galante

The game series "Mafia" is known to quite a lot to this day. It is worth noting the high popularity and recent release of the third part of the game adventure. True, we will not consider the entire game, since we would like to analyze the situation associated with such a character as Leo Galante. Who is he? What place does the mafia occupy, what is it capable of, and what can one expect from it in general? We will consider it gradually and comprehensively, that is, we will touch upon moments related to his life, purpose and missions, we will even touch upon the family, unless of course it appears in him.

Leo Galante

What kind of character is this?

Leo Galante is a character that has been remembered by many in the Mafia universe. The fact is that it is with this character that most of the game is connected, in which the protagonist named Vito takes part. As for the story of this character, it is quite rich and interesting. For example, Leo Galante grew up in Sicily, and at the age of 20, together with their friend Frank Vichy, they decided to go to a huge metropolis to become prominent figures and simply earn big money. And, given the disaster of the time, the only opportunity in this regard is crime.

But not everyone decided to immediately aspire to a criminal family. Only Frank began to look for ways to join the mafia, but Leo Galante preferred underground battles. He perfectly mastered the technique of battle and was able to oppose any opponent. This, in fact, became the reason for his bright character, confidence and the title of champion, which he held until his old age. But, despite all his zeal and a special love for fighting, he nevertheless agreed to become a member of the mafia, however, in the role of concilieri (mediator and chief adviser to the head of the mafia).

Leo Galante Mafia 2

Is this person so important in the game?

The question immediately arises, is this character so important in the Mafia game world? In fact, he is an important figure. Thanks to his influence and power, Vito actually ends up in the Mafia. For Leo Galante, "Mafia 2" was an excellent debut in terms of realizing its potential. In this game part, Vito meets already a mature criminal, behind whose back there is a wide experience of robberies, fights and conflict resolution. Vito attracts him with his fighting skills, and our leader decides to help him, or rather, recruit him into the ranks of the mafia. Actually for Leo Galante, "Mafia 2" was not a starting point, but a significant adventure.

Leo Galante Mafia 3

What can he give?

If we take into account the second part of the adventure, the protagonist will often take on such a role as the driver Leo Galante. But this will not last long, and then the boss himself will give out various tasks to the protagonist, teach him and just help in terms of some decisions. Sometimes there will be a feeling that Leo is the father of the protagonist, but these are just unfounded thoughts. For the rest, it is Leo who will provide weapons, housing, money and many other elements necessary for life and ensuring the achievement of goals.

driver leo galante

What place does the game occupy?

As we indicated above, Leo in "Mafia 2" occupies a rather high post of adviser to the leader of a criminal organization. What about the new third part? For Leo Galante, "Mafia 3" became a place that he did not particularly visit. Basically, he appears there to solve the question regarding Vito's link. He is trying with all his might to take Vito to himself so that other criminal groups could not deal with him. And his appearance is not so long, only for a couple of minutes, so he does not occupy a special place in the game, and the second part is rightfully considered to be his cult heritage. For Leo Galante, "Mafia 3" was a simple reference to the fact that this person is alive, and that he now also occupies a high post in the underworld. And who knows what he could do when the protagonist of the third part began to point out his rights and take revenge. But this is a completely different story that we will never know.

how to save leo galante

Are there any relatives?

The second interesting question regarding this character is the interest in his relatives. Yes, you can immediately meet the answer that the mafia is the family of this character, but if you dig deeper, you can find out that he had a wife, however, she died tragically. In addition, the daughter of Leo Galante is still alive, and Leo himself often speaks about her, though her identity has not been established, so it remains a mystery how she looks and how Leo generally contacts her.

how old is leo galante

What are the dangers?

Actually, it’s rather strange to ask such questions, since Leo is the leader of a criminal organization, which means that he is always in the zone of discomfort and becomes goal number 1 during conflicts. Therefore, his life is constantly in danger, and this is especially noticeable in the game "Mafia 2", where there is a mission when killers attack Leo's mansion, and it is at that moment that his fate is decided. Since it depends on the player’s actions, this character will survive or not. True, in the case of Leo’s death, the main character also dies, so the storyline is interrupted, which means that Leo must live.

daughter leo galante

Is it possible to save Leo?

How to save Leo Galante? As we mentioned above, he remains alive in the story, so his death is impossible in theoretical terms. But if the player begins to make the wrong decisions, then Leo's death comes unexpectedly. This moment is being solved in a mission called Our Friend. There killers attack the mansion and urgently need to save Leo. There are two options to solve this problem. One is to hide from criminals, the second is the ability to repulse the insolent. But the second solution will not be so simple, since you have to fight hard, for a long time and all the time to ensure that Leo is not killed. But if you show professionalism and make the right decision, then the victory will be unforgettable.

If the player decides to hide from the killers, and this can only be done in the bathroom, then the killer will not notice this at first, but in the end he can still reach you and Leo. Death will be instant as a result of being shot at point blank range. But if you decide to fight back the criminals, then you will find an epic confrontation in which you can survive and save Leo. There will be no special thanks in this case, although, if we recall the events of the third part of the game, Leo in fact returns the debt as Vito’s saved life.

How old is Leo in the game?

No less interesting question is the age of this character. Indeed, how old is Leo Galante? In the events of the game series, no one mentions this, and Leo himself does not particularly like to talk about age, but it is easy to calculate, just use intuition.

So, first take a look at his date of birth. Leo was born in Sicily in 1887. If you take into account the chronology of the events of the game "Mafia 2", then the whole story is presented, starting in 1943 and ending in 1951. Therefore, Leo looks about 60 years old, which can not be said during the shootings, where he shows first-rate shooting skills, despite his age. And if you take into account the third part of the game series, then there he is already almost under 70 years old. It is surprising to observe this, since having such a high status in the criminal world, living to such an old age is not just luck, but a seasoned character and life experience.

Some facts about this character.

Like any other character from the Mafia game series, Leo has its own interesting features:

  • if you carefully listen to conversations during the adventure, some people will confirm that Leo previously worked as a simple bookmaker and did not have such a good reputation;
  • In addition to boxing, Leo loves horse racing, golf and chess (he plays brilliantly in them, since the process of thinking is a favorite pastime of our hero);
  • in places of detention Leo was well known, especially in Chinese criminal gangs, where he was called the “White Devil” for his brilliant mind, physical indicators and luck in terms of organizing battles;
  • Leo is very good at preparing what you can learn about when you manage to visit his prison apartment;
  • Leo's favorite color is indigo - all the cars from his personal fleet are painted in it;
  • the last words in the game belong to Leo;
  • has many professional boxer titles.

That, in fact, is all that is known about this interesting, cunning and fairly confident character. Leo comes unexpectedly, and after the first meeting it becomes clear that this character is not so simple. He constantly monitors everything, knows what to say, and has the gift of persuasion. Therefore, it is not surprising that special fighters, and even members of the mafia, always listen to his advice and are ready to stand behind him. But at the same time, his composure, thirst for profit and the heartlessness that he shows to all those who do not scare him. Leo is a special character who clearly embodies the essence of the existence of such a criminal organization as the Mafia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34258/

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