The amazing city of Bologna. Italy

At the foot of the Northern Apennines, in a hilly area in northern Italy, on the banks of the Reno River, is one of the most beautiful cities in Italy - Bologna. It occupies a favorable territorial position. The population of the city is 378 thousand people.

bologna italy
In the center is the Big Square with several beautiful palaces and the Basilica of St. Petronius. Many unique architectural and historical monuments are possessed by this northern Italian city - Bologna. Italy can be proud of its citizens, who are very reverent and respectful of their history.

One of the main and most visited monuments is the Basilica of St. Petronius, which is recognized as one of the six largest churches in Europe. Its length is 132 meters, width - 66 meters, height - 51 meters. In 1390, on the initiative of the city authorities, the construction of a new large temple was begun. The basilica project was developed by Antonio di Vincenzo. She is an example of late Gothic.

The architect planned to build the largest temple in the country. The construction of the basilica dragged on for centuries. Only in 1515, under the direction of the architect Arduino Arriguzzi, the interior decoration of the basilica was completed, but it remained without the main arch. Attempts to complete the construction were made in the nineteenth, and even in the twentieth century, but until now the facade remains unfinished.

bologna sights

Bologna - Italy in miniature. So many historical, cultural, architectural monuments, museums are concentrated here that they could well be enough for a whole country. Two leaning towers are located in the city center. In the Middle Ages, they performed protective and residential functions.

In those days, it was necessary to defend itself not only from external enemies. The eleventh century is commemorated by the fifty-year struggle for the right to appoint a bishop, which became especially acute between Emperor Henry the Fourth and Pope Gregory the Seventh.

Researchers believe that the construction of towers was associated with this period in the history of Bologna. According to the preserved chronicles, at that time in the city there were more than one hundred towers. In the thirteenth century, they were destroyed or destroyed themselves. Of the 20 towers that have survived today, the most famous are Garisenda (48 m) and Asinelli (98 m).

Bologna Airport

Three rings of fortress walls - this is how ancient Bologna was protected from enemies. Italy and Italians remember these structures well. The fact is, the fortress walls surrounding the city survived until the twentieth century, when they were destroyed in order to build roads.

Italy’s largest railway junction, which also has its own airport, Bologna plays an important role in the country's transportation. An amazing city, taking the second place in the country for the preservation of historical and cultural monuments - Bologna. Italy is proud of this monument city. The country's leadership and ordinary citizens are making efforts to preserve the national heritage.

In 2000, the Commission of the European Union recognized that Bologna is the European city of culture of 2000, the sights of which are the World Heritage.


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