Exterior adhesive for polystyrene foam and its consumption

Now more and more people are warming their homes outside. In this case, various materials are used. One of them is polystyrene foam. Buying it is easy, there would be money. Then you need to attach to the wall. Many consumers, not knowing the best way to do this, begin to use everything that first comes to hand. What is better to fix the insulation boards and what determines the choice?

Glue requirements

In order for the polystyrene foam to firmly and securely attach to the wall, it is necessary that it meets the following requirements:

  • it should adhere well to the surface to be glued (have good adhesion);
  • be durable and waterproof;
  • do not let heat in;
  • be frost resistant;
  • elastic;
  • do not let steam in;
  • do not contain acetone, gasoline and other solvents that destroy polystyrene foam.

Mounting Methods

Now the most popular are two ways of attaching expanded polystyrene plates to the wall:

  • glue;
  • dowels, umbrellas.

But most often they use both methods. Why transfer extra materials and money if you can get by with one?

glue for external works for expanded polystyrene

This is done for closer contact of the plate with the wall. After all, the surface to which the insulation boards are attached can be made of different materials. Some can be very strong, and dowels are difficult to break through. Yes, and the fit in this case is difficult to ensure. Hoping only for glue is also impossible. What if it falls away? So they add expanded polystyrene in two stages. What glue is better to take so that it can fix the plate on the wall as reliably as possible?

Glue release form for external work

The following types are used:

  • dry frost-resistant mixtures with mineral additives, which after use do not collapse under the influence of water;
  • liquid polyurethane.

Dry mixes after preparation and application harden for a long time, but the wall before gluing does not require special preparation. The disadvantage is that the prepared mixture, which remains after the work is completed, cannot be stored and disappears.

polystyrene adhesive for outdoor use

One-component liquid polyurethane mixtures are sold in cylinders. They are applied using a gun, into which a cylinder of glue is inserted. It freezes very quickly, in two hours. In this case, only the right amount of glue is used. The remaining in the cylinder can be stored for some time.

Can a cement mortar be used to attach expanded polystyrene ? It’s better not to risk it, because it cannot adhere firmly to the wall and collapses over time.

Dry mixes

Dry adhesive for outdoor work for polystyrene "Econ", "Heat-Vanguard" can be used for gluing any surfaces. Mixtures can be both winter and summer. There are all-season compositions. Adhesive additives included in the adhesive for polystyrene foam for outdoor use, contribute to a strong adhesion of glued surfaces. They can be used to create a reinforcing layer. You can stick mineral wool. The mixture freezes and sets in a day. It is heat-insulating in itself. And its price is low. The shelf life of such a dry mixture is 6 months. It is packaged in bags of 25 kg each.

polystyrene foam adhesive for outdoor use

There are quick-hardening mixtures. They protect the walls from moisture, not fire hazard. They can be used as facade plaster. One of the best is Ceresit CT 83 polymer cement glue. It hardens in two hours, so you need to prepare the amount of solution so that you can use it during this time.

Liquid adhesive for outdoor use

For expanded polystyrene, polyurethane adhesive is used, which is glued to the surface only at positive temperatures. Best at 20 degrees. Then this glue is very firmly combined with drywall, ceramics and even steel. No wonder it is called "liquid nails." 15 minutes after application it can be adjusted. Then he grasps tightly, and after a couple of hours completely freezes.

adhesive for expanded polystyrene for outdoor work Knauf

Good results are obtained with a liquid adhesive foam for polystyrene foam for outdoor use in containers, which includes polyurethane with the addition of butane and propane. They should not be used with low humidity. A valuable feature of this glue is the ability to work even when the thermometer column drops below 10 degrees below zero.

How to apply glue on a sheet? It should be on the sheet at five points or places, and more can be. It depends on the properties of the adhesive, quality and base material.

Consumption rates

Usually glue foam is sold in cylinders. Each of them contains 750 ml of working substance. This amount is enough for processing about 12 square meters. If dry polystyrene adhesive is used for outdoor applications, the consumption per square meter will be about 5 kg. Glue “Titanium Stiro-753” will go up to 6 kg, glue “Ceresit-83” - 6 kg per square meter, glue “Knauf” - 4 kg, bitumen-rubber mass Den Braven - only 2-3 kg.

In addition to the brand of glue, the consumption also depends on:

  • method of attachment;
  • temperature
  • humidity;
  • quality of the walls;
  • finish plaster weights.

You can save glue and mortar by thoroughly cleaning the walls, treating them with a primer and plastering.

Polypropylene before gluing can be treated with a liquid flame retardant. But even without this procedure, it easily sticks to the wall.

DIY glue

Exterior adhesive for expanded polystyrene can be prepared by thoroughly mixing cottage cheese with a high fat composition and slaked lime. This mixture quickly hardens, so you can not store it.

Dry mix or liquid glue

It is believed that it is cheaper to use a dry mixture for pasting external walls with polystyrene foam. But it will take a lot of time and effort to cook it.

Mastic, created on a bitumen basis, will help to qualitatively insulate and insulate the foundation. Although it is more expensive than conventional mixtures, its quality justifies the money invested.

It is better to stick polyurethane foam to the metal using polyurethane foam. In order for such an adhesive for external works for polystyrene foam to seize with the glued surface, ten minutes is enough. After this, the foam does not expand. One cylinder paste over 10 m 2 of area. After all, he replaces a 25-pound bag of dry mix.

When applying glue-foam, use a mounting gun, turning the balloon up. These include polyurethane adhesive for expanded polystyrene for outdoor works "Technonikol", Ceresit, Tytan Styro-753.

Glue-foam "Ceresite ST-84" is well set with the glued surface, frost-resistant, not destroyed by water. Before use, the treated wall must be degreased and dusted. The price of the cylinder is approximately 700 rubles.

polystyrene adhesive for outdoor use

Tytan Styro-753 - the best tool for gluing walls with polystyrene foam. He earned such an appreciation for his excellent adhesion to various surfaces. The price of the balloon reaches 500 rubles.

"Technol" is resistant to mold, high humidity, well grasps with wood, chipboards, various types of cladding, concrete, cement. It is used in the temperature range from 0 to 35 degrees.

adhesive for expanded polystyrene for outdoor work

Glue for expanded polystyrene for external works "Knauf Flex" - dry mix. Sold in bags of 25 kg at a price of up to 600 rubles. Valued for good elasticity, not afraid of mechanical stress, humidity and temperature changes. It is used in the temperature range from 5 to 25 degrees.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34271/

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