Children's crafts made of vegetables. Crafts from vegetables and fruits in kindergarten

If the teacher asked to bring children's crafts from vegetables and fruits to the kindergarten, you can quickly make them at home from the available material. It is easy to turn an apple into a funny figure, a carrot into a caterpillar, and sweet pepper into a pirate. You can make a whole composition of physalis and bring this original creation to kindergarten.

Autumn crafts

Children's (from vegetables) creations are sometimes asked by educators to bring at the end of summer. By this time, a new crop is ripening, and many ideas appear that can inspire the guys. Arriving from the cottage, parents and children can bring eggplants grown personally. You can buy them in the store. This is a great material for creativity. You will learn how to make a penguin right now.

To make it stable, cut off the evenly rounded end of the eggplant. Place the fruit on its flat surface with the green cap up. Now he will turn into the face of a charming penguin. If a tail remains in this place, do not cut it, because it looks so much like the nose of a polar bird. Eyes can be made from beads. Cut the dark skin in front of the figure so that the white belly of the penguin becomes visible.

To make small wings of a polar bird, cut the skin from both sides from below and from the sides, slightly lift it up.

From vegetables, you can even make ice cream (very similar to real). Place the carrots in a clear glass with the sharp end down. Attach the cauliflower inflorescence to the dull side of the carrot in the form of a scoop of ice cream.

Apple Craft Ideas

children's crafts from vegetables

If a beloved child was asked to make and bring children's crafts from vegetables and fruits to a kindergarten, but there is nothing besides apples at home, this is more than enough. Look, maybe there is one fruit of an irregular shape among ideal brethren? If he has a small growth - this is what you need. You turn a small defect into the nose of a funny man.

It will clearly show how to make a fun figure, photo. Children's crafts from vegetables, as well as from fruits, will help create fantasy. As can be seen in a good example, it is necessary to make eyes over the nose. It is best to draw them with food colors, then the craft will be edible. Put the hands and feet of the toothpicks in their place, and you can carry the original apple in the garden. It is better to cut the outer sharp edges of wooden skewers so that children do not prick them.

Why not make a snowman on the eve of the New Year ? To build it, pin 3 apples to each other with toothpicks, placing the fruits vertically. A piece of pumpkin carved in the shape of a trapezoid can play the role of a bucket on the head.

For the winter holiday

Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits on New Year's theme will allow you to design a garden for this holiday delicious and beautiful. In order to make a Christmas tree, you will need a cone of foam rubber. To do this, cut and cut out of this material a triangle with a slightly rounded bottom side. Fold two identical leg legs with each other, sew them together using a thread with a needle. Place the workpiece on a flat surface.

Chop the fresh cucumber in circles. Cut a green apple into 2x2 pieces. You will also need cherry tomatoes and carrots, cut a star and rectangles 2x1.5 cm from it.

Divide each toothpick in half, attach cucumber slices, carrot slices, cherry tomatoes and apple slices peeled to the foam base. When processing, pay attention to the fact that vegetables are distributed on its surface evenly. Fix a star with a toothpick on top of the Christmas tree, and the beautiful craft is ready.

Crafts made from pepper and carrots

In the same way, you turn a sweet pepper into a funny pirate. Draw one of his eyes with food colors or pin a white circle carved from radish on this place, and a piece of black olive on it. Pea pod will become a bandage on the second eye. If this vegetable is not, replace it with a feather of green onions. Cherry tomato attached to the middle with a toothpick will become the nose of a pirate.

Make a funny caterpillar from carrots, its front legs will be replaced by 2 pods of green beans. Body sections are made from small tomatoes, also fixing them with a toothpick.

From these and other fruits, you and your child can create a variety of children's crafts from vegetables.

Smiling face

Children's crafts made of fruits and vegetables

In order to make the face of a green man, you will need a large plate. Disassemble Brussels sprouts on sheets and lay them out in the form of curls of a fairy-tale character. Next, you need to draw a forehead, you will make it out of a small curved zucchini or cucumber. Cut the fetus in half lengthwise and attach it to the forehead.

Divide the blades of peas in two, lay them upper and lower eyelids. Whites of the eyes cut out from the white pulp of radish, the pupils can be made from black mountain ash or other small dark berries, raisins. Create eyebrows from halves of hot pepper. Turn two tomatoes into scarlet cheeks. Cut the nose of the character from the root of parsley or celery. Smiling lips will help make carrots. Grains of corn will become teeth. Create a lower face frame from small carrots, a chin from potatoes.

Fill the empty space with peas, beans and basil leaves. Two slices of sweet bell pepper will quickly turn into the ears of a funny man. He will tell you how to create children's crafts from vegetables with your own hands, photo. Such a colorful picture can be left at home or taken to kindergarten for the competition.

Ideas for the smallest

autumn crafts for children from vegetables

If children's crafts made of vegetables were asked to craft to the pupils of the younger groups, help them in their creativity. Tell me how to make mischievous mice from cucumbers or potatoes.

Take a small fresh cucumber with a tail, on the opposite side will be the muzzle of the mouse. From the carrot, cut out two small triangular shapes, fix them with toothpicks in the form of ears, and turn 2 raisins into eyes. You can take as a basis for creating a mouse a cucumber, oblong potato, ears and eyes done in the same way.

Cancer does not move back

children's crafts on the theme of vegetables

If you can bring children's crafts from vegetables and fruits to the garden on a plate, help the baby turn several carrots into cancer. Put the largest in the center of the dish, not cut it in the middle to the end, so that its abdomen is indicated. Turn small root vegetables into claws, make a mustache from dill trunks. Press 2 peas of dry black pepper into the place where the eyes should be. Cut the tail of an arthropod from three rectangular slices of carrots. That's how you can arrange children's crafts from vegetables. Kindergarten will turn into an exhibition when the pupils will bring creations of their imagination and hands.

Pear dog

For the next job you will need 2 pears. One fruit will be slightly smaller than the second. Prepare other vegetables: asparagus, zucchini or bell peppers. To make the dog stable, cut its paws out of solid natural material - pumpkin or zucchini. Place the big pear with the tail up, attach the paws from below. Make the upper ones from the incised skin of the fetus.

photo children's crafts made of vegetables

Put the small pear on the big one horizontally, prick it on the tail and additionally fix it with three toothpicks. To make the whites of the animalโ€™s eyes, cut off the pieces of the skin of the fetus from the place where they will be. In the middle of the pupils, press 2 peppercorns, you can use buckwheat for the eyes and tip of the nose.

From the pepper or corrugated zucchini, cut off the crown, remove the pulp. Make a cutout in the middle of this hat, insert the flat end of the asparagus into it, and attach the panicle to the body, next to the dogโ€™s front paw, with a toothpick. It remains to draw a mouth with a knife, and the smiling animal is ready.

Edible figurines

If you want to beautifully arrange a table for dinner with simple products with your son or daughter, you can even do this from potatoes. Cook the three root vegetables in their uniforms, place them on a plate.

crafts from vegetables kindergarten

Remove part of the skin from the top so that the light face of the animal appears. With a fork, fluff the pulp a little, put two peas in there, they will become the eyes of the mouse. Cut 2 circles from raw or boiled carrots, stick them on the top of the head - these are the ears, and turn a rectangular block into a nose. Take three thin pasta, pierce them under the nose. These are the funny tendrils of a mouse. Only they and the peel are not edible, everything else is suitable for food. Such characters will diversify the table and cheer the household.

Children's crafts on the theme "Vegetables"

It is interesting to turn some vegetables into others. Disguise the physalis as cabbage and pumpkin, making a beautiful panel. The basis for it can serve as a plain decorative pillow. If you donโ€™t have one, it can be easily sewn from brown velvet, layered with foam rubber or stuffed with synthetic winterizer.

DIY crafts from vegetables do-it-yourself photos

In the fall, the physalis ripens into orange lanterns. Pick three fruits in advance while they are still green. For creativity you will need the same amount of orange. From the green paper, cut the border that will be the outer leaves for the cabbage. Put the unripe physalis inside, glue the blank on the pillow. Place two more heads of cabbage in the same way. Orange physalis will become a pumpkin, cut out leaves from green paper or fabric, glue them and small pumpkins to the base. You can decorate the edges of the pillow with a cloth of other colors, making an applique on the theme of vegetables.

There are many ideas for such crafts. So, you can turn a banana into a dog, a daikon or a carrot into a rat, and a fresh cucumber into a crocodile. The main thing is to learn to notice the features of natural material, so that it arouses imagination and helps to develop the creative abilities of children.


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