Thermostat: how to install on a radiator?

If you are interested in the question of what a thermostat is, how to install this device, you also need to find out before purchasing.

Device purpose

Thermal control equipment is designed to influence the indoor microclimate, while owners of residential apartments or houses can set the most suitable range of night and day air temperatures. In addition to maintaining the temperature balance in residential premises, using a thermostat designed for heating, you can optimize the cost of paying for housing and communal services.

thermostat how to install

Many owners of apartment buildings in the winter are forced to keep the air vents open, fleeing radiators that breathe heat. In this situation, you can put up with the situation if payments for heating are made according to the standards. If heat meters are installed in the house or apartment, then it is not at all beneficial for the owners to endure the described inconveniences while heating the street. That is why many consumers today buy a thermostat. How to install it, it is important to find out before the time of purchase.

In which room is it worth installing the thermostat

More than others, the installation of these devices requires rooms in which the temperature values ​​change significantly during the day. In this case, we are talking about the kitchen, as well as rooms that are oriented to the sunny side. It is important to adjust the temperature level in the rooms of the bedrooms, since a full sleep can be achieved only at a temperature of 18-19 degrees.

how to install the thermostat

Advantages of temperature regulators

If you are thinking about how to properly install the thermostat on the boiler, then the same technology can be used for this as described in the article. In addition to the installation work being done independently, you can enjoy the additional benefits of this equipment. Among them, one can single out a modern and ergonomic design of the device that will fit into any interior. This unit is as easy to operate and as convenient as possible. If the temperature inside the building rises due to the operation of electrical appliances or exposure to sunlight, the sensor will pick up these changes, reducing the heating level of the system.

how to install the thermostat on the boiler

Places for installing a thermostat

If you decide to purchase a thermostat, how to install this equipment, it is important to study before you visit the store. The most suitable place to place this element is the heater, or rather, the battery. This condition is true only if the radiator is not covered with curtains, interior items or grilles for decorating the space. If you violate this rule, then this can cause inadequate estimates of the temperature level in the room. You can get around this rule by using a thermostatic element equipped with a remote sensor. The latter is located under the valve at 2-8 meters. In this case, the temperature level will be monitored at the point where the sensor is located.

If you decide to use a thermostat, how to install this element, you can learn from this article. In addition to the above conditions, the temperature regulator for radiators can be installed on the horizontal zone of the pipeline, at some distance from the point of entry into the heater. If the installation of the element was carried out in accordance with the recommendations and in the process all the rules and building standards were followed, then the temperature can be adjusted in the range from 5 to 30 degrees. The step will be one degree. Some models allow you to change the temperature range within other limits, so it is recommended to clarify this information before purchasing.

how to install the thermostat on the battery

Installation technology

If you are thinking about how to properly install the thermostat, it is important to familiarize yourself with the installation procedure. To carry out such work, you must first turn off the feed riser. After all the water from the heating system is drained, only then the master can start installation work. They should be made in the following order. At the first stage, horizontal pipe connections are cut off at some distance from the batteries. The pipeline, which turned out to be cut off, as well as the valve, if any, has been disconnected, is disconnected. You will need to disconnect the shanks with nuts from the thermostat valve and shut-off valve. They will need to be wrapped in radiator plugs. The next step will be the assembly of the piping and the installation of the elements in the selected place. After that, the strapping is connected to the horizontal piping pipes that go from the riser system.

where to install the thermostat

Work Methodology

If you set yourself the task of how to install a thermostat on a boiler, you should be aware that heating systems can be divided into two-pipe and one-pipe. In the latter case, when connecting a thermostat, there is a need to change the battery connection scheme by installing a jumper. The latter connects the return and direct connections of the device. This jumper pipe is called a bypass, it allows you to ply the coolant when the radiator is blocked by a thermostatic device. When implementing such a connection scheme, it is quite convenient to remove the device by shutting off the valves in advance. If you do not know how to install the thermostat on the battery, you should be aware that in a two-pipe system, regulation is carried out by the method of entering the coolant into the battery, which is carried out by means of a temperature controller, which is installed on the top connection.

how to install a thermostat on a radiator

Setting the temperature controller

After you decide where to install the thermostat, and also have done all the installation work, you need to think about the correct setting of the element. To do this, heat loss from the room is minimized. This can be done by tightly locking all doors and windows. The thermometer should be located in a place where a constant temperature is maintained. After that, you will need to fully open the valve, turning the device head all the way to the left. In this position, the battery will provide the highest level of heat transfer, after which the air in the room will begin to heat up. As soon as the thermometer increases by six degrees from the initial level, the valve can be closed. To do this, the head is turned to the right until it stops. Air temperature after these manipulations will begin to slowly decrease. Once it reaches the required value, you can slowly begin to open the valve. After you hear the noise of water in the device and feel the valve body heat up, rotation can be stopped by remembering the last position.

On this we can assume that the valve setting has been completed. If you still do not know how to install the thermostat on a radiator, it is best to take the help of specialists. Only they will help to carry out these works as correctly and safely as possible.

how to install the thermostat on the battery

Additional recommendations for installation work

Experts give tips on how to properly install the thermostat on the battery. Having visited the store, do not give preference to the cheapest models. It is recommended that installation be made in front of the described element of shutoff valves - only it will allow providing a fairly quick shutdown of the coolant. The unit must be installed perpendicular to the battery. Installation of the device is carried out on the supply pipe by such a technology, which involves the location of the thermal head in parallel with respect to the floor surface. Thus, this part should be horizontal. To carry out these manipulations you will need only an adjustable pipe wrench and the available instructions.


Professionals are perfectly familiar with the requirements that are imposed by the manufacturers of the described device. If you correctly install and configure the thermostat, you can always enjoy a comfortable temperature level inside the premises, this will certainly save heat consumption, which will positively affect the family budget. That is why modern consumers increasingly began to purchase and install the described equipment in their apartments, because it implies only a positive effect from use. This equipment has no negative features. And the cost will pay off in a few months after the start of using the thermostat, which you can easily install yourself.


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