The meaning of the word "sociable" and other stamps in the summary

There is probably no more topical definition than “sociable”. The meaning of the word we are analyzing today. Yes, in the USSR there were no resumes, but with us they are still popular. Although, of course, every adult resident of the country knows that the main thing is dating. But let's get down to business directly, and along the way we’ll talk about language cliches.

Meaning of the word


Although the word has recently entered our language, its meaning is fixed in the explanatory dictionary. Therefore, there is nothing easier than to open and read the interpretation of the object of study: "One that is easy to deal with, communicate and establish contacts."

We will use for illustration purposes. Imagine that one person has keys and can open any door. That's it he will be sociable. The meaning of the word is not so difficult to grasp. Now that almost every profession involves interaction with people, sociability is necessary. This is what creates certain problems.

Stamps in the resume: "sociability", "creativity", "stress tolerance" and "the ability to learn quickly"

The lexical meaning of the word sociable

If the reader has already wandered around the city in search of work, then the nouns placed in the title are well known to him. The technological world partly turns people into machines, so the four personality traits mentioned are the “minimum equipment” of each person. At least, it turns out if you read a random summary. Perhaps even the watchman at the cemetery, if he is relatively young, not only has an idea of ​​the meaning of the word "sociable", but also wrote it down perfectly in a personal dossier written in his own time. But this is a joke, for the watchmen do not really need a track record.

What is better to write in the resume? The best way to tell the truth. Firstly, it is impossible to get confused. Secondly, if the employer is sane, then he will appreciate the honesty of the employee. The winner will be the person who writes specific skills in the resume, rather than abstract, meaningless nouns. Yes, you understood correctly, the object of research also falls under the ban. What is the point of writing something that no one will believe in anyway?

True, true, and nothing but the truth - this should be the principle. But if we distract from the harsh reality, then this characteristic is good. When a person is sociable, it is easy and free with him, and introverts that are difficult to lift are of little interest to anyone. And yes, the reader no longer needs to look in the dictionary for the lexical meaning of the word "sociable", because he has already been provided with it a little higher.


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