Blueberry. Landing and care. Grow amazing berries yourself!

Scientists conducted research, as a result of which they found that regular consumption of blueberries in food slows down the aging of the brain, protects it from the effects of radioactive influences, and also improves memory and attention. How to grow a storehouse of real health like blueberries? Planting and caring for a plant has several nuances. Let's figure it out together!

What is a blueberry plant?

blueberries planting and care
This is a low deciduous shrub that has straight branches of brownish or dark gray color. Blueberry shoots are green, leaves are smooth, no more than three centimeters long. On the tops of the branches are drooping flowers reaching a length of 6 cm. A cup of blueberries is created by 4 or 5 sepals. The whisk has the shape of a jug of whitish color. Fruits of the bush - berries are not more than 1.2 cm in length with a bluish bloom. Blueberries bloom in May and begin to bear fruit in August. The plant is extremely common in the swampy sphagnum soils of Siberia, Europe, the Caucasus and the Far East. However, garden blueberry in the suburbs is also often found.

Proper fit

blueberries planting and care
Blueberries for planting are most often found in containers with peat. You should be careful not to take seedlings that have open roots - they probably won't take root. Gardeners can offer blueberries from the greenhouse, but at the slightest frost such plants will freeze. In the spring, new sprouts will appear on the site of dead branches, but still it is better to keep the sissy at home, on a well-illuminated window sill, and at the end of May to plant copies in the ground. Blueberries, planting and caring for which is of particular beauty if you plant bushes in wooden boxes, will be healthy if you mix small pebbles or expanded clay and peat into the soil.

Blueberry propagation

blueberry bluecrop
The plant can be propagated by a vegetative or seed method. High-grade berries are selected, from which seeds are selected and dried. They are planted in peat ridges with fertilizers in the very last autumn days. If the gardener is going to plant the seeds in the spring, then first of all he needs to make their stratification for three months. Spread them into grooves with a depth of 1 cm, sprinkle with sand and peat (1: 3). It is important to monitor the temperature of the soil - at least 23-25 ​​degrees. Seedlings should be regularly watered, the soil loosened and weeds weed. After one year in the spring, you should begin to apply nitrogen fertilizers and continue to do this for two years. Then the young bushes need to be transplanted to a new place, where in 5-6 years they will begin to bear fruit. In addition, the plant can be propagated by cuttings. Blueberries, the planting and care of which were correct, will certainly become a beautiful shrub that will be fruitful.

Blueberry Care

garden blueberry in the suburbs
The soil where the blueberry bush sprouts needs to be properly cultivated so as not to damage the root system, which goes only 15 cm deep from the surface. Every year, the earth needs to be mulched with peat, regularly fertilized, and well watered. The shrub responds well to spring formation (pruning of weak shoots, high-quality sanitation). Blueberries, planting and care of which are carried out by an experienced gardener who knows that manure cannot be used as fertilizers, will surely grow into a first-class “home doctor”. To increase productivity, several varieties can be planted, such as blueberry “bluecrop”, “blueberry”, “duke”, “patriot”.


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