"Warm angle": connection methods, their features and advantages

Today, many city dwellers dream of a country house, and if the opportunity arises to acquire real estate outside the city, then usually the most harmless natural material is used for its construction - timber. But for the housing to be warm and comfortable, you need to know the features of working with this material, in particular the manufacture of corners. If this operation is not performed correctly, the building will freeze in the winter, the wind will penetrate inside, and the walls will freeze as a result.

warm corner

To eliminate all these and many other troubles, there is a special connection of individual elements on the corners of the house, which is called the "warm corner". This is the name of the method by which the beam is sawn. Due to the features of its manufacture and subsequent connection, there are no through slots. There is more than one type of “warm corner” connection, and more about each of them in more detail below.

Straight spike

It is usually used in the construction of buildings of small sizes, in which the length of the wall and timber is the same. The connection is sufficiently reliable and able to withstand all loads for a sufficiently long time. Importantly, during shrinkage, the load is distributed equally over the entire surface of the joint, which keeps its weak part intact.

There are several rules that must be observed in the manufacture of tenon and groove elements. In size, the spike should not be long or wide, since its size affects the dimensions of the groove element. If the spike turned out to be thick, then the groove element must be made accordingly wider. Because of this, the weak point of the beam on which the groove is located becomes vulnerable.

Half dovetail

warm corner of a timber house
Manufacturing features - cone-shaped tenon sawing. The warm corner of a timber house of this type has a connection similar to a straight spike, but is highly durable. This is because the gash in the form of a cone does not allow separation of the bars, and they are firmly held in place. This connection option can be used during the construction of structures with a wall exceeding the length of the beam.

The complexity of performing the above docking methods is the same: you can use the “warm corner” template or do without it. Even experienced professionals are unlikely to find differences in their performance.

The width of the dovetail spike should be about 5. If it is wider, the shrinkage will occur unevenly and cracks will occur in the beam where the groove is located.

Corner spike

warm corner pattern
A feature of the technology is the manufacture of a triangular spike. The warm corner of a timber house has the following advantages:

  1. The absence of gaps.
  2. Complete tightness.
  3. Easy to manufacture, similar to both of the above methods.

Unfortunately, this method is not popular because it has less strength than the dovetail connecting version.

All the described methods have almost the same indicators of heat conservation, but in terms of strength the leader is the method of "half tail swallows."

Paw joint

In another way, this option is called "in half a tree." Due to the presence of a through gap, it is not recommended to use this option in the manufacture of walls of buildings. Possibility of use: creating the upper harness and the first screw - it is quite acceptable for these places, since it is considered the most practical.

When building houses from timber, experienced professionals do just that. The first and last screws are connected using the “half-tree” method, and in the manufacture of the rest of the building, the “warm angle” method is used. Thanks to this, the connection is very durable.

Connection Benefits

warm corner from profiled timber

  1. It can be used for the construction of structures for any purpose - for housing, baths, household buildings.
  2. The closed method provides protection against weather troubles.
  3. Due to the absence of drafts in the house, comfortable conditions are always maintained.
  4. The simplicity of filing allows you to quickly erect buildings of any size.
  5. Material is used sparingly.
  6. With accurate marking and high-quality cutting of the shape of the grooves (observing the accuracy of geometric shapes), the elements will connect very tightly, providing an ultra-reliable monolithic structure.
  7. Since the “warm angle” method does not foresee the use of additional fasteners, construction costs are significantly reduced, and the design itself is simple to manufacture.
  8. Since the preparation of materials occurs in advance, the construction process itself occurs quickly, without loss of quality indicators.
  9. What is also important, the finished design is aesthetically pleasing and looks neat, so the house does not need additional external decoration, which also saves money.


The only negative of joining the “warm corner” of the profiled beam is the possibility of cracks on the element where the groove is made. This happens when the work is done poorly. To avoid this, it is necessary to specify when creating an order to specify how the connection will be made and whether the team has experience in similar construction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34303/

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