The most dangerous places in the world and Russia. The most dangerous places on Earth: top 10 (photo)

These places attract extreme tourists, messengers for high adrenaline and new sensations. Intimidating and mystical, dangerous to life and health, they are covered with legends that people across the planet pass from mouth to mouth. Right now out of the corner of our eyes we can look into these unusual and abnormal forests and cities, visit the mountains and sea depths that threaten our lives, in order to make sure in our own skin that an inexperienced person should not go here. Right on the course, we have 10 of the most dangerous places in the world.

10. Mount Annapurna, Nepal

The most dangerous places in the world can be represented in the form of a list, the last position of which is occupied by this inaccessible, but attractively beautiful peak. The Nepalese mountains have always been majestic and attracted tourists, only for a long time climbers here were banned by decree of the royal dynasty of the country. Nowadays, foreigners easily visit this country, while the most desperate and fearless come to conquer the impregnable mountain pearl - Mount Annapurna.

the most dangerous places in the world
This is the tenth peak in the world in height. Annapurna runs up to 8091 meters, it has long been the property of Nepal, its pride and famous reserve. For the first time, French climbers conquered the peak in 1950. Since then, they tried to repeat their feat many times, but in half the cases this venture ended with the death of climbers. 53 climbers died here - almost one in three who tried to reach its top. Despite this, the mountain continues to attract new tourists who are in love with the most dangerous places on Earth.

9. Mountain of the Dead, Russia

Another peak that kills people. No, it is not as high as Annapurna, it is just a small pass on the border of Komi and the Sverdlovsk region in the north of the Urals. Despite its relatively small size, the Mountain of the Dead (or the Dyatlov Pass) is rich in tragedies, which most likely have a mystical character. Those who are looking for the most dangerous places in Russia should look here for a light.

the most dangerous places on earth
It is known that for the first time under mysterious circumstances people died here in 1959. An expedition led by the scientist Dyatlov climbed to the top. Fascinated by new discoveries, they did not notice how the sun went down over the horizon. The people who stayed here for the night died in unexplained circumstances. The investigation found that half-naked people cut the tent and rushed to run down. Some died from the cold, but most had broken ribs and broken heads. Moreover, the hairs of all the corpses suddenly turned gray, their skin turned crimson, and horror froze on their faces. After that, whole groups of tourists died more than once, and three planes fell over the pass for no apparent reason. As a result, the mountain of the Dead was included in the rating, which indicates the most dangerous places in the world for tourists.

8. Coast of California, USA

This place is associated primarily with smiling people, Beverly Hills luxury and glorious Hollywood. But not everything is so cloudless in sunny California. The ocean waters that wash its shores have long become a favorite habitat of white sharks. In the ranking, which includes the most dangerous places in the world, these water spaces are located on the eighth step.

the most dangerous places in Russia
Surfers, who, like sharks, have fallen in love with California's huge waves and clear waters, often fall for toothy predators for lunch or dinner. The last attack was recorded in October 2014. A three-meter white shark tried to bite a local surfer, but he was lucky to stay alive.

Usually these animals cripple people. Fatalities have been reported only 13 times in the past 60 years. Still, kilometers of coastal waters along the US state of California are the most dangerous places in the ocean teeming with toothy predators.

7. Snake Island, Brazil

At first glance, this is a paradise located off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. Recently, the island was closed for visits, but if you are too persistent, then perhaps you will be missed. Only before that they will oblige you to sign a document in which you do not blame anyone for your death. These lands and land have long established themselves as the most dangerous places in the world. Photos and images of the island, videos from there often appeared in a tragic chronicle, reporting the death of a desperate adventurer.

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The thing is that on one square meter there live from one to five poisonous snakes. That is, wherever you go, different cobras, mambas and rattlesnakes will be right there. The most dangerous of all reptiles on the island are botrops. Their poison is considered the most powerful on Earth. A bite causes tissue necrosis and rotting, which entails inevitable death. They say that once upon a time there lived people serving the lighthouse. But the snakes climbed into the middle and ate everyone. Since then, the Brazilian authorities have closed this territory and declared it a unique reserve - the largest natural serpentarium on the planet.

6. Danakil Desert, Ethiopia

Speaking about the most dangerous places in Africa, one cannot help but recall this "hell" on earth, in the direct meaning of the word. The fact is that the air temperature here exceeds 50 degrees Celsius. In addition to extreme heat, tourists can suffer from toxic gases, which now and then burst from the bowels to the surface. There are also many volcanoes, which also pose a certain danger.

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Despite this, the landscape in the desert is amazing. It seems that you are on Mars or on another planet. Sulfur lakes and gas fumes, uninhabited terrain and red-hot air create a cosmic atmosphere. The fact is that it is in the Danakil desert that the Arabian Plate fault is located, so frequent earthquakes and raging volcanoes are not new here. Very beautiful, but also deadly. Ethiopian tribes, accustomed to an unusual climate, are also working here, ready to slaughter any tourist for a piece of bread. Therefore, this territory is also included in the ranking of the most dangerous places in the world.

5. Death Valley, Russia

It is located in Kamchatka. A bad place, the bad reputation of which dates back to the 30s of the XX century, is also included in our list. These lands are not only the most dangerous places in Russia, but also on the planet. At this point, the slopes of the Kikhpinich volcano are all indented by hot springs that emit toxic vapor and gas. The lowest platform is called the Valley of Death. The hunters who wandered here for the first time found hundreds of corpses of wild and domestic animals, including their huskies.

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But the most interesting thing happened later. The hunters themselves began to languish, they were tormented by headaches and weight loss. No one could answer what was happening to them. Almost every year, another expedition came here in search of an answer. When exploring these lands, about a hundred scientists died. Those who were fortunate enough to return said that both humans and animals were simply poisoned by poisonous cyanic fumes coming from the volcano. According to them, this place is not adapted for life.

4. Fire Mountain, Indonesia

She has no days off and holidays, because every day the volcano shows signs of life. Even when there is no eruption, a column of smoke rises above its surface to a height of 3 thousand meters. Over the past five centuries, the mountain has flared up about 60 times - a rather high indicator. Therefore, the rating describing the most dangerous places on Earth includes Fire Mountain.

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The last eruption was recorded in 2006. Before that, in 1994, a burning hot cloud of gas burned 60 people alive. And in 1930, more than a thousand people died from the eruption of the volcano . Then boiling lava covered 13 kilometers of land around. Oddly enough, but the locals continue to settle very close to the Fire Mountain. One of the villages, numbering 200 thousand people, is located only 6 kilometers from this terrible place. Also, millions of tourists come here every year. Some, due to their carelessness or desire to take stunning pictures, come too close to the hearth and die.

3. South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

The most dangerous places on Earth, despite their unkind glory, attract millions of tourists who are ready to try their luck and increase the level of adrenaline in the blood. One of these areas is a wonderful park in African Zambia. It is the largest in South Africa. If you do not belong to the category of nervous people, take a tent and go to spend the night in this amazing place. Here you will see the charming moonlight and alluvial stars in the night sky.

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The picture is perfect, if not for hundreds of hippos, aggressive and fearless. Young individuals, walking ahead through the jungle, do not spare anyone in their path. Each year, about 200 people die from their invasion. They are especially dangerous at night: males and females go ashore during the mating season and trample tens of miles around. Slow animals, uniting in flocks, are able to demolish everything from the face of the Earth. Despite this, South Luangwa is one of the ten most visited parks in all of Africa.

2. Road of death, Bolivia

The most dangerous way in the world. It is located over a precipice with a depth of more than 600 meters. Thrill-seekers have to walk a very long time: the road is 70 kilometers long, while the width does not exceed 3 meters. Often this narrow and menacing highway has to be driven by trucks and buses. It is undesirable for them to meet head-on: head-on is impossible here, and towing back is a deadly undertaking.

the most dangerous places in the world for tourists
Nevertheless, the movement here is stormy, since the Death Road is the only route connecting La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, and the town of Koroysko. And without that, the narrow canvas from time to time is further washed away by tropical rains, which occur here every day from November to March. Zero visibility from thick fogs and endless slippery landslides completes the gloomy picture. If this does not impress visitors, then the last frightening chord will be moss-covered, heaped crosses placed on the sidelines in memory of people who have plunged into the abyss. By the way, every year about 300 travelers die here. Everyone who crosses this route pray endlessly so as not to become another victim.

1. Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic

The stretch of the ocean between Puerto Rico, Florida and Bermuda has long gone down in history as the most terrible and mysterious place on the planet. Here ships and planes disappear without a trace, ghost ships meet, crew members who are fortunate enough to get out of this mystical place, talk about strange movements in space, time and other terrible things.

the most dangerous places in the world: photo
There are many explanations for this. Some argue that faults in time are to blame, others say that they are tricks of black holes, still others scold aliens and residents of the mysteriously disappeared Atlantis. Scientists are more skeptical about the situation, calling this area difficult to navigate, with a great many shallows and cyclones. All this becomes, in their opinion, the cause of this phenomenon. Be that as it may, but these waters can be described as the most dangerous places in the world. The Bermuda Triangle tops the TOP 10 rating of the most terrible land and water areas on the planet.

The most dangerous countries in the world

Colombia, the country torn to pieces by civil wars and internal conflicts, leads this mini-rating. Here the highest percentage of murders and kidnappings. This state is also a cocaine producer. More than half the volume of white powder disperses around the world with the blessing of local mafia clans. In second place is Afghanistan. At every step, passers-by can be blown up by a mine. In addition, there is a very high threat of terrorist attacks.

10 most dangerous places in the world
Listing the most dangerous places in the world, we recall Burundi, a small African state. It is known throughout the world for its armed gangs, numerous killings and attacks on tourists. Here you should be afraid even of women and children who, without blinking an eye, will shoot you as soon as possible. In fourth place among the most dangerous countries on Earth is Somalia, known for its corsairs. Pirates rob tourists not only on water, but also on land. Iraq closes the top five, where every minute you run the risk of being blown up by a shell or getting caught in crossfire. Terrorist attacks and street battles are everyday realities of local residents.

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The first and most terrible city in the world is considered to be Peshawar in Pakistan. The danger comes from local tribes, between whom regular clashes take place. There are a lot of attractions, but tourists should choose another place for excursions. We give the second position of the rating to the once famous Acapulco resort in Mexico. Today on the beaches of vacationers you will not find in the afternoon and with fire, but all because of the impunity of cartels and gangs of thugs. Closes the three leaders of the Distrito Central - the largest city of Honduras. Here are the highest homicide rates. Criminal statistics scare even the most desperate tourists.

The most dangerous cities in the world
In Russia, Perm is considered the most dangerous city. This settlement is in fourth place. Such "rich" statistics of robberies, rapes and attacks in the Russian Federation can no longer be found. On the fifth step is the American Detroit. Robberies and robberies are flourishing here. For every 50 inhabitants a year, one serious crime is recorded. The reasons are the low social status of local people, their lack of education, poverty and lack of work.

The most dangerous places in Moscow

Studies conducted at the end of 2014 indicate that the outskirts of the Russian capital are the worst for walking. Muscovites consider the city center the safest, except for Zamoskvorechye. Residents and visitors also feel comfortable in Mitino, Schukino, Kurkino and Strogino in the northwest, Cheryomushki, Ramenki, Obruchevsky in the southwest. In their opinion, it is not scary to walk the streets here even at night.

the most dangerous places in Moscow
Instead, the southeast of the metropolis has gained bad fame, its streets and gateways are the most dangerous places in the world. Golyanovo, for example. Every year there are recorded many robberies and attacks. This area is known throughout the world as a center for criminal offenses and rampant criminals. The list also included Dmitrovsky, Timiryazevsky, Golovinsky, Beskudnikovsky, Teply Stan, Kuntsevo, Solntsevo and others. Muscovites consider the districts of Vnukovo, Brateevo and Severnoye Tushino to be dangerous, despite this they feel confident and calm here.


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