How to wear a hair bandage?

Every self-respecting fashionista should know how to wear hairbands, what outfit to choose for her hairstyle, who needs the hairbands, why they are needed. It has long been no secret that the bandage on the hair helps to complement the image, make it more feminine, emphasizes the individual style or specific mood. With a bandage you will look just wonderful every day, but you need to wear it correctly! To create a unique image you will need a few minutes, a bandage, a comb, your imagination and originality.

how to make a hair band
How to wear a hair band: who is suitable?

The headband can be matched to any hair style, type of face or clothing. This accessory is considered universal and very fashionable for a very long time. It can be worn by girls with both long hair and short. As for the options for using the bandage, you can either remove it from the forehead, or press it against the bangs, or hide the hair gathered in the tail under it. A lot of options!

When choosing a hair bandage, pay attention to the height of your forehead. If it is low, it is best to place this part on the hairline. This will visually increase the forehead. In other cases, you can wear a bandage in the middle of the forehead.

how to wear hair bands

How to wear a hair band, how to choose it?

Hairbands can be completely different. Today it is the widest choice of these accessories that leads girls to a standstill, and they can choose them for hours! Dressings are thin and insulated, narrow and wide, metal and wool, fabric and leather, with and without fastener. The choice of accessory depends on your preferred style and color. Of course, the hair band should fit the fashionista’s clothing style.

For example, a thin one can be in the form of a pigtail or a thin chain. It should be worn over the forehead line over the hair. One of the most popular uses for such a bandage is the Greek hairstyle, when the hair at the back is twisted into a bandage. If you choose a thin bandage, know that it is universal, and will suit almost any girl. As for wide accessories, they are put on under the hair (at the roots). They are most often chosen by the fairer sex with long hair to complement a sports or everyday look.

How to wear a hair band: we choose the style

how to wear a hair band
The correct choice of such an addition to the hairstyle directly depends on your style. If you want to create a feminine and romantic look, choose glamor-style dressings. These accessories may include stones, brooches, and other jewelry. They are best worn over long hair or medium hair.

Hippie-style hairbands are worn in the middle of the forehead for loose hair. A wide or narrow bandage in this style is suitable for casual clothes, which are also characterized by ease and simplicity.

Retro accessories like this are also very popular in the middle of the forehead. How to wear a hair band in this style? Often, girls make a tail, and also complement the hairdo with a pile, fixing the bandage at the top. Vintage dressings are similar in style . They can be made from a wide variety of materials, decorated with stones or artificial pearls.

By the way, very often bandages complement wedding hairstyles. They are usually decorated with pearls and are matched strictly to the bride’s outfit or jewelry.

If you wish, you can learn how to make a hair band on your own. All you need is a little imagination, patience and the necessary materials. Do not be afraid to experiment!


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