Galina Kizima. Garden, flower garden and garden without big work

Galina Kizima is a well-known gardener, gardener, a man who is very passionate about his business. She has written many books that help fans gather in summer cottages, often not very large ones, with high yields of fruits, vegetables, berries, fruits.

A little about G. Kizima

Candidate of technical sciences, a widely educated, purely urban man, Kizima at first was categorically against his agricultural activities.

But gradually, under the influence of her mother, she first joined floriculture, and then gardening. In the family plots where she had to work, there were very difficult soil conditions: either swamp, clay, or sand. The plants on them took root heavily, it took a lot of knowledge, experiments with planting and processing vegetables to get a good harvest.

Galina Kizima

Experimenting and studying literature, Galina Kizima collected a lot of material on vegetable growing, gardening, flower growing. Much attention is paid to proper seed treatment.

Books on gardening, horticulture and floriculture

The number of books written by her is astounding, and each book contains a particle of the soul of this person, her love for people and plants. Books diverge in huge runs. For example, the “Latest Encyclopedia of the Gardener and Gardener” has more than 1 million readers.

Galina Kizima manual for a smart summer resident

The book contains a lot of information about vegetables and fruits, ranging from preparing seeds and seedlings for planting and ending with harvesting. A lot of people in our country, working in summer cottages, dream and try to get big crops. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. For some, even though they are swarming on the ground all the time, the results are practically zero.

For such workers, Galina Kizima wrote “Tips for Gardeners”. This book, which is not very large in volume, tells how to choose seeds, how to prepare them for planting, which plants can be planted nearby, so that they help each other. Much attention is paid to the competent organization of a summer cottage, in order to grow a large crop on a minimum area, using each inch of land. It also describes the protection of plants from pests.

Reading this author, you begin to understand that large crops without losses can be harvested not only from vast areas. A small but properly organized site with optimal placement of plants on it can bring a good harvest.

The book, which was written by Galina Kizima - "A Handbook for a Clever Summer Resident" - tells exactly about such an organization of the site. The process of forming beds is described, which plants are planted nearby and when, so that they do not obscure each other and protect themselves from various pests. It turns out that without digging the ground, without watering and weeding the beds, but just organizing them wisely, you can get large yields of different berries and vegetables.

Much attention is paid to the arrangement of the garden, as well as to the flowers, their proper arrangement, care for them. A gardener with vast experience, Galina Kizima gives many tips on growing trees and flowers.

Books on the cultivation of flowers, multi-annual and annual, attract with original recommendations for the selection, preparation of seeds and bulbs, planting, care for them. Flowers located in places suitable for different varieties grow much more beautiful and strong, always delight their hosts.

Lunar Landing Calendars

Not everyone knows that plants planted on favorable days will be strong, healthy, strong, will bring more fruits and vegetables. Observing nature, analyzing her many years of experience, Galina Kizima has already published and continues to compile annually the lunar calendars of landings, both for a year and for many years to come, until 2025.

galina kizima books

These books in an easy, accessible form tell what time, what kind of work can be done on the hacienda in accordance with the phases of the moon and its presence in different signs of the zodiac. Observing these rules, you can get a good harvest without much difficulty, minimizing the time and effort.

About blanks

But to grow a crop is half the battle; it must be properly preserved and processed. Galina Kizima also took care of this. Books on preparations, pickles, jams contain many proven recipes, using which you can quickly process and save the crop obtained at the cottage.

Galina Kizima tips gardeners

Light in execution, they carry the warmth of the soul of a person who has been engaged in growing large crops in areas with different conditions located in different places of our country for more than 55 years. The books of Galina Kizima, written with a soul, are loved and enjoyed by many people who are grateful to the author for her enormous work.


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