Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk: description, construction history

Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk is one of the highest churches in Russia. It is built relatively recently.

History of occurrence

The Patriarch of All Russia blessed the construction of the church in 2001. Funds from sponsors from all over Russia were received for construction materials and hiring workers. Large and small entrepreneurs, huge corporations and ordinary people spared no money for the construction of the cathedral.

Transfiguration Cathedral Khabarovsk

Construction was relatively short. In 2003, Bishop Mark of Amur served a festive service in honor of the end of the construction of the temple. Since that time, the full-fledged work of the cathedral was begun.


The Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk in height takes third place among all the churches of Russia. In comparison, the 40-meter building of Radio House seems like a small house.

The height with the crosses of the temple is 93 meters. Domes are gilded. High ceilings in the halls and a huge space filled with tranquility and pacification are the hallmark of the church. There are 5 domes in the cathedral. During the service, bells ringing is heard throughout the district.

Inside, the walls are frescoed with Bible stories. For this work, artists from Moscow were invited to Khabarovsk. They worked on frescoes for about 6 months. The project was developed by architects Yuri Zhivetiev and Nikolai Prokudin. Also in the construction of the drawings participated Evgeny Semenov. Their joint work was successful, and the result exceeded all expectations.

Transfiguration Cathedral Khabarovsk photo

The facade is painted in white and light blue. In the daytime, the building seems immersed in the blue sky. Around Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Khabarovsk, a well-groomed area with good lighting and equipped places for relaxation.

Holy relics

In almost any large temple, there are things that are associated with stories from the Bible or with famous Christians. The Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk, whose photo can be seen in the article, also contains the holy relics worshiped by parishioners and worship them:

  • the ark with a particle of the right hand of St. Innocent of Moscow;
  • icon "Blessed Womb";
  • relics of Kiev-Pechersk saints;
  • Icon with a particle of the relics of St. John of Shanghai.

Many people come to the temple to bow to these relics and ask God for health or the birth of children. Already known cases of the healing of seriously ill patients after numerous prayers near the relics.

Rector Archpriest Georgy Sivkov carefully and with great respect and faith treats these things and accustoms his parishioners to the same behavior and to deep faith.

Worship services

The Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk daily holds services in the morning and evening. On church holidays, large divine services are held with the participation of all the clergy of the temple.

On any day you can order a memorial service. Liturgies are held every day and everyone can attend them. In the temple you can get married or christenings. Questions on these issues should be addressed in advance to those in the temple.

Transfiguration Cathedral Khabarovsk address

The cathedral has a center for family and creativity. Here, parishioners can do art in their free time and teach children to it. The clergy of the cathedral are actively involved in charity work and urge their parishioners to help people who are in difficult situations.

Various specialists regularly conduct receptions at the Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk (address: 24 Turgeneva St.). In the temple, you can consult the following specialists:

  • lawyer;
  • social worker;
  • a doctor.

These professionals are parishioners of the cathedral and on a voluntary basis, according to a special schedule, receive visitors who need this or that help.

Here operates the youth club of like-minded and faithful "Preobrazhentsi". Participants are engaged in educational activities and charity.


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