Fiskars weed remover: reviews, instructions for use and manufacturer

People who constantly cultivate a garden or a summer cottage, face various problems. This is an invasion of pests, various diseases. In addition, in the spring and summer, lawns, flowerbeds, territories on which crops grow, are constantly overgrown with grass. It interferes with the growth of cultivated plants. Fiscars weed remover helps to fight it.

Weed species

Weeds are perennial and annual. If annual cut off soon after germination, they quickly disappear. Perennial weeds after weeding soon reappear on the surface of the earth, often even more dense and branched. For example, sow thistle after cutting the upper part begins to branch and grow. What to do - do not touch it at all or take a shovel and dig a trench in order to stretch the root completely or as much of it as possible?

Weeds of this kind are difficult to eradicate completely even with herbicides. Under their influence, the plants become much weaker, some of them disappear completely, but many survive and continue to grow further. But the herbicides themselves harm the soil and people who eat foods grown on the treated area.

Weed Control Tools

The variety of species and varieties of weeds requires a large number of diverse tools. These are shovels, choppers, rakes, plane cutters, various propolniks. Each of them is designed to combat different types of weeds at a certain stage of vegetation.

Single specimens can be scooped up. You can avoid the appearance of weeds on the site before seed germination by treating it with a rake. A convenient and modern tool is propolnik. He quickly processes a large area, cutting annual weeds under the root. But little is suitable for dealing with perennials, because they grow back quickly. Chopper is an old tool that does not lose its relevance. It is difficult to do without it when processing plots near plants. The Fokine plane cutter has great functionality. Its sharp beak copes well with the roots.

All these tools require the use of considerable strength, good physical fitness. The back is constantly in a bent position, hands hurt.

Weed remover

There is a tool that helps to cope with most of these problems and get a good result. If we pull out the root of the weed plant or its main part from the soil, then it will no longer grow. And sow thistles and similar weeds will disappear after several treatments.

fiskars weed remover reviews

It is for such operations that the Fiskars weed remover is intended. Customer reviews say that he copes well with his function. What are its advantages?

The remover has a handle, a grip with four pointed plates with stainless steel teeth, an emphasis and an ejector of weeds.

To use the device was convenient, its long aluminum handle is covered with plastic, on which hands do not slip. The shape of the handle of some models in the form of the letter D contributes to this.

The length of the telescopic handle can be changed. During operation, the handle is pulled to the desired length; after the process is completed, it is folded to its original size. The unit has several names associated with its functions: rake for removing weeds, stubbing remover.

User reviews say that using the device you can not only pull unwanted plants out of the ground, but also plant useful ones. For this, a flower or seedlings are placed between the teeth, clamped. Immersed in the ground and using a pusher set in the hole formed.

Aggregates "Fiskars"

The Finnish company Fiskars produces not only weed removers. She releases:

  • Ergonomic shovels with a lightweight handle in the form of a loop and a sharp cutting edge that does not require sharpening.
  • Rake with a long handle and sharp teeth, convenient for working form.
  • Chopper with a long one-piece handle.
  • Small tools for gardening (garden scoops and forks, a tool for digging holes).
  • Shearing equipment.

Most units of the Finnish brand "Fiskars", which are sold with us, are made in Poland.

How the Fiskars weed remover works

The principle of operation of the tool is that the device is brought to the weed, its sharp plates with teeth are immersed in the soil. The selected plant should be surrounded by tentacles on all sides. Then, using the lever, the teeth are brought to one point, clamping the root of the weed. Take the tool out of the ground. A torn plant leaves the soil along with it.

weed remover lightweight fiskars reviews

A sleeve is placed inside the handle. It is connected by a rod with a movable weed discharge plate. Move the sleeve up. In this case, the draft moves the plate and pushes the weed into the bucket or waste basket. To do this, press the button on the handle of the Fiskars weed remover. User reviews indicate that you need to take out the plant at an angle to the soil, then the root capture is triggered.

Description of weed remover "Fiskars 139960"

The length of the telescopic device can reach 1 m 19 cm. When folded, 99 cm. The weed remover Fiskars 139960 has a weight of 1 kg 250 g.

fiskars xact weed remover reviews

User reviews suggest that it would be more efficient to lengthen the tentacles of the device by 5 cm. They are satisfied with the work of the ejector, which can throw a weed away for a couple of meters. The unit copes with dandelions perfectly. Reviews on the Fiskars 139960 weed remover claim that it poorly removes clover and other plants with a strong root system.

Some users have doubts about the Polish origin of the product. The poor quality of the metal pushes them to this idea. They claim that it is very soft, so the gripping teeth jump off the root. In order to eliminate this drawback, you need to disassemble the device and sharpen the teeth.

Description of weed remover "Fiskars 139940"

For those who find it difficult to hold a regular Fiskars remover, a lightweight version has been devised. This model is considered the lightest in weight. It is only 900 g. The length of the device in the unfolded state is 90 cm, the width is 30 mm. Handle length 76 cm.

fiskars xact 139950 weed remover reviews

The plates penetrate 8.5 cm into the soil. What are the benefits of the Fiskars lightweight weed remover? User reviews say it’s easy to hold. A lightweight root extractor pulls out weeds with four teeth. After the procedure, a small hole remains in the ground.

The retail price of the product is about 2.5 thousand rubles. The color of the device is black or gray.

Advantages of the Fiskars weed remover

You can adjust the length of the handle of the Fiskars weed remover. User reviews, however, indicate that the latch is not very reliable.

weed remover lightweight fiskars 139940 reviews

You can remove and throw away the weed without bending down and not getting your hands dirty. The back remains flat and does not strain.

User reviews suggest that it is convenient to remove dandelions and other few weeds from the lawn with a remover. You can get rid of them in the flower beds. Neighboring flowers are not damaged.

Disadvantages of weed remover

Users point out some of the drawbacks of the Fiskars Xact 139950 weed remover. Reviews suggest that the tentacle plate webs are too narrow. Users claim that near the base of the tentacles should be thicker. When pulling out the weed, the plates sometimes converge at more than one point. As a result, the teeth jam. There are two possible scenarios. If you start to press harder, the reset bar made of plastic may break. You can try to raise the tool, part the teeth and take out the plant manually. This reduces the efficiency of the weed remover lightweight Fiskars Light.

fiskars weed remover 139960 reviews

User reviews say that it is not suitable for work on all soils. If the ground is very dry and hard, great effort is required to penetrate. Therefore, the statement that anyone can handle the device is an exaggeration. User reviews say that the device does not work on very soft soil, since there is no emphasis on the ground. Therefore, Fiskars Xact weed remover will not be able to capture.

Feedback from some owners suggests that the root eliminator does not pull out the entire root, but only part of it. If this is the root of sow thistle, then this is natural, because it is much longer than 8.5 cm. And the device should grab and pull out the dandelion root completely.

Some users complain that the device is weak to remove the roots of sea buckthorn. But this is not a weed, but a shrub. Not intended for uprooting shrubs lightweight weed remover Fiskars 139940.

Reviews of some users indicate that you need to get used to the device.

There is an opinion that it is more efficient to use Fokin's plane cutters instead of a weed remover. We can agree with this if there is a lot of weed grass on the site.

Some users find the Fiskars weed remover too high. Reviews say it’s not worth the money.

Care and storage of weed remover

Like any tool that comes in contact with the ground, the Fiskars remover is thoroughly cleaned after each use. If the soil was dry, you can not wash it, just wipe it with a dry cloth. After working with wet or wet soil, they are washed and dried.

weed remover lightweight fiskars light reviews

Store in a dry place, protected from rain. For winter, the part of the unit that comes into contact with the ground must be lubricated with a protective substance (for example, solid oil).


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