Chocolate Tomato: Features of the Variety

Any gardener wants to grow not only beautiful and tasty, but also unusual fruits on his personal plot. Red tomatoes, familiar to all residents of Russia, will not surprise anyone. Another thing is Chocolate Chocolate! What are the features of this variety and is it difficult to grow it in your garden? All this in the article below.

Description of varieties of tomatoes Chocolate

An unusual variety was bred in Russia recently, in the 21st century. Not all gardeners managed to evaluate it, so they plant it not as often as the variety deserves it. But with experienced and gentle hands, planting and growing Chocolate Chocolate tomato, reviews of which are enthusiastic, is not difficult. Hybrid tomato has an average bush height of 150 cm. Leaves and stems of the usual dark green color. Since the height of the bush is small, no tying is required.

chocolate tomato
However, experienced gardeners still insist on garter bushes in order to increase productivity. Representatives of this variety can be planted in a greenhouse and open ground, the tomato is little susceptible to disease and rot. Chocolate Tomato is a medium early variety. From the moment of planting the seeds to harvest the fruit, about 110 days pass.

The advantages of the variety in its large tasty fruits of an interesting color, high yield of bushes and their unpretentiousness. With a square meter of planted tomatoes, with proper care, up to 15 kg of fruits are harvested.

Chocolate tomato variety: fruit characterization

The fruits of an unusual variety of tomatoes have a dark green color. As they ripen, they gradually darken, turning into dark red tomatoes weighing up to 400 grams. The consistency of the fruit is not watery, fleshy. The shape of the fetus is habitually rounded, but slightly flattened from above. In each fetus, up to four nests are found.

Chocolate Tomato has a pleasant sweet taste, but is not intended for long-term storage. It is best to use these tomatoes immediately, for example, in the form of a fresh salad. They can also be used to produce your own tomato juice and various preservation.

chocolate tomato
In this form, the fruits are also very good.

The nuances of growing a new tomato variety

As mentioned above, Chocolate tomato can be grown in a greenhouse and outdoors. Of course, greenhouse cultivation provides several advantages - it is protection against pests and gusts of wind. Chocolate tomatoes are grown throughout Russia, the planting of finished seedlings in the soil is carried out closer to the end of May. Before planting seeds, they should be checked for germination in a glass of water. Seedlings form in two or three stems.

Dive is made after the appearance of two or three leaves (like the rest of the tomatoes). Before planting, you need to harden the seedlings, lowering the temperature of the water during irrigation. This variety is completely unpretentious and needs the usual gardener manipulations: daily watering in the evenings, weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing.

tomato chocolate reviews
Do not forget about pinching. To pinch bushes is especially important when growing in open ground, since without this event the plant will waste its energy in vain.

What pests threaten chocolate tomatoes?

High resistance to many diseases is what makes Chocolate tomato remarkable. Reviews of experienced gardeners about him are usually good, everyone praises the productivity and sweet taste of these tomatoes. If you still encounter diseases on the site, do not worry. This tomato variety is processed with the usual fungicidal preparations. Timely treatment of plants with insecticides will save from pest invasion.

Chocolate striped tomato

If you want to further surprise the guests of your summer house, then grow Chocolate striped tomato on it. This variety is famous for its extravagant color and unusual taste. The size of the fruits is also surprising - in particularly successful summer residents it reaches one kilogram, while the average weight of one fruit is 500 grams. The peel of the tomato is pleasant, smooth and not thick. Particularly surprising is the color of the ripe fruit - a chocolate shade with dark green or red stripes. Due to the unusual coloring, such tomatoes are loved by children.

Chocolate striped tomato is used to make fresh salads and hot dishes. Fruits are also used for preservation. True, whole pickling and pickling are not for these large tomatoes. You should not make juice out of them.

The advantages of the variety are large-fruity, color, interesting taste, fruiting throughout the season and high resistance to disease. Not without drawbacks - when planting in open ground, the fruits may burst under the influence of too high air temperature.

chocolate striped tomato
These tomatoes are best planted in a bright place, but not in open sunlight. Seedlings are planted in greenhouses in mid-May, and in open ground in early June.

Russian gardeners are in full swing mastering new varieties of tomatoes. Many summer residents love chocolate tomatoes because of the high productivity and unpretentiousness of the bushes. Growing a rich crop of unusual colors is not difficult at all!


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