Game Guide to Ricky - "Dota 2"

In “DotA 2” there are no imb - characters who can, without any strategy, even in the hands of a beginner, become a universal weapon capable of defeating any opponent. Here, all the heroes are equal, everyone has their pros and cons, which create the perfect balance. Therefore, each player chooses for himself those characters that he likes the most, and then learns to pump them. Naturally, you can do it completely on your own, but it will take you a lot of time. To speed up the process, you can refer, for example, to this guide, if you have chosen for yourself the hero of Ricky. This character attracts not so many people just because of the fact that he is not so easy to learn. But if you still learn to play them, then the opponents will not find it. Guide to Ricky ("Dota 2") will tell you about the pros and cons of this character, as well as describe in detail the skills, their pumping and use.

Pros and Cons of Ricky

Guide to Ricky Dota 2

So, if you chose this character, then you will come in handy a guide to Ricky. "Dota 2" is a game in which you need to know not only the advantages of your hero, but also his shortcomings. This guide will tell you about one and the other. It’s worth starting with, of course. Pay attention to the fact that Ricky is a melee character, but at the same time, his main characteristic is dexterity. With its help, he provides himself with high protection, and given the high growth of this characteristic, Ricky becomes very dangerous in close combat, since it becomes difficult to kill him. It is also worth noting a high increase in strength for the hero, whose main characteristic is agility. It should be noted here that the character is able to maintain almost constant invisibility and inflict damage with the help of passive abilities. From the advantages of Ricky, your eyes run wide, and this can also be a problem, because you need to be able to correctly combine and use all this at the right time, which will help you with the guide to Ricky. "Dota 2" is a game in which tactics solve absolutely everything, and without it you should not even try to win the battle, as they will trample you instantly. Moreover, all of your pluses can be blocked by one huge minus, which constantly repels novice players - this is a low indicator of health. There is nothing you can do about it, so you just need to be able to play this hero in such a way as to inflict maximum damage to the enemy, but not take it yourself.

"Smoke Screen"

Dota 2 6 82 Ricky Guide

"Smoke Screen" is the first skill that the guide to Ricky draws your attention to. Dota 2 is a game in which it is important to be able to plan, but how to do it if you do not know what arsenal you have? So you should understand that this skill allows you to create a smoke cloud around you that slows down opponents and their attack speed, forbids them to use their skills themselves, and also increases their chance of miss. You should take this ability as soon as possible, but pump it last. The fact is that with pumping, the cloud's radius of action increases, as well as the chance of a miss, which is not the most important thing in this skill. So it’s better to spend points on more useful skills first. Immediately pay attention to how it looks in the version of “Dota 2.6.82” Ricky. Our guide is simply obliged to inform you that much has changed for this character in this version. The Smoke Screen is the only thing that has not been touched. So if you are just starting out, then try to appreciate the skill, as previously it was not so beautiful.

Permanent Invisibility

Guide to Ricky DotA 2 from God

The most powerful weapon that is available to this character is constant invisibility. This skill is passive, so as soon as you take it, it activates, and your hero becomes invisible to opponents. Naturally, in this state, Ricky can’t attack, but can use objects, abilities, and also gets improved health regeneration. In general, this is an incredibly useful skill, which is worth thinking about pumping as soon as possible. Activate it the very first and pump it to the maximum no later than the seventh level, because with each new level, the delay before activating invisibility will be reduced, and the speed of restoration of health will increase. A guide to Ricky ("Dota 2") from God, a popular gamer, also highlights this skill. In principle, any reasonable person will see how much he determines the whole game for this character.


Hyde Ricky Dota 2 Schoolboy

Given that your character is invisible, you just need a similar skill. If you attack the enemy from behind, you will receive a bonus to damage, which depends on how high your dexterity indicator is. At the first level of ability, agility is divided in half, forming a damage modifier, and at the fourth it is already turning into 125 percent.

Blink Strike

The ult for this character is simply beautiful - any guide to Ricky will tell you about it. "Dota 2" (the Schoolboy - another advanced gamer - has studied this game up and down, and therefore also agrees with our statement) is a kind of competition ults. And for Ricky this skill is really impressive - the character is teleported behind the back of any of the players on the map, but if this is the character of the opponent, then additional damage of up to 120 units is applied to him. Moreover, Ricky can store charges for use, and not wait every time until the maximum number of shells accumulates - six pieces.


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