Rules for growing kumquat at home

Kumquat is an exotic plant that captivates with its beauty. It is successfully grown and propagated by gardeners at home. As practice shows, not in a natural habitat, but with proper care, this decorative tree even gives fruit. Therefore, growing kumquat at home is of interest to both flower growers and gardeners.

Botanical certificate of the plant

The birthplace of the described fruit is China. It was from there that kumquat was exported to the countries of America and Europe. Translated from Latin, its name means "golden orange." In Japan, a tree is usually called the modified word "Kinkan", which means "golden apple."

Fortunella or kumquat

A dwarf plant, tree-shaped. In natural conditions it grows up to 4.5 m in height, at home - up to 1.65 m. It forms a highly branched, dense, densely leafy crown from small, smooth, dark green leaf plates.

During flowering, kumquat is covered with small flowers, white with a pinkish tinge, located individually or collected in small inflorescences. It forms fruits that look similar to tangerines, but differ in size. Kumquat is much smaller than the usual oranges. One fruit reaches a maximum of 30-35 g. Outwardly covered with a thin skin of bright orange color, as in citrus fruits.

The taste of kumquat is balanced thanks to a fragrant sweet peel and slightly sour pulp.

What the fruits of kumquat look like

It blooms for 2-3 months, after which it enters the period of active fruiting. Fruits ripen by the end of winter - closer to the beginning of spring. By this period, the tree takes on a more decorative look.

Features of planting and growing plants

Kumquat, like all representatives of the citrus genus, grows from seed, cuttings, layering and inoculations. This plant is exotic in our region of residence, so you can not buy it in every supermarket. This is what makes flower growers become interested in growing kumquat at home from seed.

We specify right away that this process is labor intensive and requires time and effort.

The seed, in order for it to sprout, is planted in a moist soil mixture consisting of sand and garden soil in a 1: 1 ratio. A prerequisite is to maintain optimal humidity of the environment where the stone is located, otherwise the plant will not be able to hatch. A seedling with 4 leaves, as a rule, appears after 6-8 weeks. Further cultivation of kumquat at home is reduced to the standard scheme - the plant is transplanted to another container, after a couple of months, as it gets stronger.

Often there is reproduction of plants by vaccination. For this, you need stronger seedlings with a stalk thickness of at least 10 mm. Experts advise planting kumquat on grapefruit stock during the period of active movement of juices. At this time, the sprout takes root within 4-6 weeks.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out regardless of the time of year, and the procedure itself is no different from the method of propagation of other fruit crops. Young cuttings are simply cut and aged in a special liquid substance that stimulates growth. After that, at an angle, they land in moist soil, waiting for root formation.

home growing

The secrets of successfully growing fortunella, or kumquat at home

Planting a houseplant does not begin with the procedure itself, but long before that - with the selection of a pot. The capacity is selected depending on what size tree you want to grow. Compact dwarf - in a small pot, but such a tree does not always bear fruit. Having chosen a large pot, you can get not just an ornamental plant, but a full-fledged fruiting tree. Regardless of the volume of the vessel, try to choose a container from natural raw materials, mainly from clay.

Before planting kumquat, treat the pot with boiling water. Do not forget about the drainage layer at the bottom, which will prevent moisture stagnation during irrigation, contributing to root decay.

What to plant?

It is better to buy the substrate in a specialized center or store, and it is better to take a specific mixture for citrus fruits. Why is it recommended to use the purchased substance for planting and growing kumquat from seeds at home? Because it already contains a number of essential components, minerals and nutrients.

When cooking on your own, try to mix the ingredients in the same proportion. To do this, you will need:

  • peat;
  • fertile land;
  • compost or humus;
  • sand.

When landing, the bones are deepened by 2 centimeters into the ground. The grown seedlings are planted so that the root neck is approximately at the same level with the soil surface.

plant care

How to water and fertilize

Kumquat is a moisture-loving plant, so make sure the soil is always wet. The plant requires regular and abundant watering with constant monitoring of the moisture level in the pot, since fungal diseases and parasitic infestations can develop due to its excess.

In the cold season, a plant needs 1-2 watering a week, in spring and autumn - every other day, in summer - every day. Watering is carried out in the morning with warm, settled water, since the leaves may turn yellow and fall from the cold liquid at the kumquat.

In summer, the tree needs constant spraying, especially if the house or apartment has a dry microclimate, and in winter it is enough to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

Be sure to cover the topsoil in the pot with mulch or moss, so it will dry out less.

the secrets of growing kumquat

The rules for growing kumquat at home include spring fertilizers during the active growing season. Mineral and organic, containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizing are well perceived by the plant.

It will be advisable to use nitrogen complexes before the plant enters the flowering period. During tying and fruiting, kumquat needs potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. In the warm season (spring and summer), the tree is often fertilized by applying complexes 2-3 times a month, in the fall - 1-2 times a month. With the onset of the rest period, feeding is canceled.

Kumquat responds well to both root and foliar top dressing. When applying fertilizers, adhere to the recommended scheme when growing kumquat nagas at home:

  1. Spray with nutritious sprays before the plant begins to bloom. Carrying out the procedure when the plant forms the ovaries or the fruits ripen on the tree, make sure that drops of the solution fall only on the foliage.
  2. Feed in the morning or evening, when the sun does not burn so much, otherwise the plant will overheat and overheat.
  3. Before root fertilization, make sure that the soil is moistened, as in contact with fertilizing, the roots can get burned.

Cropping Features

Growing kumquat at home involves pruning a plant in the spring. During this period, the crown of the tree is formed. On the main branches leave no more than three shoots, and get rid of the rest. The left branches are slightly shortened, thus stimulating the growth of young growth.

Growing kumquat from seeds

How to transplant decorative mandarin

Transplantation through transshipment occurs systematically, every 2-3 years. Try not to disturb the earthen lump, otherwise there is a risk of plant death. The soil and the drainage layer from the pot are thrown out, replacing with a new one.

Please note that the transplant should be carried out in early spring, before the plant is activated in growth.

Scheme of fertilizing and fertilizing

Fruiting cannot be achieved without regular top dressing. The frequency of their application is determined by such factors:

  • age and condition of the kumquat tree;
  • used soil for growing kumquat fruit at home;
  • pot volume.

If the container is small, top dressing is applied more often. With the onset of the active growth phase, the plant needs systematic top dressing with a phosphate-potassium complex, which is recommended to be applied once every ten days. During the dormant period, it is enough to do this once a month.

During the cultivation of kumquat at home, care for it consists of a number of rules, including fertilizing the plant, without which fruiting and normal development of the fruit cannot be achieved.

DIY fertilizer

You can prepare the mixture for feeding the plant yourself at home. Compound fertilizer for kumquat consists of the following ingredients:

  • water - 1 l;
  • ammonium nitrate - 1/4 tsp;
  • potassium chloride - 1/8 tsp;
  • simple superphosphate - 1/2 tsp.

In addition, the plant responds well to the introduction of infusion of wood ash.

Kumquat Nagami

What is sick tree

More than 50% of diseases affecting citrus plants are the cause of impaired growth and development. From the symptoms of damage by pests or bacteria, there are:

  • leaf spot;
  • modification of the shape and color of the plates;
  • panicky shoots;
  • drying of the plant;
  • the formation of growths.

Fungal and bacterial diseases, including anthracnose, warty, gummosis and many others, are successfully treated. Having revealed the diseased state of the plant, remove all fruits or buds from the tree to save its strength and direct them to recovery. Then treat the kumquat with fungicides, and this process will not do with one treatment. Growing at home and caring for kumquat during the period of a plant's illness requires diligent therapy to restore vitality.

It is important to remember that for prophylactic purposes and to prevent the development of fungal and bacterial diseases, you need to treat the plant with a one percent solution of Bordeaux fluid no more than 3 times in one period of plant growth.

How to treat kumquat trees

Trees affected by the virus and suffering from xyloporosis, tripeza and other diseases cannot be completely cured. You can only restrain the spread of the disease for a while or keep the plant in optimal condition for as long as possible.

Keeping kumquat in an unfavorable climate, get ready for the tree to suffer from aphids, spider mites, scutes and other sucking pests, which can only be removed with a number of special preparations.

Rules for growing kumquat at home

Growing kumquat at home is quite possible, the main thing is to provide him with proper care. As a result, you will get an amazingly beautiful, graceful tree that performs not only a decorative function, but also pleases with tasty and healthy fruits.

That's all the secrets of growing kumquat at home, adhering to which, you can turn the process of cultivating the plant into a procedure that gives pleasure, not chores.


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