Proper care of lilies after flowering

Varicoloured varieties of elegant beauties can simply be grown in an ordinary pot, choosing the perfect option for color and smell, suitable for a particular room in the house. If the plants were pleasing to the eye in an open area in the garden, additional care for lilies after flowering will be required. Small varieties are well suited for tubs and neat pots, and large representatives are grown mainly in the flower garden or in the flowerbed.

care for lilies after flowering

Experienced gardeners recommend waiting two to three weeks after the final withering of the peduncles, and then proceed to the division and transplantation of these plants. Indoor lilies breed , planting and care for which practically do not differ from the cultivation of street varieties by children. This procedure can be postponed until September, giving young onions to grow stronger in a pot or in the garden. Such an expectation will help the lily children to winter well and safely, therefore, a transplant is carried out in the fall, but not more than once every 4-5 years.

Keeping an eye on the garden bed in which the onions are sitting is reduced to regular weeding so that the weeds do not infect the plants and draw in all the beneficial substances. Also, care for lilies after flowering involves loosening the soil. Weed shoots are removed from the fall, so as not to allow them to sprout in the spring. It is necessary to check the top layer of the soil, if its surface is covered with a cracked crust - the soil urgently needs to be loosened. However, it is worth doing this with utmost care so as not to disturb the tiny bulbs of the kids. Indoor flowers require the same operation. Lily, the care of which includes hilling, can survive a frosty winter without digging at all.

indoor lilies planting and care

Sprinkling with soil and regular loosening can easily replace the mulching procedure with humus, leaves, straw, old sawdust or ordinary hay. These materials will not only protect the flower from frost, but also reduce the number of possible weeds, while maintaining the necessary moisture in the soil. Caring for lilies after flowering does not imply the removal of wilted leaves or stems, otherwise the bulb may wither or significantly suffer without useful enzymes in the upper part of the plant. Winter-hardy varieties do not need hilling, the flowers are simply covered with sawdust, straw or leaves. This should be done already in late autumn so that the โ€œblanketโ€ does not rot before the first snow falls from possible rains.

Care for lilies after flowering: a simple plan

These actions are necessary to preserve the varieties unstable to frost and to obtain a brighter and longer flowering in the next season:

  • after the final death of the leaves, the bulbs are carefully removed from the ground;
  • separate the children, while it is important not to damage the roots and their processes;
  • the bulbs are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and slightly sprinkled with charcoal fine fraction;
  • each child is planted in a separate pot, covered with a mixture of turf, sand and humus (in a ratio of 3 to 1).
    potted flowers lily care

These pots should be stored without watering in a cool cellar (+ 6 ยฐ C) or buried to a depth of 40 cm.Leaving onions in a garden bed on the street, pour 10 cm of wet peat in a hole, put a container and fill it up with ordinary soil to the top. If the winter is very cold, they dig up the pots urgently and rearrange them in the basement.


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