What is a basis? Basis in mathematics, philosophy, economics, astronomy

A basis is a basis. Everyone knows about it. However, not everyone understands that the concept of a basis is applicable in various fields. Philosophy, economics, mathematics and even astronomy are only a small part of those disciplines that use the concept of basis. The relationship between the system and the main category will be discussed in our article.

Basis and add-in

In philosophy, a basis is a set of relations of a production nature that can exist in the public sphere. Such relationships are the objective content of the whole society. This is the primary, material part, on the basis of which all other connections and elements are formed.

The superstructure is closely related to the concept of basis. This is a combination of social views, ideas, views and theories. The superstructure is a system of ideological relations.

The basis is primary, the superstructure is secondary. On the basis of an objective and material system, spiritual and ideological relations are growing. There are also non-tuning elements representing groups of classes or families.

The ratio of basis and superstructure

A basis is an element that defines an add-in. This is the main rule of the historical process according to Marx. Depending on the material basis of the state, types of social superstructure are formed: philosophical, moral, legal, ideological and other ties. The nature of the state is closely related to the basis.

basis is in astronomy

A base revolution always leads to a redrawing of the superstructure. At the same time, it is important to understand that each objective basis has its own superstructure system: capitalist society - one, feudal society - another, socialist - third, etc. Sometimes an add-in can be ahead of the baseline. This can be expressed in the adoption of innovative laws, the publication of progressive acts, etc. This trend indicates progress in the state. This is not a farewell to reality, but rather an approximation to it. Marxists explain this phenomenon not by the foresight of consciousness, but by a real reflection of the future material basis.

Wealth creation process

The superstructure and basis are the main categories in the theory of historical materialism. They arise in a strictly established order. For example, we can take the famous pyramid of the needs of Abrham Maslow, where the most important needs were food, rest and security, and only then love, altruism and nobility. For an unsatisfied person, the process of satisfying other people is far from a priority. The same opinion was shared by Marxists.

the basis is in philosophy

Society, as well as people, has priority and secondary needs. First, a basis is formed - the material basis of humanity. This is security, the availability of housing and food - all that is an objective minimum. Only after religion, creativity, politics, art - the so-called intangible goods.

Non-Marxist basis concepts

In philosophy, a basis is a concept interpreted by a wide variety of schools. However, Karl Marx became the founding father of the famous category. His vision of the basis and superstructure we have already analyzed above. Now it’s worth paying attention to other interpretations.

Daniel Bell divided the society into three types, each of which has its own bases and superstructures. The first type of society, pre-industrial, is based on extractive forms of economy. Industrial society is determined by factory production and mass technology. Post-industrial society is developing in the service sector. Its main goal is to profit. The superstructure of each society is different.

basis is in math

According to Inozemtsev, society is divided into pre-economic, economic, and post-economic. The superstructure of the first form of society is too simple: it is the priority of collective relations and the struggle for survival. The secondary sphere receives its development with the advent of private property and, as a result, exploitation. The top of the superstructure is the creativity characteristic of a post-industrial society.

Economic concept

The basis in economics is a concept that is indistinguishable from the philosophical one. True, you need to look at it from a slightly different angle. An important role here is played by the concept of production forces. So called people - the elements of society, with tools and capable of using them for their intended purpose. Production forces come into production relations. People create benefits, establish contacts with each other and modernize their activities.

basis is an aggregate

Connections and relationships are just the basis. Ideology, views and political institutions, elements that will influence the development of the basis, depend on the mode of production.

Thus, the economic basis is the totality of production relations between people. He determines all aspects of society, determines its structure. An important addition: the basis is not formed arbitrarily, but according to social and economic laws. People obey the requirements that they create for themselves, and the conditions for which the external environment prepares.

Basis in mathematics

In mathematics, a basis is a strictly ordered set of vectors in space. A set can be finite or infinite. There are different combinations of basis. They depend on the order of construction of the available vectors.

β€œBasis” is an ancient Greek term coined by the ancient mathematician Euclid. The thinker understood the basis as the horizontal base of a spatial or flat figure. The modern meaning was given to the concept by the German mathematician Julius Dedekind. In an article in 1885, the first notes about a coordinate system on a plane or in three-dimensional space appeared.

basis is in economics

The basis consists of vectors, each of which is directed along its coordinate axis. If the angles between the vectors are 90 degrees, then such a basis is called orthogonal. If all vectors are finite and have the same length, then we will talk about a normalized basis. There are also mirrored sets of vectors that cannot be connected. In addition to three-dimensional, there are four-dimensional, five-dimensional and other types of mathematical bases.

Basis in Astronomy

Basis is the distance to the body. This is how the famous concept of astronomers is interpreted. To determine the basis, the parallax method is used: the distance to an accessible point is measured. An angle is also taken at which a basis would be visible on the horizon of the required body. This angle is called equatorial parallax. Using the goniometric geometric method, it is possible to accurately determine the distance (basis) to the necessary objects.

basis is in astronomy

You can give an example. Knowing the distance from the Earth to the Sun, we can subtract the average distance of all the planets from the main body. The radius of the Earth is taken as the basis. From the different points at which the observatories are located, the observed object is determined. Two observation vectors intersect from different points; the intersection angle is found. By calculating the angle, you can determine the parallax, and in the future, the distance to the desired object.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34363/

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