Depth of foundation - the foundation of successful construction

The construction of social, administrative, public, industrial, residential facilities begins with the foundation, which is the key to the successful completion of construction work and subsequent long-term operation. The choice of the construction solution for the construction and the depth of the foundation depends on many factors: the total weight of the future building, the load it will exert on it, at what depth the underground aquifer is, the degree of freezing of the soil, the type of soil. To do this, before the start of construction, a special geological exploration is carried out, which helps to give a correct assessment of the soil located in the area intended for construction.

Assessment of a building plot

The development of individual buildings in recent years is at a rapid pace. Many who begin to build their own home, in most cases, have to choose from what money allows.

Therefore, a correct assessment in this case is simply necessary, since an incorrectly laid foundation threatens with big problems in the future for the entire building as a whole. The most popular among individual developers is the strip type of foundation, which attracts with its technological simplicity of execution and the ability to build additional underground premises for various purposes. The depth of the foundation on the site can be completely different, especially if it is a site with complex terrain. But this is what attracts many developers: leveling the horizontal surface, where the height of the foundation is different, at minimal cost.

In some cases, geological exploration has to be carried out independently. They do not give a full assessment, but allow you to decide on the main parameters. To do this, special pits are drilled in several places and it will not be difficult to determine the depth of the bulk soil from the developed rock, since this is the soil layer that is completely removed during the initial construction cycle. The foundation is arranged only on bearing layers of soil, which may consist of sandy loam, sand, loam, clay, located under a bulk or soil-vegetable layer of soil.

Choosing the type of foundation

Strip foundations are made in the form of concrete tapes deepened into the ground, to which all the main load is transferred from the supporting frame of the building and the roof. In addition, around the entire perimeter at a certain distance, the distribution pillows are arranged on which the strip foundation is supported. This allows you to distribute the pressure under his sole from 10 tons per square meter. The presence of such pillows makes it possible to correctly distribute the load, since the depth of the foundation at different sites can be different.

Strip foundations differ in the type of execution. The first includes monolithic ones, where the foundation is poured using formwork and heavy concrete grades. The second type includes a prefabricated foundation, consisting of prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks mounted with a crane.

It is worth thinking about this type of foundation if large-scale construction is planned. In that case, if you decide to build a frame-panel house, then a columnar will be enough, which at a price will be much cheaper than a tape, which requires arrangement around the entire perimeter of the future building. Here, the depth of the foundation is no longer important. Since the frame-panel house does not exert a strong load due to the lightness of the structure. You can not say about the above type, where the depth of the strip foundation completely depends on the expected load that will be exerted on it.


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