Shar Pei: breed description, character, photo, owner reviews

Throughout the world, dogs of this breed have become popular because of their unusual appearance. Nice folds all over the body captivated the hearts of many. But behind them, like armor, a strong strong warrior is hidden. This is worth knowing to those who are not yet familiar with the breed, but are considering acquiring one of its representatives.

Guest from the Middle Kingdom

Sharpei breed

Familiarity with any breed of dog is best to begin with a study of its origin. The history of sharpei takes us eight centuries ago to China. It is classified as moloss-like. Briefly, a description of the sharpei breed is a strong dog with characteristic pedigree differences, such as deep folds of skin on the head, shoulders, blue-black tongue, and a special swelling on the nose - โ€œhippotamiaโ€. In the seventies of the last century, sharpei was considered the rarest dog. Today, the number of individuals does not allow the breed to wear such a title.

The origin of the Chinese dog has been little studied, which was facilitated by Emperor Qin Shihuang, who burned books, where, among other things, there could be evidence of the origin of these interesting dogs. Genetic analyzes carried out by scientists have confirmed that Shar Pei is about three thousand years old.


Most likely, for several thousand years, sharpei have been bred in southern China, near the South China Sea. Clay figures depicting square-format dogs with gloomy folds on their faces were found in burial grounds of the Han Dynasty. It is hardly possible to compare these images with sharpei only with absolute certainty. Chinese artists of ancient times often used stylization, an inaccurate transmission of what they saw. In addition, dogs were not a priority for artists and sculptors of those times.

Gladiator Theory of Origin

There are many good reasons that the history of the breed is associated with dog fights. Even physical data (backbone, exterior, wool), a powerful jaw, designed to hold and hold, say that this breed was used in battles. The special coat, quite prickly, is suitable for protection against enemy bites. It is unpleasant for a dog to keep such hair in his teeth for a long time. It is assumed that today's sharpei is a descendant from the outskirts of Canton. In local ports, sailors and corsairs amused themselves by betting on dog fights. But the fate of the gladiators for the Sharpeis during the Han Dynasty was short-lived.

In favor of this statement is evidence of trade relations of the Roman Empire, which was experiencing its heyday, and among the Romans, dog fights were in demand. Perhaps they brought their dogs for sale.

Folk dog

Black color sharpei

Despite the fact that he went from fighting sharpei (breed description below) to the guards of the Chinese peasant dwellings, their popularity began to plummet. In the days of Han Liu Bang, peasants began to live better, so the help of a dog in everyday life was not so necessary. Shar Pei eventually became the pet of the ruling elite of China, whose representatives appreciated the breed for its hunting qualities. Surprisingly, despite their external weight, they are able to develop decent speed. An iron grip with the correct bite is still added to this.

Before the Communists came to power, the breed was developed. But since the forties of the last century, the government of Mao Tse Tung has tightened the nut of the law on keeping pets. To the proletarians from the point of view of the Chinese Communists, keeping pets is not to face - this is an unjustified luxury. First of all, the law concerned dogs. Sharpeyev almost destroyed. In the fifties there were only a few litters of this dog.

In the second half of the sixties, the only and best male guardians for the preservation of the breed managed to be taken to America. A year later, an article appeared in the press depicting "perhaps the last dog." She found a response, and soon the Chinese emigrants, sharpei breeders, with the support of American dog breeders, took on the mission of restoring the breed. A desperate decision was made to cross the remaining individuals with different genotypic variants. But the only way to save the breed from extinction.

In 1978, sharpei was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest (at that time) animal. Today it is a fairly popular breed.


Sharpei is sitting on the grass

Chinese shar pei is a calm, self-confident dog, not without a bit of stubbornness, but with great devotion to his family. The owner of the pet needs to be an experienced dog breeder, trainer, to be able to devote time to games. A dog is a capable student, if the classes are systematic and the owner can persevere.

The description of the sharpei breed always begins with indications of its special, typical features. The first is wrinkled skin, the second is blue tongue. They come from South China, where during their long history they have been used in hunting, housing protection and dog fights.

This is a medium sized dog. Height at the withers of 46-51 cm in males and females is the same. Weight - from 23 to 32 kilograms, depending on the diet and the level of physical activity. The head, according to the sharpei breed description standard, is wide, which is often compared with the shape of the hippo. Has wrinkles on the forehead and cheeks. Ears are triangular in shape, recumbent.

The muzzle is slightly flattened, the lips and their upper part are filled with soft tissues. For this reason, they do not tolerate hot weather. The tail, as indicated in the description of the sharpei breed, is thick, rounded at the base and tapering to the tip. It is set high enough, twisted into the correct ring above the back. It is compared to the back of a shrimp - flexible and strong, without failure at the withers. Strong neck, medium long with a small diaper. The limbs are muscular, thick and straight. The front legs are widely spaced, emphasize the powerful chest.


Sharpei in the snow

Another feature of sharpei is its wool. There are three types: horse, brush and โ€œbearโ€. Basically, for all three types, it is short and bristly, without undercoat, straight and sticks out on the body, fits on the extremities. Length varies depending on type. Colors of various shades. The main and most common:

  • black and its shades;
  • deer;
  • mahogany;
  • cream;
  • blue;
  • isabella;
  • sable.

The description of the sharpei breed (see photo below) also highlights a separate group of colors, that is, with the absence of black pigment.

How does this amazing pet behave?


Sharpei is sitting on a chair

In addition to the eye-catching appearance against the background of other dog breeds, the description of sharpei indicates its proud and independent character. They are very active in protecting their territory. They distrust strangers and are aggressive towards other relatives. Therefore, early socialization is necessary if the dog lives in the city and is not sent to guard duty.

With proper training and approach with age, the dog learns who is his friend and who really deserves adequately aggressive actions.

The dog is a great family pet. To facilitate the process of raising a small dog, it is better to take a puppy from a breeder containing animals in the house. Then they are already partially socialized.

Sharpei with baby

It is better to take a sharpei puppy to the family when their own children have already grown up to an older age. Kids do not understand that a respectful attitude is necessary to a dog. Sharpei often do not show a playful interest in children, which may disappoint them. Outwardly, they do not show affection and love for the owner.

The breed does not have a single level of activity for all representatives. Some are very active, others are inactive and phlegmatic, which speaks in defense of keeping them in the apartment. This is also confirmed by the description of the nature of the sharpei breed. Photos prove that the dog has a restrained and calm disposition. Although stubborn, they are usually trained without difficulty. They are very important praise and reward in the learning process. In the absence of a trainer's talents, it is advisable to seek qualified help from a dog handler.

It is very important to establish contact with the owner - life under one roof. For them, excruciating a separate residence in the courtyard, separately from the owner. Especially in our latitudes this is detrimental - they do not have an undercoat, they are afraid of the cold.

Socialization is important

Puppy hold on to the master

As the description of the character of the sharpei breed reads, in order for the dog not to show aggression to all living creatures, you should give him the opportunity to play with other dogs from puppyhood. It will be positive if it will be not only dogs from China, but also representatives of other breeds. The same goes for games with people. It is better that he gets used to the environment of a large number of people. You can start a cat with your puppy. Having taught him not to show aggression towards them from an early age, this will noticeably ease the dog's walk in adulthood.

Representatives of the sharpei breed are described as dogs with excellent intuition inherent in all Asian pets. They well feel the mood of the owner, who, for example, turns to them with some kind of task. The key to mutual understanding is goodwill and moderate firmness, which will increase the dogโ€™s respect for the person. What is the reviews description of the sharpei breed? Advantages of character cannot be overestimated.


In general, the owners are pleased with the emergence of a new companion. The reviews, descriptions given by the owners of these amazing dogs help to better understand the nature of the sharpei breed. Some, using their pets as examples, claim to be the kindest dogs in the world. The myth is also refuted that their folds need special daily care. In general, according to most reviews, dogs correspond to the pedigree description.


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