"The Richest Man in Babylon": Reader Reviews

There is no greater city on the pages of history than Babylon. The Bible repeatedly mentions him and calls him "mistress of the kingdoms." Unapproachable, with magnificent temples and hanging gardens - the name itself is associated with wealth and grandeur.


The remains of this city were forever hidden under the sand and clay one and a half thousand years ago, but to this day it is fascinating what successes the Babylonians achieved in the fields of chemistry and medicine, geography and astronomy. The calendar, consisting of 12 months, we use now.

The Babylonian six-decimal number system has reached our days - degrees, minutes, seconds. Residents of this city were smart financiers, it was they who invented money, bills and written property rights.

During its existence, the city was repeatedly captured and destroyed. In 1849, cuneiform tablets were found on its ruins, where the names and history of ancient people were written, they have links to megalithic structures and attractions.

In the introduction to the book “The Richest Man in Babylon”, the author writes that the Babylonians knew the secret of wealth, which he also learned from the Sumerian tablets. The Association of Archaeologists in Britain confirms that Clayson repeatedly asked them to help him with the translation of ancient texts, on the basis of which essays on the secrets of wealth were written.

richest man in babylon reviews

Financial success

The first essay by George Clayson was published in 1926 and became widespread in finance-related companies. Articles have been read by millions of people. Judging by the reviews, "The Richest Man in Babylon" and now remains one of the best books on financial success. It was created for those who need to learn the basics of handling money, but don’t have time for financial literature.

This little book will reveal the basic rules of saving money. The heroes of history are the Babylonians - artisans, merchants, poor and rich. As readers write in reviews, “The Richest Man in Babylon” is a book that everyone needs to familiarize themselves with. It tells not only about the secrets of planning and saving money, but also reveals many things that we do not pay attention to in everyday life.

man in babylon reviews

Two friends

The simple truth that a person pays from his income to everyone around him - builders, sellers, pharmacists, drivers, but not himself, opens from the very first lines of the book “The Richest Man in Babylon”. In the reviews, readers note that they recognize themselves in her hero.

The Babylonian Benzir, a chariot builder, sitting on the hedge of his yard, looked at the city spread out in front of him. The grandiose structures of Babylon bordered on the small houses of the poor - a mixture of wealth and poverty. Luxurious chariots scurried along city roads and forced barefoot beggars to huddle to the side of the road.

From the thoughtfulness of Benzier the sound of strings deduced, a friend of Cobby came to borrow money from him. The friends remembered their youth, as they gained wisdom from the priests, and any work brought them pleasure. But why did it happen that they work tirelessly and live in the richest city, and behind their souls they have no shekel?

For an answer, they went to an old friend Arcade, he grew up with them, but became the richest man in Babylon. Reviews of the king and famous people of the city about their friend of youth, only confirmed their guesses - Arcade knows the secret of wealth.

rich man

Wise Moneylender

When they came to Arcade, they immediately asked how he managed to get rich. And Arkad told about how he traveled around the world and realized that with gold a person can live in luxury, travel, build temples and do things that bring pleasure. Then Arkad gave himself the word - to fight for such a life, and not to observe from the side how others enjoy it.

He got a job as a clerk, and somehow the moneylender ordered a copy of the Law from him. Arkad heard rave reviews about him: the richest man in Babylon, Algamish generously donated to charity, lived without refusing anything, and money arrived and arrived. The moneylender promised to reveal the secret of money if Arkad finished the work in a night.

In the morning, picking up the finished manuscript, Algamish kept his word and told him that he had learned the secret of money when he realized that he had to keep part of what he earned. "Isn't everything you earned is yours?" - surprised Arcad. “You pay for shoes, clothes, food. You pay everyone but yourself. No matter how small your earnings are, keep a tenth of yourself. The first copper is a tiny seed sown by you. But over time, it will grow into a tree of wealth, ”the wise usurer answered.

richest man in babylon author

Heir to Algamish

In reviews of the book “The Richest Man in Babylon”, readers are amazed to note that a wise money-lender “opened his eyes” to them, indeed, they “pay everyone except themselves.” Algamish did not forget about Arcade, visited him a year later and appointed him his manager. For work, he allocated part of the inheritance.

"It was just luck!" - exclaimed friends of the Arcade. “It's not about luck,” he replied. “Didn't I put off the tenth for four years, guided only by the task, to make my treasure work?” "Didn’t give in to the generous offers of money lenders, but was looking for reliable ways to increase money?"

Saying goodbye to friends, Arkad said that you need to be prepared for responsibility. Be patient, and as your savings grow, your sense of self-confidence will also grow stronger. But every morning, day, evening must be repeated: "Part of what I earned belongs to me by right." May these words take possession of you.

Friends for many years came to Arcade for advice. But the day when the truth was revealed to them, became a reference point in their fates, as in the lives of many readers, which they joyfully report in reviews. “The Richest Man in Babylon” is a book lurking in itself the secrets of financial success.

the richest man in babylon who is the author

Enrichment rules

The king of Babylon, after another battle, heard from the chancellor that the inhabitants did not have enough money for food, and ordered to find a person who would teach his subjects the secrets of success. The king sent the chancellor to find out who is the richest man in Babylon? The author of the book did not leave his readers halfway to success and through the lips of the Arcade told the pages of the book about the rules of enrichment:

  • Put ten coins in the wallet, and take out and spend only nine, and soon feel the pleasant weight of the wallet.
  • Plan your budget so that nine tenths is enough for the necessary needs.
  • Gold is growing if it works. Pending coins should be profitable.
  • Protect your savings and invest them in safe projects. Seek advice from experienced people.
  • Become the owner of your own home. Doesn’t renting a homeowner take part of the income?
  • Ensure a comfortable life for your family. Look for these ways: acquire land and houses, give part of the money in growth.
  • Learn new things and improve your abilities - “the wiser we become, the more we earn”.
book richest man in babylon reviews

Meeting with luck

Babylonian citizens dreamed of getting rich no less than ours and asked the Arcade questions of concern to them. According to readers in the reviews, the richest man in Babylon Arkad revealed important truths to the audience of the ancient city. But the value of his advice is that they are relevant in the modern world.

What is luck? One seems to be pure luck, others are sure that everything is in the hands of the gods, who generously reward them. In fact, luck comes to those who can make choices. If you have a happy chance, do not hesitate and doubt. Do you see a profit in some enterprise? Make a decision and act.

“Madam Luck favors those who know how to seize the chance,” said Arkad and told his audience about the laws of wealth:

  1. Gold reaches for people who put aside a tenth of their income.
  2. Gold chooses and works for the wise master.
  3. Gold needs the protection and advice of experienced people.
  4. Gold does not work in areas in which its owner is not competent.
  5. Gold slips out of the hands of those who invest it in unreliable projects.
the book is the richest man


“The Richest Man in Babylon” is a useful adviser on the path to financial well-being. The book is both motivating and contains invaluable advice. In fact, this is a financial literacy textbook written in a fun way. This small book lays the foundation for everything that is taught in modern training and courses on personal finance management. There are no fantastic methods and methods of enrichment, but fascinating stories from the life of the Babylonian inhabitants inspire you to build your financial well-being.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34371/

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